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The DooMed Speed Demos Archive returns!

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118 demos this week, including the backlog from the cchest3 thread. Thanks to vdgg for gathering these!

vdgg: Fixing the wos compatibility stuff is on my to-do list, but I ran out of time this week.

dew: All errors fixed. As with vdgg's comments, the sod compatibility info will have to be added later. Joshy mentioned this last week, too.

myk: Take another look at the scythe tables. All the comments have been carried over. The stuff that was left out were listings of which demos were in which ZIPs. The new DSDA has direct links which makes this unnecessary.

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Andy Olivera said:
myk: Take another look at the scythe tables. All the comments have been carried over. The stuff that was left out were listings of which demos were in which ZIPs. The new DSDA has direct links which makes this unnecessary.

By "not fully integrated" I was referring to the fact that on passing the info over, all the data referring to demo versions was not integrated, such as:

sc-angus2 Jochen 'Angus' Schneidau - average rating - 4/5/4
10 -fast maxdemos, 9 nightmare, and 10 tyson maxdemos. PrBoom2.2.4 -complevel 0. Another great set.

While the way the data was shown was not optimal and it was perhaps not fully complete, on the old site I could tell, from the page, that those are v1.9 demos that I can watch with Doom, PrBoom, Chocolate Doom or whatever supports the demo format. From the new page, I can't.

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No demos at this time, but I thought I'd make two announcements. First, the wos tables(and download) have been updated to note compatibility issues. And second, as Sector666 suggested a few months ago, a Top 20 page has been added. Tables show activity of WADs and Players, both by Demo Count and Demo Length. Enjoy!

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Haha, cool stuff! BTW, I'm in top 20 in one category after less than a year of activity. I should stop playing, I guess ;-)

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Andy Olivera said:
Any other opinions on whether UV/Pacifist and NM/100 should be intermixed?

My original suggestion was in terms of organizing where on the table each category went, using bold for the main categories. It didn't mean to propose to mix the demos of similar categories in one box. Schematically speaking, like this:

Nightmare 100

Have you given any thought to what I said about PrBoom compatibility?

To surmise what I went over:

  • Initially the DSDA didn't add this info because it didn't exist, hence why it was kind of tacked in among the comments.
  • The compatibility level is key piece of information along with the engine, the category, WAD, level, time and player.
  • PrBoom users consistently note "the engine" as "engine + compatibility level" or mention the compatibility level below or on the file name.
Two examples of the last point, in a text file and on a lump name, respectively:
game          : DOOM/Ultimate DOOM
WAD           : YING1.WAD by Mark Riel
levels        : E1M1
category      : UV Max
time          : 8:34
recorded with : prBoom-plus v2.5.0.1 -complevel 3
recorded      : May 21 2009

 kills | items | secrets 
  100% |  100% |   100%

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myk said:

My original suggestion was in terms of organizing where on the table each category went, using bold for the main categories. It didn't mean to propose to mix the demos of similar categories in one box.

Intermixing the sub-categories was my suggestion to solve the problem of, say, Pacifist demos being faster than UV Speed. Reordering the categories is doable, though I think bold-ing the 'main' categories would help much. If we really need to further 'separate' the categories, different color backgrounds(for each) would be the most effective solution. I imagine that would end up looking ugly, though. However, that won't fix the issue above, which is what this conversation has got me considering.

myk said:

Have you given any thought to what I said about PrBoom compatibility?

Yes, but I haven't started doing it yet because I don't like the idea of them not ALL having that info. You have to understand, if I were to begin adding the complevel(say, with a 'cl#' or '-cl#') it would only be to demos posted from this point on. There are currently over 4,200 PRBoom demos in the archive, and adding a complevel to all of them(let alone determining said complevel) suggests a level of tedium I haven't experienced since transfering the records from the old DSDA. Back then, with a solid, worthy goal in my sights, it was worth it and I could manage. Today, with the site up and running smoothly, and a goal that, even if I thought it mattered, would be a slight improvement at best, I can barely muster the will to discuss it.

Consider: I have a goal of entering all the TNT and Plutonia demos from the Compet-N into the database. I began nearly a year ago, yet only a fraction of it is completed. That's something I want to do.

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i was watching blob's new cchest2 vids on yt, then i decided to check out my map01 speed as well and i suspect c201-016 is actually pacifist. not intentionally, of course, but now i believe the fist swing in the exit room missed. it'd only make sense, considering my text file. :)
anyways, could someone please verify this claim so andy doesn't change it wrongly?

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No, it is speed and not pacifist. I admit watching the very last seconds was interesting. I wonder how did people make decicions whether certain demos qualify as pacifist in pre-PrBoom era?

Anyway, I used the pause button after entering the command-line:

prboom-plus -file cchest2 -playdemo c201-016 -trace_thingshealth 64 65
One revenant, thing 65, remained unharmed. The other one's health dropped down: 300-> 285 -> 225 -> 219 -> 204 ->189.

So he the damage taken was: 15, 60, 6, 15, 15.

To lose 60% health could only be done by berserk punching. The other figures (6, 3x15) are chaingunner damage.

On a side note, I occasionally check some old pacifist demos this way. I was happy to verify that one of my all-time favourites (Plutonia MAP12 Pacifist by Altima) is indeed pacifist.

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oh wow, thanks. i used slowdown only and that is very indecisive, because it seems only the chaingunner fire draws blood from the rev. luckily we have doom science! :)

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86 demos this week.

Also, the sodfinal archive has been updated with a new 'old' WAD, so now all demos can be played back. The table has also been updated to indicate which demos require the old WAD.

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Just now on site:

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: User visions_dsda already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/visions/public_html/doomedsda/wadlist.php on line 6
Couldn't connect to database: User visions_dsda already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections

Hope this is symptom of popularity )

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57 demos this week.

And, sadly, those errors last night weren't due to popularity. There was some issue with the server running low on disk space, which somehow must've affected the database. My best guess would be the scripts were getting hung up on the database access calls thus preventing the scripts from finishing and closing the connections. How low disk space could cause this I haven't a clue, but everything seems to be back to normal now.

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Minor stuff:

1) there should be a PM sent to you, Andy in which I explained why endgame MAP05 demo authorship can be attributed to Lee Szymanski.

2) an_coop UV Speed by dew. Engine = Doom 1.9, which is very unlikely for me...

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vdgg said:

2) an_coop UV Speed by dew. Engine = Doom 1.9, which is very unlikely for me...

true. it's definitely a prboom+, but i'm unsure what version. should've written a text file. the demo is from 18/10/2009 and was released 08/10/2009, so i dare say i already upgraded to it.

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vdgg & dew: Both updated. Thanks! I'm guessing that Opulent is probably the only one who could confirm the rest of the unknowns from endgame, assuming he still has his eMails from that time.

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is there? this is a good point, i want to hear opinions of some entitled people. :) i am not using it, because i thought no one did and it was something out of the norm. please, explain.

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dew said:

is there? this is a good point, i want to hear opinions of some entitled people. :) i am not using it, because i thought no one did and it was something out of the norm. please, explain.

Some people here use demo-footer permanently and even mouse-look movements is there. Probably it has some issues of course, but if nobody will use it, then they will never be fixed.

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