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[MOD EDIT: Post DOOM II: Hell on Earth demos (vanilla or -complevel 2 recommended) here unless they are vanilla demos for Compet~n.]

These days (well... for some months, actually), I try to record a lv29-max under 4:00 (it's my favorite map, in case you haven't noticed :). For some weeks I'm stuck at 4:09. This is my best try (not the fastest, though). Maybe someone has an idea on something to improve...
On my latests attempts, I managed to bring over 200 cells for the two last barons, which allows me to kill them with plasma only and still keeping enough for the ending. I also no longer take the green armor at the beginning, that saves a second or two. But since then (two weeks ago), I haven't finished this map.

Edited by Maribo

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Guiddqd said:
I'm a bit ashamed to post this crap here but I got an idea about nm24 (yeah still stuck on IWADs). Here is the demo:


My running really sucks, I even make an infamous mistake oO. So a lot of time can be saved.

Well at least I have proven a lot of people wrong about skipping the BFG :p

You die in this run when I play it back. The demons guarding the red key trap you and kill you. There is evidently a desynch, because you continue afterward. It works the same way to me in Doom2 and in PrBoom+. I also set PrBoom+ to detect overflows in case they had anything to do with it, and it found none.

EDIT: Ah, it's recorded with the executable for The Ultimate DOOM. I noticed after playing it back with Doom95 (where it played back properly all the way). I had actually seen that is says so on the text file but had thought that was just an error.

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myk said:

You die in this run when I play it back. The demons guarding the red key trap you and kill you. There is evidently a desynch, because you continue afterward. It works the same way to me in Doom2 and in PrBoom+. I also set PrBoom+ to detect overflows in case they had anything to do with it, and it found none.

EDIT: Ah, it's recorded with the executable for The Ultimate DOOM. I noticed after playing it back with Doom95 (where it played back properly all the way). I had actually seen that is says so on the text file but had thought that was just an error.

Yeah it seems i'm not using the right executable huh. I'm gonna get the right one and do a better run ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did a little digging in a old doom2 dir back from 2001, and found a previously unreleased 30nm3750 run.

Apperantly it was a "best time" run but was never uploaded in await
of better tries. A little fun to whatch as things don't seem to go according to plan @ all :-) It features pretty safe routes all the way also. Figured if someone might also want to grab this for historical reasons.

Oh well, need 2 check out plutonia2 now it seems :)



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  • 11 months later...

Doom2 map02 -nomonsters in 0:20 (edit: doom2.exe v1.9)
Heh, first try first exit :P. I was playing map07 (trying that pacifist style rj >:( ) and map02 and wondered if I could do glide fast enough w/o monsters and got lucky immediately. With monsters it would be so awesome (or just lucky...)


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  • 2 weeks later...

doom2 map10 pacifist in 0:27
recorded in prboom+, i'm not really interested in the c-n biz. and i do believe oce already recorded 26 and doesn't want to share with us. so why bother with the dosbox agony. :)


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  • 2 months later...

Doom2, Map01, Stroller in 0:10
I watched some lmps of strlpack and saw some negative attidude which saddened me :( So I thought to record and say how insane this category is :)
Also, as this didn't take too long, I'm taking suggestions for some undone map if you old hands are interested in these anymore.


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xepop said:

saw some negative attidude which saddened me

Please explain.

You could definitely improve my 2002ADO E1M1 which was done without proper compatibility setting. Other than that, well, MM2 MAP02 or early ScytheX maps maybe...

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Please explain.

Meh. Just referring to txt. "I seriously doubt anyone will ever bother doing it, though"
I find it a bit negative. Maybe I should've said ONE negative and not some? But it didn't really ruin my life (meaning I wasn't COMPLETELY serious) :P

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xepop said:

Doom2, Map01, Stroller in 0:10

Hahaha, I have never heard of this category before but I like it! What are the rules? A Stroller UV Max could be boring on a big level, though the idea of a Pacifist/Tyson speedrun sounds interesting just to see the ways players avoid enemy attacks, especially Revenant rockets.

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Super Jamie said:

Hahaha, I have never heard of this category before but I like it! What are the rules?

  1. No running.
  2. No strafing.
  3. Pacifist.
That's all there really is to it. And it's way harder than it sounds. :)

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Whoa, straight outta 94. It already sounds pretty hard!

Are there any more of these? I couldn't find "strlpack" and there was no mention of Strolling on Doomed SDA.

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map12 stroller would be the best ever. the yellow key makes it very unprobable, though.

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HR map26 stroller would be nice to see.

And the original Stroller thread provides some ideas too. AFAIK, no one ever did E1M8, for instance.

Also some levels could be done using the newer style of glide tricks - at the time of the Stroller pack, the flat-face glide technique was only just being developed.

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Didn't mean to spam these one at time, but I'll be somewhat busy and it probably won't hurt anyone so:
Doom2, map16, Stroller in 0:23

Obvious yes, but I need to start from easy ones and it features my best glides ever :P


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I believe there's a bug/trick with barrels that get them to kill themselves ; or maybe it's just infighting with spectres, I've got no clue.

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Early Dooms let you trick the Barons into barrel suicide, however that's been patched out. They still will fight each other with scratches due to barrel damage.

However, Pacifist rules state no intentional direct or indirect damaging of monsters. You aren't allowed to maneuver yourself as to intentionally initiate infighting or barrel disputes.

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  • 4 weeks later...
xepop said:

Two seconds off with this maneuvre Hegyi mentioned in nm21-028.
Doom2 map21 NMspeed in 0:25

This is not c-n entry i think couse im using prboom+ (I dont know if someone enable other ports than classic doom2.exe).
So i cant impoverish you for this piece of shit.
Sry if im posting to wrong thread, any sry for the czech written txt (im recording for http://czech-n.idoom.cz). But enjoy it i hope you would like it.


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hokis said:

This is not c-n entry i think couse im using prboom+ (I dont know if someone enable other ports than classic doom2.exe).
So i cant impoverish you for this piece of shit.
Sry if im posting to wrong thread, any sry for the czech written txt (im recording for http://czech-n.idoom.cz). But enjoy it i hope you would like it.

I was lazy back then and didn't try that myself :p didn´t really believe it would be possible but it makes some sense now. Hey, is czech-n for czechs only? Would like to have some competition especially you guys are really the only active ones :((

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czech-n is czech only (omg racism), BUT... i'm supposed to make a separate thread with our c-n challenges recorded on modern ports, so when i stop being lazy, you can race and beat us in there. :)

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xepop said:

I was lazy back then and didn't try that myself :p didn´t really believe it would be possible but it makes some sense now. Hey, is czech-n for czechs only? Would like to have some competition especially you guys are really the only active ones :((

Czech-N spring up in 2003 as same competition like cn only for czechs anyway but now in cn you must make demo with doom2.exe and this is exactly old-fashioned and uncomfotable. We made up new czech-n for czech were is enabled other ports, so were many times consult if the czech-n permit for foreign players. I'm the head admin of czn, but players must decide if foreigners can enter or not. It's fine by me. Perhaps we could make an exception for you, but the players must decide taht.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

example demo for the plasma bump thread. 6:30 of bumping plasma on doom2 map01 and suiciding.
don't bother downloading if you're not interested in that specific topic.
recorded with prboom+, complevel 2 with -solo-net and -deathmatch parameters


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