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DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

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dew said:

example demo for the plasma bump thread. 6:30 of bumping plasma on doom2 map01 and suiciding.
don't bother downloading if you're not interested in that specific topic.
recorded with prboom+, complevel 2 with -solo-net and -deathmatch parameters

-54 frags...I'm ashamed of you Dew. :) Interesting demo actually.

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TendaMonsta said:

-54 frags...I'm ashamed of you Dew. :)

haha, not the highlight of my dueling career, that's for sure. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Please, could someone explain me, what causes this @ doom2 map27? (red key gets stuck)

It's annoying because it gets stuck more often than works properly.


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Paska said:

Please, could someone explain me, what causes this @ doom2 map27? (red key gets stuck)

It's annoying because it gets stuck more often than works properly.

blue switch controlling RSK platform has action 71 (floor to 8 above highest adjacent floor), so RSK platform won't lower if one of the rev platforms isn't lowered. And rev platforms lower when you cross linedefs in the marble room (look in a map editor - hard to explain), or you can lower them by walking between rev platforms. in that demo you cut 2 far corners in marble room, skipping two linedefs there. (I think)

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  • 3 months later...

MAP27 UV-Max in 3:40

I'm stunned. This is 31 seconds faster than Radek Pecka's Compet-N record and 24 seconds faster than hokis' demo.

I had a 3:59 which looked kinda ugly, so I continued trying to improve it and this is the result.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
killer2 said:

Doom2 map 32 Tyson-max (UV) in 2:53 minutes. Recorded with GLBoom+.

It's recommended to post vanilla-compatible runs for "Hell on Earth" in the Doom II demos thread.

Nice performance, but the Tyson category does not require 100% secrets. BTW, the fastest time is 1:08 by Laszlo Vecsei, so you can try to beat the record using his strategy.

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Thanks for the advice. Will surely post it there too. Laszlo Vecsei's demo surely is awesome, but it seems that infighting is a lot easier to cause in his demo. Maybe PRBoom+'s 1.9 emulation just isn't that good...or am I doint something wrong?

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SAV88 said:

the Tyson category does not require 100% secrets.

Woa, Always something new to learn.
Also, a good tyson in that map would be kill the cyber only using the invul time, getting the time to under a min.
He gets more infight because he stays near the cyber all the time in the open area, that way nazis are always attacking it, involves luck too

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killer2 said:

Maybe PRBoom+'s 1.9 emulation just isn't that good...or am I doint something wrong?

If you put -complevel 2 in your bat file, then you did it right.

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TimeOfDeath said:

If you put -complevel 2 in your bat file, then you did it right.

I used ZDL's extra command line arguments, which I believe works. It's probably just me sucking at making proper infighting.

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Sometimes you are lucky, sometimes it takes lots of time to get things like 1:08.

Radek (is it him?) wrote in his ty32-144:

I still don't believe in it. I :) After 2 hours of playing i did it. I had it before in time 2:35. I was satisfied with this time, but I wanted it under 2 mins. It's now a nice record, i think. I'm proud of it. Here is the list of records, unfortunately links don't work anymore. Just to see how much community effort it took to get 1:08, starting from 7:20 ;)

About -complevel 2: no matter how you introduce it, it works. You can verify by playing the demo back with Doom2.exe / chocolate doom, or by browsing the .lmp with a hex editor. myk's post sums it up very well. And yes, it was me over 2 years ago...

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vdgg said:

You can verify by playing the demo back with Doom2.exe / chocolate doom, or by browsing the .lmp with a hex editor.

By far the quickest and simplest way to check if a demo is vanilla format is to start playback in Prboom-plus (it doesn't matter if the right wads are loaded, and you can quit playback immediately) and then looking at stdout.txt. Note that it won't be able to distinguish between -complevels 2, 3 and 4, but then neither will other methods, apart from checking for desyncs (which may or may not occur).

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For me the quickest way is pressing F3 on the demo file in a commander. If the first character is 'm', demo is vanilla format. You can also immediately see if it's a Boom or MBF demo. So, just a single keypress is needed.

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Well OK, but that is less user-friendly and doesn't readily help you distinguish Tasdoom demos and anything above -complevel 11, etc. The stdout.txt will state exactly which compatibility level was used/autodetected for playback.

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Grazza said:

Well OK, but that is less user-friendly and doesn't readily help you distinguish Tasdoom demos and anything above -complevel 11, etc. The stdout.txt will state exactly which compatibility level was used/autodetected for playback.

I was talking more about speed, though it's really very simple for me. I use this since the days of DOS commanders. BTW, Tasdoom demos are also distinguishable very easily, as their first character is 'n' (as in version 1.10). For PrBoom+ demos that were recorded with the demo footer added, I can scroll to the footer and see which version of PrBoom and what complevel the demo was recorded with, this info is saved in plain text. So I don't see any faster and simpler way, but of course, it is a matter of personal preference.

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  • 1 month later...

I made a nightmare demo for map20. I called it a NM-max (killed all monsters at least once and 100% secrets). I can swear I heard about it, but I went to DSDA and didn't see it anywhere. Oh well...here it is. Not great, but it shows some pretty good dodging. Time is 5:33.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
j4rio said:

map 9 max in 4:39

Yay, I was longing to see a rerecord on map09 as Compet-N's max was dated. It's great to see you playing on simple maps like this. I mean, the map is simple, but maxing it as quick as possible is REALLY hard. How long did it take you to get this time? I remember toying around this with savestates but got bored as soon as I get on the huge lifts part.

I think that if you retry it to get Compet-N time, you would get around 4:2X (:

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To put it simple, it's stupidly infight dependant and hard to keep yourself alive. In first half it's mainly about what happens off screen and once HK near blue key gets punched, it's just a routine that's almost impossible to screw up. I got past that blue key HK just twice in around 6-8 hours (I didn't really count) of tries alltogether, as I usually quit if I noticed BFG room was too lively when I returned. The first time I missed monster somewhere, the second is that demo over here. I wouldn't dare trying to improve it, maybe someone gets inspired.

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all coop, kOeGy and me

lvl 05 UV Max 1:41
lvl 06 UV Max 2:01
lvl 08 UV Max 2:18
lvl 11 UV Max 2:03
lvl 12 UV Max 3:13
lvl 20 UV Max 2:22
lvl 22 UV Max 1:07
lvl 23 UV Max 2:01
lvl 27 UV Max 2:55
lvl 31 UV Max 2:04

lvl 11 UV Speed 0:35


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  • 1 month later...

Doom 2 D2ALL UV-Max in 106:41 (All 32 maps Max in 1:46:41, single segment)

My greatest feat so far!!! I'm so happy I did this!
Managed to cut a total 6:37 from Radek Pecka's UV Max World Record, but of course this shouldn't take his place as it was recorded using GLBoom.

Detailed info on the text file.


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congrats for your perseverance, this is quite awesome!

now go be ashamed for surviving map06, lucker. :)

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