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Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

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28 minutes ago, GarrettChan said:

I feel 4shock and depr4 are bullying a newcomer, hahaha. Anyway, I'm supporting @Alaux.


Note: I finally realize all Doom gods have 4 in their names!

Thanks, man.


Though, apparently it was me who first thought of using that wall to gain more speed. It's more like I'm tryharding against individuals that are way far above my level.

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5 hours ago, Alaux said:

Thanks, man.


Though, apparently it was me who first thought of using that wall to gain more speed. It's more like I'm tryharding against individuals that are way far above my level.

To be honest though, I would say speedrunning is supposed to something that you like (probably you like to improve yourself during gameplay or whatever). I personally recommend not trying to break these god tier records. You can try various of WAD just to improve along. Of course, I'm not a good player, but when I was looking at my runs 2 years ago, I do feel I improved a lot, if all these messy words make sense to you.

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23 minutes ago, GarrettChan said:

To be honest though, I would say speedrunning is supposed to something that you like (probably you like to improve yourself during gameplay or whatever). I personally recommend not trying to break these god tier records. You can try various of WAD just to improve along. Of course, I'm not a good player, but when I was looking at my runs 2 years ago, I do feel I improved a lot, if all these messy words make sense to you.

I do like speedrunning, I enjoy repeatedly trying to improve my own times, same goes for trying to break a record.

It's simple, if someone did it, anyone can with enough patience (mostly in this particular case), and I seemingly had enough patience since I barely started. If I didn't enjoy this, I'd surely be doing something else.


EDIT: Combining the boost from the shotgun guy with depr4vity's wallrun and switch press, I think 17.37 can be a thing.

Edited by Alaux

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Last week I posted my first demo here, but it didn't get uploaded to dsda. Can any (more experienced) user give me some feedback on why not?
(Here's the post: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2065515)


I did read the rules and used -complevel 3 in Prboom, but I can't figure out what's up.
I just want to understand what I did wrong, so I don't repeat the mistake in future demos.

Thanks in advance for any info.

Edited by Coincident

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everything looks fine, your post was edited so I'm not sure if you changed something from when I downloaded it or if my script failed to find it for some reason. I'll upload it next week.

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@Scorpius, I'm not uploading these demos to DSDArchive, they are incredibly low effort and it shows. From the looks of it you are spending 5 minutes on each of them. Feel free to continue posting them on doomworld though, but it would be better if you put effort in if you want people to actually watch them.

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9 minutes ago, ZeroMaster010 said:

@Scorpius, I'm not uploading these demos to DSDArchive, they are incredibly low effort and it shows. From the looks of it you are spending 5 minutes on each of them. Feel free to continue posting them on doomworld though, but it would be better if you put effort in if you want people to actually watch them.

This is an extremely bad precedent and I hope to god you're joking, ZM. Seriously, if you are going to gate keep the DSDA, we might as well just delete the entire site and go back to Andy's or something. Telling someone that their run is "too bad" to upload to the archive is just, honestly, kind of disgusting, and really bad for new players to feel comfortable and safe in our community.

Edited by Cyberdemon531

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I'm not gatekeeping anything, Kraflab can upload them or someone can finish an upload client, I'm not spending 5 seconds of my time uploading stuff I consider spam. DSDA is for speedrun demos, not casual playthroughs, I'm not going to refuse to upload bad player demos or good player demos if the demo is low effort (I'm sure ancalagon and j4rio have plenty of very low effort demos), but in this case it looks like quantity >>>>> quality and I'm not going to bother.

Edited by ZeroMaster010

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If we could just make a hard and fast rule on the minimum time you're allowed to spend recording a demo, that'd be the best solution. We're probably mature enough to take established runners words on length, but running a timer alongside attempts would be required for new runners. 


For older demos, perhaps have a poll every time a new demo plays on ZM's stream. If enough people aren't entertained with a demo, its removed from the archive? Just some ideas off the top of my head, anyways. 

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1 minute ago, ZeroMaster010 said:

I'm not gatekeeping anything, Kraflab can upload them or someone can finish an upload client, I'm not spending 5 seconds of my time uploading stuff I consider spam. DSDA is for speedrun demos, not casual playthroughs, I'm not going to refuse to upload a bad player demos or good player demos if the demo is low effort (I'm sure ancalagon and j4rio have plenty of very low effort demos), but in this case it looks like quantitity >>>>> quality and I'm not going to bother.

So instead of doing the job you signed up for that you admit will take 5 seconds, you are going through the effort to publicly embarrass a person for trying to speedrun in our community by attacking their runs as "not good enough" with an arbitrary rule standard that you just invented in your head? Why post this? Why attack someone for not being as good as you are? This is legitimately disgusting behavior, if you didn't want to upload it, you could just leave it for Kraf or someone else to do, you didn't have to attack the guy. Shame on you.

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I didn't sign up for anything. DSDArchive was going nowhere since nobody had the time to transfer the demos from DSDA to DSDArchive so I learned programming and did it myself. Yes, I've also been the one to update it with new demos, but if you are unhappy with my effort then you can complain to Kraflab, I don't own DSDArchive, I only upload the demos. I am not Andy, I do not have the patience or the motivation to upload such demos, and I never "signed up" to replace him and I will have absolutely no complaints if someone wants to upload the demos instead.

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1 minute ago, ZeroMaster010 said:

I didn't sign up for anything. DSDArchive was going nowhere since nobody had the time to transfer the demos from DSDA to DSDArchive so I learned programming and did it myself. Yes, I've also been the one to update it with new demos, but if you are unhappy with my effort then you can complain to Kraflab, I don't own DSDArchive, I only upload the demos. I am not Andy, I do not have the patience or the motivation to upload such demos, and I never "signed up" to replace him and I will have absolutely no complaints if someone wants to upload the demos instead.

The problem is getting into this whole conflict, writing multiple essays about how bad another player is, takes LONGER (presumably) than uploading a few files to the website. So your argument of time-wasting is moot. If you want to post the demo upload process so that anyone can do it, feel free! There's no need to be grumpy on the forums at the expense of someone who isn't as good as you are. It's childish, honestly. 

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If @Scorpius found my posts to be insulting then I apologize for that. If my views (that there should be some effort/quality to the submissions) are bad then as I've said I have no problems leaving it to someone else (infact I would very much prefer someone else take time out of their day to do it).

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2 minutes ago, ZeroMaster010 said:

If @Scorpius found my posts to be insulting then I apologize for that. If my views (that there should be some effort/quality to the submissions) are bad then as I've said I have no problems leaving it to someone else (infact I would very much prefer someone else take time out of their day to do it).

I hope in the future, when you "don't feel like it", you just don't post. Since posting and insulting someone takes more effort out of your much more valuable time than just not posting at all and waiting for another uploader to take care of it.

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@ZeroMaster010 @Cyberdemon531 I understand the problem, and I agree with not putting them up on the archive. I was being very careful in the longer demos because I kept on dying so much, I was getting frustrated. I didn't spent that long on them in general, mainly because I stayed up late to make them, but I don't personally think they are that low effort. I am not a good player, I will admit to that, but I am still proud of my demos. The only reason they show very little time difference between the files was because I was constantly rotating maps to play, and I must've hit all my goals in those 20-30 minutes. I have nothing but huge respect for you and everyone in the community. :)


1 minute ago, ZeroMaster010 said:

If @Scorpius found my posts to be insulting then I apologize for that. If my views (that there should be some effort/quality to the submissions) are bad then as I've said I have no problems leaving it to someone else (infact I would very much prefer someone else take time out of their day to do it).


It's okay, I wasn't insulted by them. Instead, I saw them as feedback and criticism, it helps me grow as a level designer, speedrunner, etc. I get these comments or similar messages (whether its online or in real life) all the time, so I'm used to them by now. I ain't causing any more trouble, and I honestly don't really care that much if they aren't put up on the DSD archive.


P.S. Is there a place where I can dump many demos into one place, I feel like I'm spamming these forums. :/

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I would suggest one of the moderators give you your own thread like crazydoomguy, that would probably be best. I didn't expect it to be a controversial issue, if I had known I would have taken it in private message instead, my apologies for that.

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Don't compromise yourself, scorpius, do what you want to do and keep trying when you are ready! I've done numerous demos that are one-trys, most NoMo 100s are first trys that take 1-2 minutes of effort, there is no rule standard for "low effort" and you shouldn't feel the need to "try harder" just because of an arbitrary post, just do what you feel you are capable of and leave it at that. :)


There are worse times already on the archive, and I don't think someone's mood of the day should dictate what is and isn't allowed. 


Keep doing what you're doing and have fun doing it - the number one rule!

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1 hour ago, ZeroMaster010 said:

I would suggest one of the moderators give you your own thread like crazydoomguy, that would probably be best. I didn't expect it to be a controversial issue, if I had known I would have taken it in private message instead, my apologies for that.


Thanks, and no worries! I never expected this to be an issue either, I am still new to this speedrunning thing after all. Hell, I don't even know how to SR-50, wall glide, pull switches through walls or anything advanced yet! Part of the learning process I guess. :D


1 hour ago, Cyberdemon531 said:

Don't compromise yourself, scorpius, do what you want to do and keep trying when you are ready! I've done numerous demos that are one-trys, most NoMo 100s are first trys that take 1-2 minutes of effort, there is no rule standard for "low effort" and you shouldn't feel the need to "try harder" just because of an arbitrary post, just do what you feel you are capable of and leave it at that. :)


There are worse times already on the archive, and I don't think someone's mood of the day should dictate what is and isn't allowed. 


Keep doing what you're doing and have fun doing it - the number one rule!


That's what I plan to do, keep on trying. A lot of times I'm not sure if I have fun doing them or not, I seem to get the most "pleasure" by reviewing them afterwards. I honestly thought I was being called out for something (like cheating), especially when a big name like ZeroMaster responds. Let's hope it never comes to that. I only try harder when I know I could do better on something, an example being when I get a time below by target score. Thanks for the encouraging message by the way!


EDIT: If anyone is curious as to why my demos are so short (ranging from 5 seconds to 1.5 minutes), I am merely practicing for the bigger and longer levels, such as those of Memento Mori.

Edited by Scorpius

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We aren't going to gatekeep the archive.


We're in a stopgap right now between Andy's departure and having good tooling that would allow more people to share the burden of maintenance / etc.


ZM has been taking a ton of time to keep things up to date. If he chooses to focus on some demos and not others then we will pick the missed ones up later on, once things are set up better and more people are involved.

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