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The DooMed Speed Demos Archive returns!

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No Qaatar, I "only" checked the Misc.Demos thread this time :) Sorry for lack of visibility (@ people with 1024 x 768 resolutions), I did what I could trying to keep more or less one demo per line.

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I definitely have some of those demos, along with DD's ggg001 max (my demo was a first exit, clearing room by room, but later DD ran through a lot of the map and got bfg before clearing the rooms). I think many of gggmork's demos are missing as well, like the ones he posts in his map threads in wads & mods. I've been meaning to ask him if he could send all his maps+demos to Andy.

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TimeOfDeath said:

my demo was a first exit, clearing room by room

The thing is, with your demos, I never know if they're first exits or not. Trying on a map for 5 hours only to equal a first exit time from you makes me a sad panda. :)

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Never_Again said:
It only seems so, because 1280x1024 is actually 1280 pixels wide, not 1024. :D

Heh, that's true, dunno what the hell I was thinking there swapping the figures around. Although it means we don't need 1600 width, at least!

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Holy CRAP!!! Well, I guess I have a backlog to take care of, again. I'll work on it, of course, but it may take some time.:-)

vdgg: I fixed the three listings you mentioned. Thanks!

TGH: I'll add the demos to the wadpak1a tables.

N_A: Correct, but there are also those of us who run our desktops at 1920x1080.:-)

Grazza: I got the same impression from the text file; that's why I created a second entry, instead of checking them. I'll add checking of the scythe2 tables to the backlog. Any that work with both I'll move to the newer version (already started with the two you mentioned). Thanks!

I'm glad you all are paying attention; otherwise, these errors would never get fixed. I very much appreciate all the help.

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After reading the crap on the general boards about revs/chaingunners/archies, I went to look at pl15 on DSDA. Daniel Lindgren's pl15-224 is a UV-Speed demo, not Max. Eugene's demo should be the current Max record.

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Qaatar said:
Daniel Lindgren's pl15-224 is a UV-Speed demo, not Max.

For me it looks like a Max demo, using different rules than the current ones (106% kills, 100% secrets at the end; Demonlord recorded a 0:29 demo on the same day, it can't be the same category and such an improvement). Move it to "Other" perhaps??

Edit: quoting pluvdemo.txt:

"!: Daniel's original 2:24 COMPET-N demo gets 100% kills, however he
doesn't kill all monsters at least once, while in Henning's new
demo all monsters are dead when he exits. That's why we didn't beat
Daniel's time."

(of course, Henning's demo was also discovered to be incomplete, that's another story)

Edit #2 after reading the post below. One problem I see here is that somebody who's not an expert may get an impression that 2:24 is the C-N record to beat. Henning's demo which was believed to be a Max record for a long time may stay in the Max category, as it is slower than Eugene's demo. Nevertheless, another problem is consistence. If we move Demonlord record to "Other" because it is not valid AND because it is faster than a valid record, we should do the same with:
- TNT MAP17 (Phml's demo is valid, Ryback's demo is valid and C-N record)
- Requiem MAP27 (Kai-Uwe's demo is the only valid one)
Moving Henning's demo and being consistent would create a mess IMO, as we'd need to move demos, for example: Requiem MAP17 (Adam and Istvan), MM2 MAP25 (Anthony), MM2 MAP29 (Chrozoron) and the list seems to be never-ending. I hope my POV is clear, this is complicated even for me when I'm reading my post :)

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Yeah, I was wrong when I said that it's a UV-Speed demo. I don't know much about C-N rules back in Demonlord's time (mid-90's). I think it should be "other" as well. :)

Edit: Btw, D-D's s227-1855 only plays back with the old version of Scythe 2.

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kimo_xvirus said:
Jongo's Single level tases for mm2

see my link on the previous page

(I mean, they are missing, but should be "queued").

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Regarding the pl15, I've moved and noted the two incomplete demos. I forgot about Demonlord's, but didn't know about Henning's. I'll look into the other demos vdgg mentioned, as well. I'm just correcting them as I find them.

Demos mentioned by Kimo and N_A should be up soon. Both Okuplok's sunder MAP04 and D-Ds scythe2 MAP27 have been fixed. Thanks!

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killing adventure - map 1 are both my and Rev's runs tysons, because there is no way for them not to be (no guns are in the map), also my map 7 is actually map 8, I messed up naming of file

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@ Never Again: your sac_bld max demo doesn't appear in the zip. See also here(last post).

@ Andy Olivera:
- Vincent Catalaa's TNT MAP17 UV Speed is pacifist and is the same demo as the one in the "Pacifist" section. If I remember well (Guiddqd's case), the policy is not to duplicate such entries.

- Wow, you went further than I suggested when it comes to moving invalid Maxes to "Other" category. I'm beginning to like it :) After all, it's more consistent after that darken2 experience. There's one note, however, with which I disagree. Anthony Soto's MM2 MAP25 Other has a note: "UV Max attempt. Misses two monsters". I'd prefer "Misses a chaingunner" or something similar. As I wrote in m2251038.txt, one monster cannot be killed, so if in the level stats he misses two, he actually misses one ;) As a side note, this map probably cannot be maxed without any resurrections

- TimeOfDeath's Eternal MAP31 Speed uses secret exit, the same as Grazza's demo.

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Thank you, vdgg. Don't know how I managed to put the older speed into the max ZIP, delete the max (good thing it was still in Recycle Bin) and then miss Searcher's post. That demo would be a pain to re-record.

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vdgg: N_A's demo updated. Duplicate tnt demo deleted. Thanks!

As for Anthony's mm2 demo, he does indeed miss two monsters. There's a Sergeant still roaming about, as well. I checked the other demos to make sure and the lift-activating Imp is the only survivor in them.

On a related note, j4rio's sunder MAP10 run misses a total of nine monsters (one Revenant, eight Imps). Can anyone tell me how many of those Imps can actually be killed? I just did a quick test and there were six that I couldn't wake.

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it depends on luck if splash damage of rockets hitting the killable imps wakes them up, and I believe that one rev failed to teleport in time at the demon/rev part with revs on the upper platforms

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109 demos this week. Also began consolidating the scythe2 tables.

j4rio: I only noted one monster missed in the comments for your demo, as the others can't be reached reliably. Thanks!

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A few typos in the current update:

Blob's CChest2 MAP23 time is 11:35, rather than 11:32;
His 18:20 UV Max is for level 27, rather than 28;
Looper's 30UV record is actually 23:25.

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