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Requiem demos [-complevel 2]

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heh I have always known that once this will be done :-) but the way you made the glide was very unexpected ... very cool trick!

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  • 1 year later...

Hi everybody. I'm currently on vacation, so I have some time to try some doom. I gave rn14 some tries, and I got a fairly deep run. I feel like I made some mistakes so with some more practice I may be able to get to the blue key area with some more health. I will be graduating in a few weeks, so after that I can start playing doom again.


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xit-vono said:

Hi everybody. I'm currently on vacation, so I have some time to try some doom. I gave rn14 some tries, and I got a fairly deep run. I feel like I made some mistakes so with some more practice I may be able to get to the blue key area with some more health. I will be graduating in a few weeks, so after that I can start playing doom again.

It's nice to see that such a hardened veteran still keeps dooming and progressing in his skills. Your performance in RN14C.LMP was well-paced and solid, it shows that sooner or later you can finish this extreme challenge in one or another way, and your victory will me remembered forever.

In the past years, I spent a lot of time entertaining myself with playing some very hard levels on NM with savegames, and I realized that RN14 is even harder than the hardest NM levels that are completed in normal play at the moment (TN08 by Vile, TN09 by you, HN13/HN16 by me, etc). Good luck in your fighting!

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  • 2 months later...
Memfis said:


Requiem MAP02 Stroller in 1:14

This spectacularly designed but nearly empty level becomes an interesting challenge in the strolling category. Thanks for a worthy demo!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eugene Kapustin said in 2003:
Must be under 1:00.

Okay, here you go :)

Requiem MAP31 (Secret Exit) UV-Speed in 0:36

I think <0:30 is possible, but you will need GODLY luck after yellow key. Anyway, COMPET-N players, please feel free to improve this. It will only make me happier.


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  • 1 month later...

Requiem MAP02 UV-Max in 1:03

I think I give up. Even if I get lucky in the first part, I screw up something in second. Tatsurd is the king here.

[do NOT upload this to DSDA, there is already a better demo]


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It's one of Tatsurd's most hardworked demos of 2010, and for a long time he couldn't break 1:04, so there is no need to feel bad. And your exact time (1:03.09) is not too far away from his 1:02.74 :-)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Daiyu_Xiaoxiang said:

I don't know if there's a thread for REQUIEM.

There isn't, but it might make sense to have thread for "Non-Compet-N demos on Compet-N wads" (there already is one for HR, but that's always been kind of a special case, in view of its extreme popularity amongst demo recorders). Anyone have any thoughts on that?

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Grazza said:

"Non-Compet-N demos on Compet-N wads"

it's something i wanted to propose for some time now, it'd make sense to single them out from this cesspool. :)

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Grazza said:

There isn't, but it might make sense to have thread for "Non-Compet-N demos on Compet-N wads"

I agree. It can stimulate the players to continue setting new records on traditional wads.

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SAV88 said:

I agree. It can stimulate the players to continue setting new records on traditional wads.

good idea, there's nothing to gain by limiting demos for classic wads to doom2.exe which isn't so widely used today, i guess.

as for malcolm sailor's wads, i like that difficulty achieved by scarcity of ammo, forcing the player to berserk a lot and count every shell.

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  • 1 month later...

On MAP04
Are there any reliable tactics against 4 chaingunners? The ruin ALL of my attempts. Either they kill me or leave with very low health.

(attached is ultra lucky attempt, this time ruined by my own stupidity)

EDIT: ok, it is not THAT bad. I just did 3:48. :)


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Memfis said:

MAP04 UV-Max in 3:37 :)

Finally someone broke one of my old Requiem results. Thank you for this tight and clever run!

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  • 1 month later...

When I nowadays rewatch my relatively recent UV Maxes (the ones done in late 2010 and early 2011), I notice that my optimization is lame at times. So I decided to bring one of them to a more modern standard. Still nowhere near perfect, but I reached my target time (under 200 seconds).

Requiem level 4 (Fireworks) UV Max in 3:19.


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Great new approach to the crowded room. Now there is no problems with shotgun ammo. And thanks for the nice comments on my demo. Right now I'm tired of playing Doom, but I'll probably revisit this map sometime too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

An amazing time. Sorry to say this doesn't really count as a record as there are three survivors. One of them is a nazi-ghost escaping to the void, I'm not sure which were the other two. As Xit Vono said in his rq23-633 txtfile

I did a 6:46 but prboom showed too many monsters alive before the boss started shooting, even though I couldn't find them wandering around when I watched with iddt. There should be 2 monsters alive at that point: a baron in front of the boss, and an arch-vile which can't be killed.

A rather ungrateful map for recording, especially thanks to all those ghosts; this is one of the reasons I dare not touch this one.

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Oh no, really? I was watching the prboom hud. The kill counter showed me 159/161, so I thought I'm good, there is only two monsters left before I started shooting at the head. :(
I rewatched it with iddt, but I didn't see anyone moving around...
Maybe those nazi soldiers doesn't count as kills. Anyway I'm sure I'll won't try it again :)

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