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Hell Revealed 2 demos [-complevel 2]

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Agreed, that jump alone wouldn't be enough to break the 5 minute barrier, but with some manc vs HK infightings in the room with crates, better aim and smoother entrance to the RL area I think it might be possible.

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From halfway onwards is basically first time I got that far in a recording attempt. :p

Hey, I cherish gossip about me, so the few times I recall spending particularly long grindy recording would be this, this, this, this and this.

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Sheesh, I dunno how people stride long for these demos to be honest. Most I've spent with a demo was 2 hours with Sunder Map07, and all other demos were about 20 - 40 minutes long. Screw patience.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was playing MAP21 when I got to that metal room where you have to wait for a pillar to lower after 3 enemies spawned in : Caco , HK , caco.
I was blocking enemies from teleporting in while killing the enemies after a while I decided to step away , a caco teleported in , I started shooting him then he disappeared and after another while he got back through the damn wall! No kidding and then all the monsters started going through walls and I went to the exit through the walls.
Notice that I didn't use idclip , everything was just goin' through walls.
Too bad I that I can't recreate it.
Can anybody tell why does it happens? That was totally shocking.

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joe-ilya said:

I was playing MAP21 when I got to that metal room where you have to wait for a pillar to lower after 3 enemies spawned in : Caco , HK , caco.
I was blocking enemies from teleporting in while killing the enemies after a while I decided to step away , a caco teleported in , I started shooting him then he disappeared and after another while he got back through the damn wall! No kidding and then all the monsters started going through walls and I went to the exit through the walls.
Notice that I didn't use idclip , everything was just goin' through walls.
Too bad I that I can't recreate it.
Can anybody tell why does it happens? That was totally shocking.

Probably an intercepts overflow caused the all-ghosts bug, which resulted in all the monsters becoming ghosts; this means that they can only be damaged in specific ways (like blast damage) and that everything can go through walls. However, you shouldn't be able to activate any linedefs in that state, so I'm not sure how you could have exited...

Here's a thread listing different kinds of overflows found in different maps:
Hell Revealed 2 map 21 isn't listed there, though, and I couldn't find anything about it.

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