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The DooMed Speed Demos Archive returns!

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UAC Ultra demos which need older versions:

MAP02 - UV Max single player Co-op - Phml        - 1.0
MAP09 - FDA                        - gggmork     - 1.1 (although 1.0 works as well)
MAP10 - UV Max 13:47               - Phml        - 1.1
MAP10 - UV Max 14:37               - Phml        - 1.1
MAP11 - FDA                        - gggmork     - 1.1
ver 1.0 (reposting link provided by Kimo Xvirus): http://www.mediafire.com/?w8yr1eifqq3jq8x
ver 1.1 (uploading again as Mad Butcher's link has expired): http://www.speedyshare.com/files/25103447/uac11.zip

Some missing stuff:


MAP01 - UV Max - Xit Vono - 0:33


MAP01 - UV Max - Qaatar - 2:55

MAP10 - UV -Fast - Anima Zero - 2:57

vrack2 - requires vrack2b.wad

MAP01 - UV Max - Qaatar - 22:05

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vdgg said:

MAP01 - UV Max - Qaatar - 22:05

Watching that demo makes me cringe...the mouse movements from acceleration were extremely ugly.

@Andy, I would prefer the Vrack2 demo to not be uploaded onto DSDA. Ty :)

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82 demos this week.

vdgg: I've added the demos you mentioned(except Qaatar's vrack2) and I'll make an 'old' WAD for the uacultra archive in the next day or two. Thanks!

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190 demos this week, ALL NEW!

...and that's not even all of them. j4rio's scythe2 collection is still waiting to be added. Oh, and I still haven't updated the uacultra. Definitely this week, I promise.

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Andy Olivera said:

190 demos this week, ALL NEW!

...and that's not even all of them. j4rio's scythe2 collection is still waiting to be added. Oh, and I still haven't updated the uacultra. Definitely this week, I promise.

Thanks! But there is still a mistake in the AV (2nd release) table: stx-Vile's AN26-358 is listed as "3:26".

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Not an error as such, but something in the Evilution table gives at least a misleading impression about map31 pacifist secret exit. The compet-n UV Speeds are also pacifist, whereas the table wrongly suggests that Doomdaniel95's 0:40 fills a gap.

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There's some missing stuff which I hope to gather and report in an accessible form by the end of the week. One thing for now. DDoption MAP02 demo does not play back (requires a work-in-progress version of the WAD). Searcher Pm'ed me he contacted you and sent you that version. Do you have it?

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As I said, some new stuff is missing and there's some old stuff which I'd love to see at DSDA.

Looking through the VV2 demos thread I noticed some "lost" demos, but it's not a big deal, since they are not records. However, two "D2ALL" Max Runs by RjY are missing:

(1) http://rjy.ath.cx/stuff/v2uv5229.zip
(2) http://rjy.ath.cx/stuff/v2uv5142.zip

They use different -compats, but they both go out of sync on the infamous MAP06. With "-emulate 2.3.0" they played back fine on PrBoom+ for me, so a note may be added.

...and there was the contest won by dew (contest #12, MAP06 UV Speed in 0:14), so his demo may be uploaded too, if dew doesn't mind (3)

(4) Eternal, MAP31 UV Speed by Grazza, 2:02 an old demo mentioned by ToD recently

(5) em116, MAP02 Tyson by j4rio, 5:50

(6) Elysion, UV Max by Qaatar, 20:18

And does anyone have HR2 MAP29 UV Speed demo other than xepop's?

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I have an hr2 map29 speed by DomRem from 2006 I think. I'll post it a bit later (it's on my dooming computer and I use the same mouse+keyboard for both computers).

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vdgg said:

Looking through the VV2 demos thread I noticed some "lost" demos, but it's not a big deal, since they are not records. However, two "D2ALL" Max Runs by RjY are missing:

(1) http://rjy.ath.cx/stuff/v2uv5229.zip
(2) http://rjy.ath.cx/stuff/v2uv5142.zip

They use different -compats, but they both go out of sync on the infamous MAP06. With "-emulate 2.3.0" they played back fine on PrBoom+ for me, so a note may be added.

Haha those old rubbish things, someone should really beat them :P

Andy, if it's not a bother can you upload the fixed version of my sewv12r-2135 on dmsewv (updated .zip, explanation post, original post) and also just while I thought aboutt it can you change the author of dac19 and spdvilla from R.J.Young to RjY ? That's always bothered me a bit, thanks in advance :)

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vdgg said:
...and there was the contest won by dew (contest #12, MAP06 UV Speed in 0:14), so his demo may be uploaded too, if dew doesn't mind (3)

i don't mind, of course. here is a direct link to it. i just didn't bother because i thought kimo's 14 is already uploaded to dsda - and he was the first to break 15, my run is only faster according to the idoom contest rules. :)

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vdgg said:
There's some missing stuff which I hope to gather and report in an accessible form by the end of the week. One thing for now. DDoption MAP02 demo does not play back (requires a work-in-progress version of the WAD). Searcher Pm'ed me he contacted you and sent you that version. Do you have it?

I will repeat this until I'm able to watch this demo, I've been waiting for weeks for this!!! :-P

dew said:
i thought kimo's 14 is already uploaded to dsda

Of course both of them deserve to be uploaded - Kimo's demo is Pacifist as well! Then again, hopefully the recorder doesn't mind.

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RjY: All updated. Thanks!

vdgg: I never received the level from Searcher. I PM'd him, he responded, asking me to send him my eMail, so I did. I sent another eMail yesterday, so we'll see. If I don't get a response in the next day or two, I'll PM him again.

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Andy Olivera said:
vdgg: They'll all be up next week. Feel free to link those other 'lost' demos, as well. Thanks!

By "lost" I mean demos mentioned, not attached, accompanied with dead links. Now, don't curse me, I found 120 demos in 53 zips in the Miscellaneous Demos thread. (I promised to do it a looong time ago...) Please add them to the uploading queue.

(1)Demos: http://www.mediafire.com/?t4xrw6rfuaga9f7
List of demos (also in the zip): http://pastebin.com/qjm7ge4T

(2)Demos I deliberately skipped - they are not in the zip, but FYI:

Zip filename  / WAD   / MAP / Player            / Category / Time / Engine / DWForum Page# / [ Comments ]

pnipp2-449 / pnippl   /  1  / justanotherfool   / UV Max   / 4:49 / PrBoom / 29 / out of sync, requires WIP
                                                                    version of the WAD, unavailable
abys1515   / abyssion /  1  / Anima Zero        / UV Max   / 15:15/ PrBoom / 31 / included in the WAD zipfile
ep1-nms-1121-Sq / doom/D1EP1/ Laurent Sebellin  / NM100    / 12:24/ Doom 1.9 / 32 / Only 75% secrets on E1M7 :-P
flanagan... / flanagan/  1  / gggmork           / Other    /  ?   / ZDoom 2.2.0    / 33 / failed max attempt 
bnda741    / bndalyp  /  1  / Phil Renshaw      / UV Max   / 7:41 / PrBoom / 34 / out of sync
n4m6hehe   / doomod*  /e4m6 / Guiddqd           / NM Speed / 1:56 / ? / 35 / a demonstration how to beat e4m6 on skill 5,
                                                                             doomod.wad adds bfg&plasma at the start
(DWForum Page# means number of the corresponding page of the "miscellaneous demos" thread)

(3)Demos really 'lost'. Here's the list. I'm sure some of you have them, please share... I'm particularly surprised to have found TGH's demos.
test-200                     / testfcil /  1  / Ryan Barreras     / UV Speed / 2:00 / ???????? / 19
4fr81251                     / freak4   /  8  / Heretic           / UV Max   / 12:51 / ???????? / 20
lv01-036                     / doom2    /  1  / Alexander Nikulin / UV Max   / 0:36 / ???????? / 21 / TAS
mkrm-001                     / wadpak1a / e3m4/ The Green Herring / UV Speed / 0:02 / ???? / 24
11bo-040                     / wadpak1a / e2m3/ The Green Herring / UV Speed / 0:40 / ???? / 24
mnbs-045                     / wadpak1a / e3m5/ The Green Herring / UV Speed / 0:45 / ???? / 24
dd1m01lmp                    / 1monster /  1  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 1:18 / ZDoom / 27
dd1m04lmp                    / 1monster /  4  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 4:18 / ZDoom / 27
dd1m021lmp                   / 1monster /  2  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 3:02 / ZDoom 2.2 / 27
ddruma1lmp                   / ruma     /  1  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 4:56 / ZDoom / 27
ddruma446lmp                 / ruma     /  1  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 4:46 / PrBoom 2.4.7 / 27
dd1M06Tysonlmp               / 1monster /  6  / Death-Destiny     / Tyson    / 5:01 / ZDoom 2.2 / 27
dd1m05speed147lmp            / 1monster /  5  / Death-Destiny     / UV Speed / 1:47 / PrBoom / 27
dd1m07collision...           / 1monster /  7  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 2:26 / PrBoom / 28 / +Zdoom demo in 2:18
dd1m06431lmp                 / 1monster /  6  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 4:31 / ZDoom / 28
dd1m08315lmp                 / 1monster /  8  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 3:15 / ZDoom / 28
dd1m11+831lmp                / 1monster / 11  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 8:31 / ZDoom / 28
dd1m12+520lmp                / 1monster / 12  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 5:20 / ZDoom / 28
dd1m13+511lmp                / 1monster / 13  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 5:11 / ZDoom / 28
dd1m21+551lmp                / 1monster / 21  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 5:51 / ZDoom 2.2 / 28
dd1m21+511prboomlmp          / 1monster / 21  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 5:51 / PrBoom 2.4.7 / 28
dd1m14+331lmp                / 1monster / 14  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 3:31 / ZDoom 2.2 / 28
ddscythe2map20demo           / scythe2 (1st) / 20 / Death-Destiny / UV Max   / 9:18 / PrBoom / 29
ddscythe2map26demos          / scythe2 (1st) / 26 / Death-Destiny / UV Max   / 4:40 / PrBoom / 29
ddscythe2map26demos          / scythe2 (1st) / 26 / Death-Destiny / UV Speed / 0:42 / PrBoom / 29
ddscythe2map27demos          / scythe2 (1st) / 27 / Death-Destiny / UV Max   / 18:55 / PrBoom / 30
???                          / squane        / ?  / Death-Destiny / ??? / didn't find any link, just mentionend by ToD
                                                                           on page 30 of Misc Demos
ddhr2map16demos              / hr2final / 16  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 9:17 / PrBoom / 32
ddhr2map16demos              / hr2final / 16  / Death-Destiny     / UV Max   / 7:20 / PrBoom / 32
1m22-141                     / 1monster / 22  / Tatsurd-cacocaco  / UV Speed / 1:41 / ? / 34
riddle                       / ?????    / e1m3/ Hitherto          / ????     / ???? / ???? / 35
Finally, (4)corrections:

WD1 demos E3M6, E3M6s by Kristian Ronge are also Pacifist.
Doom NM movie by Guiddqd has the time 8:00 until E1M7, but 9:25 if E1M8 is included.

Thanks for your attention

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vdgg said:

Demos really 'lost'. Here's the list. I'm sure some of you have them, please share... I'm particularly surprised to have found TGH's demos.

mkrm-001                     / wadpak1a / e3m4/ The Green Herring / UV Speed / 0:02 / ???? / 24
11bo-040                     / wadpak1a / e2m3/ The Green Herring / UV Speed / 0:40 / ???? / 24
mnbs-045                     / wadpak1a / e3m5/ The Green Herring / UV Speed / 0:45 / ???? / 24

Those demos (which are actually w134-002, w123-040 and w135-045, respectively) are included with my demos for the standalone versions of the WADs. On top of that, they are literally just the the standalone WAD demos with the episode and level numbers altered with a hex editor so that they play on the WADPAK1A versions, since the versions in that WAD are identical. Admittedly, though, they really ought to be mentioned on the DSDA.

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vdgg said:

Now, don't curse me, I found 120 demos in 53 zips

If you get a particularly severe bout of hiccups sometime this week, you'll know the cause at least. You can mitigate its effects a little by editing your table to make the longest lines wrap at about 80 chars. Not everyone runs his desktop at 1600x1200. ;)

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Never_Again said:
Not everyone runs his desktop at 1600x1200. ;)

Anything with 1024 width or more seems to be sufficient because it fits more or less exactly on my 1280x1024 screen :p

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It only seems so, because 1280x1024 is actually 1280 pixels wide, not 1024. :D My desktop is at 1024x768 (which is 1024-wide) and this page is a pain to read...

edit: ... even after vdgg's edit. BTW, I was surprised to see my YOUNG1 demos in the missing files ZIP, I could swear I had seen them on DSDA some time ago. And thank you for trawling up entryway's REMAIN1 movie, I asked him for it earlier this year and it turned out he didn't have it either.

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SAV88 said:

I have three of Death-Destiny's demos: S226 in 0:42, ...

That got my attention... I notice that the Scythe2 (2nd Release) table doesn't appear to include demos recorded on the first version even when they play back perfectly OK with the new version (such as my own Map26 UV Pacifist in 0:17 and DomRem's Map09 UV Speed in 0:14, and presumably some others that are yet to be improved upon).

It would seem logical to include in the table those that play back with the second version - otherwise it gives the impression that they don't work any more, and people might get wrong information about what has been achieved previously.

I'm not sure exactly how many maps have extensive enough changes to cause desyncs of demos recorded on the first release. From the Scythe 2-2 text-file, you'd think "most" or "all", but that doesn't appear to be so.

I guess Andy has it set up so that any particular demo can only appear in one table. If so, I'd suggest making the first release table specifically for those demos that need the older version to play back, and moving all others to the table for the second release. Though I'd understand if that seems too much work - consider it just a request.

Edit: I did just a tiny bit of testing, with the shortest demo on each map, and the ones on the following play back OK with the new version:
1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15s, 16, 26, 31, 31s

(That's not to say that all demos on those maps will be OK, or that no demos on other maps will work.)

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I'm not sure if this was mentioned (didn't see it in vdgg's table), but D-D's demo of ggg001 is lost as well. I'd LOVE to see that demo, since it showcases a route that absolutely crushes ToD's time.

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