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The DooMed Speed Demos Archive returns!

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Also, both of the 1fiffy4 demos are listed as taking place on different levels, even though both take place on the same level (in a single-level WAD,) which is E1M5.

(Would've put this in my previous post, but I only noticed it after you fixed the other error.)

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Wrong topic. My bad !

While I'm here, the Shai'Tan Luck map29 UV speed in 4:58 is by ArmouredBlood, not me.

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Gusta & Never Again: Thanks, guys! Always good to have one's efforts appreciated. It did take forever, though. Not because of the number of demos, but because of how many were on WADs that weren't in the database. It's been a long time since I've added so many levels. A big thanks N_A, for including links in your text files. That makes things much easier! :-)

Phml: Fixed. Thanks!

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Hay Andy Olivera, if change my name from Archy to [???] in my txt files in my .zip files i send to you thought email will my profile name still be Archy?

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I have a suggestion for DSDA but unfortunately I don't know if it would be a lot of work to set up. Due to hearing about the recent deleting of Time of Death's maps from idgames I went over to DSDA to start checking out his maps (he specifically posted that all his maps can be found there). However, it doesn't seem like it's possible to view by wad author, or even get a list of which wads are by an author so you can look them up individually.

I imagine there must be other authors too where their maps aren't on idgames but are on DSDA. Even for authors where that's not the case though, being able to view all wads by someone and how many demos/total demos time there is all at once sounds interesting and useful. I think there should be a way to see a list of all wads by an author on DSDA, like there already is a way to see all lmps by a player.

That sounds like a headache to do if there's no way to auto-generate the information though.

There's one other suggestion, and that should be really simple at least. It would be very, very useful if old update information was archived somewhere. The way it is now, the list of demos that were updated disappears about a month after that update. If you happen to not check the site for longer than that you do not know what demos you've missed, and have no real way of easily finding out what they were (at least that I can see). This has been a problem for me more than once since I tend to alternate between watching Doom demos for a while, then not watching them for a while.

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46 demos this week, all new.

sector666 & Akse: Indexing by WAD author would be a royal pain. I wanted to do this originally, but the fact that there can be anywhere from one to forty authors on a single WAD meant it would take much more work than simply adding another field or two to the WAD table. It would certainly be possible, I just don't think the benefit would be worth the amount of time and effort. Who knows, though? If I can pull myself away from TASing to do some coding it may happen someday.

On the other hand, allowing older updates to be viewed should be easy. The current configuration(only the last thirty days worth) is an artifact of my initial plan for the update page that didn't work out. I should be able to get this added by the end of January.

Thank you both for the suggestions!

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I´d like to see old doom&doom2 C-N records in dsda too. I´m willing to gather most of them (major categories) for you if needed.

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58 demos this week, all new.

xepop: That's the ultimate goal, but there are so many demos that it's going to take a very long time. I appreciate the offer, but gathering them takes only a small amount of the time(entering them into the database is the long part). I've begun adding the TNT demos, but I haven't done any of those in at least a month. I keep meaning to commit to entering a small number of demos each day(rather than just at the end of the week). I'll try to work on that and maybe things will get going at a decent speed again...

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on the doom2 page you have an unknown player listed for map01 max in 41. That is my demo. It is also listed as TAS, which it is not.

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