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Alien Vendetta demos [-complevel 2]

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Absolutely (it's 0:51 by Method) ... but this board isn't (and has never been) necessarily about record runs... All demos are welcome. And of course, it doesn't have to be the fastest ever to be a good demo. :-)

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Ouch! I need to watch that demo then and get some pointers. :)
I'm guessing a rocket jump?

Edit: Ok, I watched and have improved to 0:56 on my first exit using Method's method. :)

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Here's av20 UV-Speed in 3:52.

I remember Vince mentioning the rocket jump a while ago but I didn't try it until after watching Vile's demo. I almost quit before the rocket jump because I didn't think I would survive it, but I barely made it out alive. :)

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  • 9 months later...
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  • 7 months later...

Guiddqd said:
ps: So in the end, i can use Dosbox for compet-n demos?

Yeah, just make sure you follow the rules set out here and here.

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  • 1 year later...

posting here again, cause i'm really uncomfortable using doom2.exe under dosbox

Alien Vendetta
map02 UV-speed in 0:23

using a slightly different route than eric in the c-n record.. needs far more luck, but i finally got it. i've included a bonus tas demo, a 4-segment run in 0:19.


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  • 3 months later...


and no txt.
some originals are so original orginalities... or just so lazy asses?

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He can't be too lazy if he maxed that map in 7:07 :p

He does provide all the data in the file name. That is decent enough, so let's not be too nitpicky. Although zipping is wise, so that the date stamp of when the demo was written by the executable will remain regardless of when it's downloaded.

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beats Radek's record by over 2 minutes. Impressive.

Radek's demo is quite lame by modern standards, and I wonder why no one not tried to beat it early. For example, ToD had used bfg against cybies with 100% perfection, where Radeck had wasted too much cells, ~5 shots per one.

Although zipping is wise

Yes, at least.

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Hitherto said:

Radek's demo is quite lame by modern standards, and I wonder why no one not tried to beat it early. For example, ToD had used bfg against cybies with 100% perfection, where Radeck had wasted too much cells, ~5 shots per one.

Yeah, Radek's demo was rather sub-par (at least compared to most of his other stuff). Although I'm not sure if that's due to his skill limitations or unfamiliarity in handling slaughter maps, which do not seem to be his specialty. From what I've seen of Radek, his best maxes are always in the medium sized doom 2 type maps. His demos in, for example HR2, aren't nearly as good.

However, that could also be from a lack of competition. AV's last 10 maps didn't seem to have that many players wanting to fill up the tables. Even some of Vile's demos in the later AV maps are really sub-standard (at least for his ability). HR2 is the same.

Unfortunately, it's a shame ToD used prboom+ to record, which means it won't be counted in the C-N tables.

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Qaatar said:

Unfortunately, it's a shame ToD used prboom+ to record, which means it won't be counted in the C-N tables.

tbh, the pwads feel very tacked on in c-n. only few of the pwad maps saw any real competing in hegyi's time and even since then it's still 'anyone who volunteers to fill the blanks'. it's hardly surprising some players don't care at all about following c-n rules for those. two reasons:

1: scythes or ksutra or pl2 don't constrain me and they are better wads for all-categories recording than mm or rq. they'd fit in c-n much better, but c-n is braindead, so we're just following the legacy. i'm not too thrilled about that.

2: only iwads were actually popular in c-n, so only iwads have tons of good demos for most of their maps. such a history is worth observing without cheapening the past accomplishments with port advantages. pwads have short and humble c-n history, so by using ports i'm taking advantage over... what. 1 or 2 people? well, sorry you two. :)

good demos will stand out anyways, c-n compliant or not. tod's av29 makes a point in case.

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Regarding ToD's AV29, Skepticist's RQ24, dew's AV02, etc. I don't see any problem. One records stuff the way they like it.

dew said:
scythes or ksutra or pl2 are better wads for all categories

This is a matter of preference. I think PL2 is rather unplayable in NM100 and Tyson. And, OTOH the fact Scythe is so "all category friendly" does not excite me (yep, I admit I don't like Scythe). I'll give you an example. AV08 was definitely not designed with Tyson in mind. Seeing a Tyson demo for *this* is exciting, isn't it? Or a pacifist for RQ04.

If I were to vote for 3 PWADs for C-N they'd be:
- Slayer (true Plutonia legacy, small action-packed maps)
- Ksutra (I don't like playing slaughters, but I watch them with pleasure and it's the best slaughter collection)
- 2002ADO (because ultimate doom WADs provide wonderful opportunities for Nightmare)

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AV map29 max 6:58

Sorry for no txt files, I just put the info in the filename cuz it's easier (lazy). But yes, zipping to preserve the date is a must, I didn't think of that.

I don't use doom2.exe because I don't use the default weapon keys for most weapons, so I use a port to change the weapon keys.

Btw, this is my first time playing this map without infinite ammo. I played AV a lot 4-5 years ago on coop servers or alone, always with infinite ammo. Also, I watched Radek's demo before recording mine.

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  • 2 months later...

Ailen Vendetta Map04 UV-Max in 5:09.

Could've sworn I've recorded a run of this on Friday, or otherwise I didn't set the command line on ZDL, but oh well. This map's fun to speedrun so I didn't mind doing it again. :)


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  • 3 months later...
tatsurd-cacocaco said:

Nice nightmare demo, Vono.
I did av map23. The route for UV-Max is from SAV88's suggestion. Thanks! Below 6 min was just not easy.

Alien Vendetta Map 23 UV-Max in 5:45
Alien Vendetta Map 23 NM-Speed in 0:59

Really good job with AV23-545! It shows how the AV levels should be played: serious plan, bold execution, clever and precise usage of weapons. Two years ago, when I worked on an UV Max strategy for AV23, I used a less efficient plan of BFG shots.

I thought that 5:5X would already be good enough. 5:45 is just masterful, and it's undoubtedly more solid and harder to beat than most records for Alien Vendetta and other C-N PWADs.

As for NM speed, I have a poor old 0:49, made in 2008. Didn't want to publish it because I felt it's a not-too-polished, cheap run. Now I'll upload it for you to beat :-) Again, not a Compet-N entry. Done with Chocolate Doom instead of original AV.EXE.


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