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Hell Revealed 2 demos [-complevel 2]

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Nice improvement, j4rio. When I watched this fresh MAP19 record, I also recalled MAP22, which can go far under 9:00 at least.

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j4rio, are you aware of / did you consider Looper's nomo route? Not sure if it's worth the trouble, it's pretty easy on HMP and pretty nasty on UV. You'd have to collect SSG, RL and megasphere first anyway, then jump over the fence (with or without AV assistance). Voila, here's your BFG.

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Yeah, I was aware of it. If I theoretically were to attempt to manage it, well...

there is a heap of HKs in room from where I have to sr50 and there is not enough rockets on the arachnotron's platform, but if I somehow managed to take them out, entering that room will make 4 archviles pop up below (and I'm most likely out of rockets), so in that case I'd go for sr50 attempt, which is really very hard to pull off even in nomonsters and if I were to fail the first try, it'd mean I'm instant toasty, but If I somehow miraclously managed the jump, there is still possibility that I'd get blown up by 3 cybies that most likely stand right under that wooden wall, still anyway If I survived that, I'd have to collect ammo and press skull button while getting bombarded by 3 cybies, anyway I'm still alive and heading for that teleporter behind cybies, using teleport, going forward, shooting some monsters, and eventually getting the desired BFG, then I have 2 options, to drop down or enter the room with hundred or so chaingunners, so at first I decide to go down and I find myself in the "backyard", which is however at this point still supposed to be inaccessible so I'm stuck unless I enter a white teleporter which gets me back to beginning room from where I did sr50 and there will be 3 cybies, 4 archviles and load of other resurrected stuff by now, so I'd simply kill them and then the rest of the level, but I still had an option to enter a room with hundred or so chaingunners, so lets pretend that I enter it, kill 100 chaingunners, then teleport back, use the teleport that lowers where I grabbed BFG, kill monsters, then use the teleport and find myself in the middle of room where are 3 cybies, 4 archviles and load of other ressurected stuff, so I kill them and do the rest of the level (what is roughly 300 monsters)... too easy.

I hope that makes some sense.

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Yeah, I know perfectly what you mean. I'd go for chaingunners first, well that was what I tried in my practice skill 3 demos. As you know, that's the way I practice harder maps, try lower difficulties first. Or maybe I guess I'd post my HMP Max in 13:31 which just shows the route; there's nothing interesting there beside it. HMP is way easier because:
- you have enough rockets for hell knights
- there's blue armor instead of green
- not that many arch-viles (most important!!!)
- 2 cybers, not 3
Of course, it is not intended to appear in DSDA, 13:31 on skill 3 is a very bad time compared to 14:43 on skill 4.


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Heh, I thought you didn't like hr2.

Yeah, I noticed now that if I use avjump, I don't need to take out hks, just activate linedef to lower that av closet and can instead take out 3 avs and keep one for avj. Although I'm definitely not up to it, maybe someone gets inspired. I'm not even sure how much time it'd save considering that I have to revisit each place anyway and getting the first BFG isn't that far to notice some heavier timesaving.

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I analyzed both your runs, and I can say that Looper's nomo shortcut does not provide much advantage (if any) in a max run. After all, the first BFG isn't too far in the run -- J4rio reached RL at 2:20 and BFG at 4:32, and VDGG at 1:37/3:43, respectively. Plus, the 7th weapon is useful to kill these hellknights (as well as the nearby archviles) quickly and without trouble, so it's better to visit them when already having the BFG.

I can recommend some other nice timesaving ideas from VDGG's demo, such as rushing straightly to the SSG (so you won't have to use fist on viles in the cave). On UV it's harder than on HMP, but still fair enough (as you can defend yourself by closing the stone "door" behind you).

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I tried it a few times and haven't managed it a single time faster than in my 14:43 and also never maintained 200/200. If I were to replay it, I would still use berzerk fist rather than rush for ssg. The only usable timesaver I noticed in vdgg's demo is that he didn't take out a few revs in the "backyard" and piled them with the rest of revs that teleport there. I wouldn't change anything with my route besides that.

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it's always a pleasure to watch new hr demos. I never recorded or played in depth the 2 wads, as they were among the first which I considered out of capacity back then when I began playing
Still, even if I love the design and the thrilling music each level has, I rather enjoy each run as a "movie" and not something I could "act" in :P

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  • 2 months later...

It's been a long time since the last time I came here, hope everyone's fine! Recently got back to Doom demos, and got hr2 map17 in 8:50. Ok, everyone is probably already fed up with HR2 for ages, but I had to start with something...
Beating previous "record" by a solid minute.

Also, I have some 4 players coop max demos on uDoom from 2010 that we never posted, will do in the next days. Not optimized at all but it's not common at all :)

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No, we're not tired of HR2, it even has its own thread, as you can see I moved your post.

Please read the sticky thread, there's a list of all the relevant WAD threads, including Ultimate Doom. "Miscellaneous demos" is for these odd demos which really don't fit anywhere else.

I also have a question to experts such as RjY regarding Laurent's 8:50 demo. At 3:55 an arch-vile is shot and it doesn't react. It happened to me a few times as well, but what's the explanation?

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That's due to something called "pain chance." Every monster has a pain chance value, and it determines the likelihood that the monster will enter its pain state when shot. The higher it is, the more likely it will. The arch-vile has the lowest pain chance of any monster in the game (lower than even the cyberdemon), to the point where sometimes, even full super shotgun blasts won't make it flinch.

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No, I mean, it doesn't awaken even when shot. Only after the second shot it does.

Wiki article
A monster chases one target at a time. The monster's initial target is usually the player who awakened the monster from its dormant state by moving into its line of sight, by making an attack in an area the monster can hear (unless the monster has the "deaf" flag set) or by harming the monster.

In this case "harming the monster" didn't work. The second shot did work, and entering the pain state was a coincidence IMO, I used a saved game at -skipsec 232 and normally any successful shot (SSG or chaingun) does awake the arch-vile regardless of its pain state.

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That immediately reminded me of another post, but it took me a while to track down. It's this one, where myk provides a very clear-cut example of this phenomenon (copy/paste the url to download the demo).

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vdgg said:

No, we're not tired of HR2, it even has its own thread, as you can see I moved your post.

Please read the sticky thread, there's a list of all the relevant WAD threads, including Ultimate Doom. "Miscellaneous demos" is for these odd demos which really don't fit anywhere else.

Whops, sorry, last time I came misc demos was for everything non-C-N I believe. Will pay attention next time!

Anyway, thanks for the explanations about the "pain chance", to me it was just "something that happens" ;)

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Squonk said:

It's been a long time since the last time I came here, hope everyone's fine! Recently got back to Doom demos, and got hr2 map17 in 8:50. Ok, everyone is probably already fed up with HR2 for ages, but I had to start with something...
Beating previous "record" by a solid minute.

Hello, Laurent. Great comeback! A very very nice demo, very fun to watch, and I really dig your playstyle. Cool to see another strong player back to recording :)

MAP22 should definitely be the next on your hitlist (don't forget to put that Cybie to infight!).

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1ntru said:

MAP22 should definitely be the next on your hitlist (don't forget to put that Cybie to infight!).

Thanks for the kind words, but why map22 of all HR2 maps?

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It's one of the last maps with fastest demos from around decade old demopack. I tried it a bit after doing 19, but never got around to actually recording it. That last teleporter sucks and is unreliable.

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Fair enough. But I don't really enjoy this map, so... Maybe if I find myself bored one day... Time will tell. Or maybe if someone brings this one up on CFD-N. Competition makes things to happen (hr2 map 17 for example!)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

map 32 in 12:11

Wee, this isn't pretty. I'll get it at least under ToD's time someday. Just posting to went my frustration a bit.

Also please remove my TAS max from DSDA as it is basically just this demo without TAS features.


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I don't understand the last sentence. This certainly isn't a useless TAS. So all you want to happen is to make it inaccessible from now? Well, I just downloaded it and I'm going to keep it...

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Well I did that TAS because I was unable to pull it off unassisted, so it is kinda useless now, I think. It can be done in 4-5 minutes with a TAS route.

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