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Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

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Well, so far I am still trying, but it's really damned hard. Particularly because I'm trying to cut corners in some maps where you backtracked for health. This ends up with me dying constantly, in pretty much every map except E2M3. This is coupled with the fact that I have only managed to kill the Cyberdemon once.
Still got a few tries in me though.

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Yeah, episode 2 and 3 are extremely difficult compared to the first. Also, cyberdemon fight requires a lot of luck with the bullet damage and lost souls, took a lot of practice, too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yay! you bopped another Cyber record! Time to see some more Tyson runs from Cyber soon...

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Dang it, completely forgot that in this last series of episode 2 tyson attempts I managed to improve my e2m1 tyson IL by a considerable margin.

E2M1 Tyson in 3:51


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  • 4 weeks later...

E4M4 UV-Speed in 00:33.43

My first post in this thread :)

This is 1 second faster than e4m4-034 by cack_handed, there's a north directed glide on this map. While 32 seconds is possible, I am very sure that will never happen.


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ZeroMaster010 said:

E4M4 UV-Speed in 00:33.43

My first post in this thread :)

This is 1 second faster than e4m4-034 by cack_handed, there's a north directed glide on this map. While 32 seconds is possible, I am very sure that will never happen.

Care to bring your glide skills to NoMo? I was only able to get a 34.2x without the glide when I looked at the map previously (record being 34, though it is missing from DSDA).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Episode 2 UV-Speed in 3:27 (4:12 including E2M8)

This is 6 (2) second improvement over previous time by Kpa6.
I'll get around to episode 4 next, though I might try to get a better time in ep2.

I've also switched from CNDoom v2.0.2.1 to v2.0.3.2, a bit smaller resolution,
but the game feels much smoother, should make my movement\aim better :)

Edit: Edit2: re uploaded yet again with correct .txt, I just couldn't get the numbers right :)


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Episode 4 UV-Speed in 4:16 (5:38 including E4M8)

This is a 3 second improvement over E4M1-E4M7 time, and 1 second slower than E4M1-E4M8 time by Tamas Flamich. (I played through M8 maybe 2 times, because it's such an easy map, and again time is not relevant.)

Sorry for posting such a garbage run, this can easily be improved by 20 seconds, if it wasn't for that damn cyberdemon on E4M6.. He got me over 10 times, in the end I decided to take a safer way to just get the record instead of aiming for a good time. I'll do a better run some other time and use a more aggresive route.

Thanks Kpa6, getting a bad time on E2M2 is really annoying if you get a good E2M1 :)


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Episode 4 UV-Speed in 3:42 (4:50 including E4M8)

This is a 37 second improvement over E4M1-E4M7 time, and 47 second faster than E4M1-E4M8 time by Tamas Flamich.

There we go, just ignore that previous demo I posted :)
No major mess up this time, still plenty of room for improvement.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Doom Episode 2 NM-Speed in 4:31 (m1-m7)
m6 was the only half decent map haha
one of you nerds should actually get a good time on this pls

also highly recommend watching map8 :D


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eLim said:

Doom Episode 2 NM-Speed in 4:31 (m1-m7)

Wow, great run, very entertaining to watch. I think it would be even better, if map 8 was also done as fast as possible. It can be timed with today's tools or even with a regular stopwatch, so somehow it feels not right to not aim for speed there.

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Yeah, I gotta admit that not including the final map in the total time seems silly to me. Tools for timing demos are not even remotely a recent invention, so this one remains one of the most ridiculous anachronisms in the official rules.

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The problem is, it affects the route. If you care about m8 time, you should save rockets in e1 / plasma in e2 / get BFG in e3 and lose time on m1-m7. So you can either compete with the existing record or do an m1-m8 run with a new route, you can't do both.

Also, eLim, in the txt you have Guiddqd's best times, not actual times.

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