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Hell Revealed 2 demos [-complevel 2]

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DSDA page // aka hell revealed ii // hr2 // hr2final


Greetings. This just happens to be my first post here, so hello to all :).

Now that the short introduction's over, I've got a pretty good demo for Hell Revealed 2 Map23, done UV-Speed style. Time for it is 3:36, only a mere half-minute slower than the time on the hr2_tasfinal movie. I'll send it to Opulent soon here. It's my first demo, and I'm a keyboarder too, so hopefully you'll like it. Feel free to comment as well.

EDIT: I should also mention that it's recorded with GLBoom 2.2.4 -complevel 0. Also, I've sent the demo to Opulent, so expect it up soon hopefully.

Edited by Maribo

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Thanks to all who've commented.

Anyways, I'm going to try a map23 max or map25 speed for HR2 next. We'll see. That, or someone could think of a map that isn't too nasty for speed that hasn't been done yet.

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Which map is "The End Is Nigh"? I forget? You could try that; it's not particularly nasty for speeding (at least not in the first part, and certainly not by HR2 standards!)

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The End Is Nigh- Map25

So far it hasn't been too bad up until I need to get the red key. Then I get killed off quick. Might need to play that part a bit less agressively than I usually do.

Anyways, I've been doing several -nomonsters demos for the HR2 levels. Some not done/can't complete include 7 ( can't complete due to monster-related triggers), 9 (If you honestly want to see a 4-minute demo that involves sitting in one place, forget it, I've got no patience for that :P), and 18 (jumping from small box to small box for blue key= not my expertise:P).

Still have several left that I want to do before sending it off. Hopefully I can get that done by tonight or tomorrow.

EDIT: Map25 update- I figured out an easy solution for the red key trouble I'm having. First off, I hit the switch by the red key and then proceed to take out the first wave of archies that comes out. Next, I proceed as usual until I hit the small room with a few hell knights and an archie. Easy to deal with by firing several rockets into the room until the archie and a few hell knights get killed. Rush in with BFG handy in case a hell knight is alive, flick the switch, return to red key room to kill last archie and any revived enemies, get red key, and proceed. Much less risk, yet still feels fast to me.

Got about as far as getting the blue key, then kinda borked it right there (I.E got killed). Once I get through that part, it should be easy street from there.

And in other news, I finished my -nomonsters demopack. Overall its good. Levels not completed are 7 (look above for reason), 18 (blasted blue key box jumping :P!), and 32 (can't make that red key grab). And yes, I did do a map 9 -nomonsters run. Quite boring though, only watch it if you're majorly bored :). Ironically, time for map 9 was 4:00 even. I just have to finish up the txt file and I'll send it off to Opulent. I'll make another thread for it in an hour or so.

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Well well, I think I'm lucky today. First off, I did a map18 -nomonsters run in 2:28 (shockingly, the blue key box jumping took only a few tries to get). If luck wasn't there, than it sure was here: a map25 UV-Speed run in 5:05. Several close calls there for sure. Will be sent off right away.

EDIT: Both files have been sent to Opulent. Should be up later today.

EDIT 2: Oh yeah, improved my map 25 speedrun to 4:03 ^_^. Will be sending to Opulent briefly after I finish the txt file.

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Now I'm just trying to decide what map I should tackle next. Map26 (Dis2000) looks possible to speedrun. I'll see what happens with that one. After that, I'm not sure what map to do next. I'm open to suggestions on that.

Anyways, I'm glad you like the demos ^_^.

EDIT: Map26 shouldn't be too problematic to speedrun. I keep getting killed at the yellow key area, though that's due to my health and armor being extremely low. After getting the BFG, I think there won't be any problems from there on finishing the level.

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I suggest Map17. Even it's an annoying map with much monsters blocking your way (especially the archviles and barons in the first half), there's a lot you could avoid: the whole yellow door fight and all cyberdemon for example. Sounds like a half max/half speed run ;)

Map29 should be more fun, at least after you get the BFG. With the invul/BFG combo it's not hard to run to the exit.

EDIT: Forget Map17 :/ I just gave it a try and realized that it was a stupid idea. Don't know why I touched this $%§&% map again. But this example shows that HR2 is not designed for speedrunning at first. I hope Scythe 2 will do it better.

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My couple attempts at 17 ended up with me getting mauled at either...

A. the cybie in the cage or

B. the first group of archies

So yeah, I'll probably leave that alone for now. More importantly...

Map26 makes me want go insane! I have no real troubles until I hit the red door blocked by a few barons. This wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have around a dozen revs blasting my rear end. I'll probably leave it alone for a while as well. Map29 however looks more likely for me to complete (I did happen to try it a couple times. First part has to be played max style. After that, I think I'll have no problem). I'll work on that for now (not to mention the music for 29 is cool. Better than 26, that's for sure ^_^.)

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Well, I think I've got a good way to rid myself of those nasty revs on map26. Just smoke 'em from far away with my remaining rockets (usually around 10-20 at this time) and mop up with shotgun. Then those barons won't be a problem. And then maybe...just maybe...I'll be able to enter the yellow key room with more than 50 health and 0 armor ^_^.

EDIT: Oh heck yeah! I FINALLY beat down that SOB of a map, Dis2000, Speedrun style. Time for it is 5:44, which is sorta slow, but it's my first exit, plus I was literally freaking out at certain points (the ending had me darn near the breaking point). A couple spots could have gone better, but like I said, I was scared silly ^_^. Will be sent to Opulent soon.

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There's no stopping me is so darn right Opulent ^_^. Another day brings out another speedrun by me, this time for HR2 map26 (Dis2000, AKA Nasty Death Palace). Time is 5:44. A few mistakes, but I was about to freak out and hit the breaking point near the end, so there :P. Will be sent off to Opulent soon.

EDIT: It's been sent. Should be up later tonight.

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Yeah, map26 was indeed the toughest map for me (110+ attempts to get one exit). Map29 however looks easy since I found a nice little shortcut. However, it requires 200% health and armor to execute. You know that there a couple teleporters in the lava correct? Well, the one I take is obvious... the one closest to the first invul. orb. That means...yup, I run through the lava. Yes, I'll take a ton of damage this way (~130% health and armor from my couple of tests). However, it cuts out a couple portions where I would have to have ended up killing everything (or nearly everything) so I end up saving a lot of time. This was on skill 2 BTW, so if it gets messed up on skill 4 in some way, I'm jipped :P. I should be able to get out a demo today if my plan works though.

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Just a small update- I probably won't be able to get out the demo today since things I'm gonna be busy for the rest of the day. I will try to get it done tomorrow :).

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  • 1 year later...

I figured this would be the best place to mention a demo I just did.

HR2 Map23, "When The Heavens Fall", UV-Max, in 11:36. This beats the demo in the demopack by a little over 2 1/2 minutes. Worked my rear end off for this. RK area is a pain on normal UV (I found this area easier on UV-fast).

Heh, that makes what now...3 records I hold on this level ^_^ (UV-Max, UV-fast, and UV-Speed)?

Going to send the demo to Ops now.

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Heh, after watching my map23 max I did yesterday this morning, I realized that the time I posted was a bit off. It's a bit faster than what I mentioned, 11:34. That's what I get for being in a rush to get off the comp :).

Just a minor heads up there.

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Anima Zero said:
HR2 Map23, "When The Heavens Fall", UV-Max, in 11:36. This beats the demo in the demopack by a little over 2 1/2 minutes. Worked my rear end off for this. RK area is a pain on normal UV (I found this area easier on UV-fast).

Good use of health here, where it was evident you didn't mind pushing and spending it when it was available; also shows that coming from the previous -fast recordings you could more comfortably do so.

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