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Rebirth demos [-complevel 2]

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darkreaver said:

I have a question (as Im quite the noob when it comes to demos!):

Does Revved kill those three revenants that raise infront of the IoS in this demo? Does not look like it to me, and if thats the case, isnt the demo (max) invalid?


edit: I tried a few times and they dont raise if I spam from the same spot as Revved. Are they killed by blast damage then?

Yes, they die due to blast damage when the Icon of Sin explodes.

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4shockblast said:

Rebirth Map 10 Nomo in 0:39.63. Made this demo awhile ago, and decided I'd wait for your run. Your biggest problem isn't really bumps, it's that you spend too much time preparing to run somewhere by turning or stopping awhile. The biggest thing about nomonsters is that you gotta just go, even if you're not facing in the exact direction.


Ah, impressive. Thanks for the feedback. I've spent enough time on this level though, I'll let you have the glory for this one. ;) (and lol @vid)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very nice =)

I had a few 0:36 runs without recording (yeah why would I even do that), but always failed when I tried to make a demo. 0:35 is out of my league, thats for sure.

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Nice job on the Nightmare demo.

Map 11: Teleport Center
Category: UV Fast
Time: 4:29

Pretty tough one. Lots of hitscanners in your face at the start before you get any armor, and lots of crazy mancubus dodging. There is also a bug (I assume) where mancubus rockets can go through the wall of the plasma room, through both corners.


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Well then, thanks for that update vdgg. I must say that it happens consistently: I aggro the mancubus, then stand behind the wall, and most if not all of the time, the fireball will fly through. I've attached a demo where I die just after the 1 minute mark because of this. Obligatory text file included.

I've experienced another interesting bug on the same map. Unfortunately, I wasn't recording at the time, so I have no proof. In the final area, the following happened:

- noclip was suddenly activated (I could run through the walls)
- I couldn't kill any monsters (chaingunner was unaffected by my firing)
- If my memory serves correct, I also became invincible (but I'm not sure).

Perhaps I should mention that I'm playing on OS X...


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Kotzugi said:

Well then, thanks for that update vdgg. I must say that it happens consistently: I aggro the mancubus, then stand behind the wall, and most if not all of the time, the fireball will fly through. I've attached a demo where I die just after the 1 minute mark because of this. Obligatory text file included.

I've experienced another interesting bug on the same map. Unfortunately, I wasn't recording at the time, so I have no proof. In the final area, the following happened:

- noclip was suddenly activated (I could run through the walls)
- I couldn't kill any monsters (chaingunner was unaffected by my firing)
- If my memory serves correct, I also became invincible (but I'm not sure).

Perhaps I should mention that I'm playing on OS X...

Sounds like the infamous intercepts overflow / all ghosts bug. Not exactly known why it happens, just that it's more consistent on some maps than others and I think length of linedef 0 had something to do with it. Can also be triggered by shooting over lots of linedefs/things with hitscan weapons apparently. I remember getting it once in doom2 map26 and twice in plutonia map12 (after shooting the hell knight at the beginning with ssg, both times at the same place). No demos sadly, because it crashed the version of dosbox I was using at the time.

http://doomedsda.us/wad198.html has a couple freaky looking speedruns with this glitch. I think kimoxvirus had a doom2 map02 demo with it as well, just can't find it atm. There's also one for doom e1m3 by Donatas Tamonis. Not usually very useful since unless there's a death exit (say doom e1m8, plutonia map11 or the aforementioned blacktwr.wad) you're stuck.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Map 1: Operator
Category: UV-Fast
Time: 0:48 (7th exit)

Needed quite some luck at the start to survive. A fumble and a missed shot at the red key area, followed by some pretty lucky double kill shots towards the end.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Map 2: Outer Base
Category: UV-Fast
Time: 2:25 (3rd exit)

Although you can't see it in this demo, in some cases, pinkies/spectres can't leave or enter a room. For example, in the exit room, you can just run out of the room and they won't follow you. Don't know if this is expected.


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Demo attached where this does happen. It's the above demo's second exit. I realised I was stupid to simply turn around in the exit room and run out instead of just shooting, so I worked hard to get a better time (previous post). But thanks to my stupidity you can see what's happening. More info in the text file.

I've seen on the Wikia (which to my knowledge is forbidden to link here) that it's a regular game bug. Perhaps something to do with the fact that it's complevel 2?


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In short, there was a split, doomwiki.org is supported by us, at large it has the same content, but is being updated more frequently, plus we got rid of annoying layout changes, ads, etc.

Yes, monster stuck in doorframes - vanilla complevels (2,3,4). In Boom it was fixed.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Map 4: Sewage
Category: UV-Fast
Time: 3:49 (1st exit)

Just a few too many SSG shots/misses in two areas. The rest went rather well. Also, I don't even want to poke this map with a stick anymore. (It's a good map, it's just that for some reason I like to torture myself with -fast.)


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  • 2 months later...

Map 5: The Complex
Category: UV-Fast
Time: 4:08 (1st exit)

At 3:04 I entered a teleporter but didn't teleport. Only worked when I moved out and back in again. It only happen that once, never when I practised. Would like to know why.


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Kotzugi said:

At 3:04 I entered a teleporter but didn't teleport. Only worked when I moved out and back in again. It only happen that once, never when I practised. Would like to know why.

That's just a linedef skip. It's not really fully understood why they happen; they usually happen randomly. Running at a high speed increases the likelihood of a skip, and some linedefs are harder to skip than others. Occasionally, they are useful in routes to skip certain parts levels (like map 03 of Unholy Realms or map 08 of Doom 2).

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OK. So when the linedef is skipped, it means that whatever action is supposed to be triggered by running over it (in this case teleport) doesn't happen?

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Kotzugi said:

OK. So when the linedef is skipped, it means that whatever action is supposed to be triggered by running over it (in this case teleport) doesn't happen?

Yeah. It's not too uncommon, either, and most of the time, it has no use and only causes annoyance in normal play.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Map 7: Cremation
Category: UV-Fast
Time: 3:51 (third exit)

I also have a demo where it took me ten SSG shots at close range to kill a pain elemental. I'll attach it in the next post. Don't know what causes this or how common it is.


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