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The DooMed Speed Demos Archive returns!

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Just out of curiosity, how much effort does it take to add one demo to the archive? There are lots of secondary pages (eg. Updates, "Top 20," Players) - do they get updated automatically or do you have to keep tweaking values? Could more parts of the process be automated?

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Philnemba said:

According to my demo page it said I made 59 demos when its really 60.

There's a FDA in there. FDAs aren't taken into account as far as I know :)

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[WH]-Wilou84 said:

There's a FDA in there. FDAs aren't taken into account as far as I know :)

Heh did you bother counting the amount of demos in the list and notice there are 61 if you count the fda ;)

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Phil: It shows one less because I assigned your last2003 demo to Memfis initially (his count should be one over). Totals only get calculated during an update, so anytime I move demos around the totals remain slightly off until the next update.

Creaphis: Very little effort required; the process is as automated as it can be. Entries are added for collections, players and wads, to which the demo entries can then refer. All pages are automatically generated from this database. The only static pages are 'Info', 'Links' and 'Deathmatch'. Automation was the whole purpose behind redesigning the DSDA. I can't imagine trying to keep everything up to date manually.

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I have a feature request: Show wad name in page title, like this: "doom2.wad - Doomed Speed Demos Archive".It makes it easier to recognize them in the URL bar (I can't remember numbers that are assigned to wads).

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tempun: Funny you should mention that; I've recently been thinking about adding page titles, myself. Perhaps within the next week or two. Thanks!

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nerve.wad page lists a demo on MAP12 by |snut skallar|, but nerve.wad only has 9 levels. That run is on MAP04.

EDIT: In compet-n mirror /tnt/ subfolder is missing.

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EDIT: In compet-n mirror /tnt/ subfolder is missing.

I think all demos were moved to DSDA page. Same for plutonia.

btw, my engine for PL2 FDA's is "PRBoom v2.5.0.9"

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my sl28 is actually valid, one secret is untriggerable (I managed to trigger it only while clipping)

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There's a spechits overflow in that map. That demo was recorded without spechits overflow emulation (before it had been implemented - it came later that month, in fact), and will play back OK if it is turned off (temporarily).

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Xit's pt054537 was probably overlooked when transfering compet-n plutonia tysons

(damn, those tyson achievements, really pure awesomeness)

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112 demos this week.

didier & Grazza: Note added to disable spechits overflow. Thanks!

j4rio: Hmm, this one wasn't in my copy of the archive. Added. Thanks!

The marswar tables should be straightened out soon.

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my marswar map01 max was recorded on the latest version, but the map is identical, so the issue is kinda superficial.

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didierbertrand said:

HR181329 demo desync

I think that PrBoom Plus doesn't autodetect its DosDoom compatibility. It plays back correctly when I add "-complevel 5" to the command line.

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It would be a good idea to check the spechits thread if you come across something that looks like a desync. The demo you mentioned features an overflow, and requires it to be emulated in the way that Dosdoom handled it.

In the case of TAS demos, I made some batch files with command lines for all demos from the old TAS site, with additional parameters for demos where autodetection won't work. See this post. The txt included in the zip gives lots of notes on which demos require what behaviour. An excerpt:

Of the Dosdoom demos demos that desync with autodetect, ALL BUT TWO play back with -complevel 3. So you would expect them also to play back using the Ultimate Doom exe, and with Chocolate-Doom (and -gameversion ultimate) too. I haven't tested either case, but I would be surprised if there were any problems. This is kind of logical, given that Dosdoom .47 was very close to the released source code, which was closer to Ultimate Doom than anything else. Anyway, this gives you a further way to watch these demos.

Several of those demos play back with Final Doom compat, but not all. If you want the details, ask me, or test them yourself.

The two that fail with Ultimate Doom compat are, you no doubt guessed, the ones with spechits overflows: hr181329.lmp and hf181430.lmp

BTW, I checked all demos from the old DSDA site some years back. I reported any that didn't play back OK with prboom-plus, and Andrey fixed the problem (with a very few exceptions, which are a known and as yet unsolved issue, generally in cases where the demo features an overflow that can't readily be emulated). So the chances of finding an old demo that desyncs and that isn't already known about (and can't be resolved with an appropriate command-line option) are pretty slim.

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87 demos this week.

vdgg: The ZIP now includes both versions.

HR181329 updated with an appropriate comment.

Didn't have any time to work on the marswar tables.

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