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Requiem demos [-complevel 2]

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  • 4 months later...

Map 10 UV-Max in 3:23

A significant ~20s improvement on a strong map 10 record.

I'm also considering posting my 56 min episode 1 record but I'm unsatisfied with losing over a min with a huge mistake on this very same map...


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Cyberdemon531 said:

MAP14 No Monsters in 0:47
MAP14 -Fast in 9:56

Not sure if this was ever noticed, but the -Fast run in the zip appears to be the NoMo run again.

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degree23 said:

Not sure if this was ever noticed, but the -Fast run in the zip appears to be the NoMo run again.

Shit, whoops. The real demo is long gone, so I guess I'll have to redo it sometime.

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I have a 54min run now and ill try sometime next few weeks to push it around 53 (optimal for me). As far as the other episodes go it's not for me. I believe revved did a decent job just surviving. Now that I believe I've gotten better I might go back to AV Ep1 but map 6-10 is a bitch to play aggressive.

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PjSpartacus said:

I have a 54min run now and ill try sometime next few weeks to push it around 53 (optimal for me). As far as the other episodes go it's not for me. I believe revved did a decent job just surviving. Now that I believe I've gotten better I might go back to AV Ep1 but map 6-10 is a bitch to play aggressive.

I'll be eagerly awaiting the improvement. Regarding AV, that episode's a bitch to run, even in UV speed. I got up to around map 04 in my last attempt at a D2EP1 run (I was stupid enough to grab the mega armour). I'll probably try it again, though. Any tips for surviving a full episode run? I seem to die quite easily in them.

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Hey PjSpartacus, you're doing what I was doing in the past, nice :) I never completed requiem 1st episode, on map06 never had 100% kills...

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Springy said:

I'll be eagerly awaiting the improvement. Regarding AV, that episode's a bitch to run, even in UV speed. I got up to around map 04 in my last attempt at a D2EP1 run (I was stupid enough to grab the mega armour). I'll probably try it again, though. Any tips for surviving a full episode run? I seem to die quite easily in them.

I'm actually surprised nobody has posted a true D2EP1 UV-speed run. Not sure what you mean by grabbing the mega armour? When I practice my EP1 run I go through the episode and save games at the beginning of each level. I make sure I can beat each individual level/hard part easily before attempting. I also die a lot but practicing and planning each level is my best advice :-)

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vdgg said:

Hey PjSpartacus, you're doing what I was doing in the past, nice :) I never completed requiem 1st episode, on map06 never had 100% kills...

Thx! Ive never had an issue with 100% kills on map 6. If you don't execute the trap skip then all the imps might not spawn in. Especially if you shoot the "untrap" switch before they all spawn in.

100% kills is only an issue for me on map 3. I always lower the elevator before the 2 caco fight and anticipate 1 of the imps not spawning. I must have 72 kills after the imp horde is dead or else Im just taking the 20-30s hit from backtracking. Its too frustrating to restart a run when 1 imp doesn't spawn the majority of the time.

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PjSpartacus said:

...ill try sometime next few weeks to push it around 53 (optimal for me).

Wow talk about knowing your goals and meeting them. Great run!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Cyberdemon531 said:

MAP27 UV Max in 15:14

That was bold playing with great weapon choices for each situation. And yeah, fuck tyson. Even after doing AV13 I think tysoning this is crazy. Nevertheless, it is one of the easiest undone maps in the DSDA TOP 20 WADs...

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Ah, xit to the rescue! If you manage to safely berserk the 6 tightly packed barons in the middle of the level, then the map should not be a problem. I'm not sure whether the barons should be punched one by one at their initial location or whether it would be better to maneuver past them into the lift. I guess it depends on how much health you have. If you have plenty of health, punch the barons right away. If you don't have health, try to get past them and reach the megasphere. Reaching the megasphere should pretty much guarantee completion for any of you guys.

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Aqfaq said:

Nevertheless, it is one of the easiest undone maps in the DSDA TOP 20 WADs...

IMO m224 is much easier than rt27.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

MAP17 UV Speed in 1:13



There is a much smaller skip on map16 using the switch trick but running that map sucks so I'm not gonna do a demo for it.

You wanna press the highlighted wall from this side:


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  • 2 months later...
13 hours ago, elmle said:

Map 17 NM100s in 2:23

Beats both NM-Speed and 100s by over 3 minutes.


Do you know that you don't need to wait for the lift to lower, wait and raise and still get the SSG?

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  • 1 month later...
20 hours ago, Bloodite Krypto said:

MAP15 - UV-Tyson in 24:43


Wow! What an amazing run. Very ballsy approach on the two arachnotrons near the beginning. Your handling and timing of the baron/hellknights on the raised walkway made it look easy, whenever I try it I either fall off or take green balls to the face. Those 2 mancubi at the end didn't want to let you punch them though! There's been a pickup on the Tyson runs recently and I'm certainly enjoying it, even though I can't seem to hit the side of a barn when I try. Congratulations!

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