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The DooMed Speed Demos Archive returns!

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Andy Olivera said:

Grazza: Bummer! Google only turned up one other mention of the demopack and it was the same dead link, so I guess it's gone from the net for the time being.

Kristian Ronge kindly emailed me the elusive Extremal Doom Demo Pack. I have put it here:


If for some reason that link doesn't work for anyone, please let me know.

As far as I can tell, cack-handed's x1t7-036.lmp may be the only demo that is missing from DSDA, though I didn't check systematically.

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zone300.wad on DSDA doesn't match the one on idgames. Absolutely no changes in the existing maps just a new bonus map33 apparently no one seems to know about :D
(Forewarning for any takers: it doesn't adhere to the 300 lines rule nor does it compare quality-wise to rest of the wad.)

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60 demos this week.

Grazza: Awesome! The collection has been integrated, and you're right about cack's demo being the only one missing. Thanks!

Ancalagon & Keyboard_Doomer: Both fixed. Thanks!

On another note, does anyone know what the deal is on the supposed 'easter egg' demos on this old ksutra demopack? I tried the instructions, but all I got was a list of files. If there's something there I'd like to just include it in the pack so an archaic program isn't required.

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Andy Olivera said:

On another note, does anyone know what the deal is on the supposed 'easter egg' demos on this old ksutra demopack? I tried the instructions, but all I got was a list of files. If there's something there I'd like to just include it in the pack so an archaic program isn't required.

You need the original zip, fortunately still available from the demopack's thread. The one from doomedsda.us must have been modified at some point, with the relevant part being stripped.


rjy@vile /tmp % unzip -z ks-lmps.zip
Archive:  ks-lmps.zip
section 1/1   file ks-eggs.zip   [ Wincode 2.7.3 ]

begin 644 ks-eggs.zip
(snipped uuencoded data)
sum -r/size 53706/4970

section 1/1   file ks-eggs.zip   [ Wincode 2.7.3 ]

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Suggested additions to the Armadosia page:

· MAP06 - cl-1
· MAP07 - cl-1
· MAP10 - cl9
· MAP17 - cl-1
· MAP18 - cl9
· MAP23 - cl-1
· MAP25 - cl9
· MAP30 - cl-1

The rest of the entries that don't have complevel listed are all cl2.

Any chance for a Toggle Select/Clear All button on the Settings page? :)

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Paul Gilbert's Aliens-TC pgatclev_e2m1_s4 from here has wrong filenames in the demo footer, different from the CMD line listed in the TXT and from the other demos in the set. So you get visual glitches, like no railings, with this demo.


PWAD....Š.....2..PrBoom-Plus "doom.wad" -file "alitcwad.wad" "alitcsf.wad" "alitcsnd.wad" -deh "alitcpud.deh" -complevel 3 .........VERSION.........PORTNAME%...d...CMDLINE.
other demos:
PWAD....‡.....2..PrBoom-Plus "doom.wad" -file "atclev.wad" 
"alitcsf.wad" "alitcsnd.wad" -deh "atcud19.deh" -complevel 3 .........VERSION.........PORTNAME%...a...CMDLINE.
Attached is a corrected copy, with the demo footer c&p'ed from the other demos.

BTW, I see that he filled the holes in the TEUTiC UV Max table. E3M1 done in 17:03, with re-recording, hmmmm. As I've seen a casual UV Max of it in 7:36, I can only assume that "Paul Gilbert" is Ryan W's DSDA alias. You know, the Wiki superstar who did E1M1 of DOOM.WAD in a mind-boggling 36:55.

Sorry for the double post, that damn attachment bug strikes again.


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JudgeDeadd said:

On the 1monster page, justanotherfool's MAP01 1:43 demo (1m01-143.lmp) has its time given as "0:00".

Same with his vile MAP04 demo

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Just a quick question. When recording my demos I normally have mouselook enabled, is this ok? Normally mouse look does not benefit me much but I am unable to play with keyboard controls only. If this is OK then please let me know,thanks.

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84 demos this week.

All fixed since last update. Thanks!

driftyloon: I don't know what the general attitude is toward mouselook, but you don't need it enabled to use a mouse.

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My 1monster MAP20 Max demo needs 1monster_bugfix.wad for playback. And, while we're at it, my Requiem MAP21 demos and D2EP3 demo need req21_competn.wad

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lol, DW knows no Sundays.
Don't you wish you could take a vacation from it all for a couple of weeks, Andy?
Too bad you can't. You are irreplaceable.

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129 demos this week.

All added and fixed since last update. Thanks! For the record, though, the only demo actually missed was Nevan's; the others were overflow. That 'beat Cyber's demos' thread generated a buttload of runs.

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Andy Olivera said:

129 demos this week.

All added and fixed since last update. Thanks! For the record, though, the only demo actually missed was Nevan's; the others were overflow. That 'beat Cyber's demos' thread generated a buttload of runs.

Nevan's map 9 max was missing from resurge (2015-02) because it's on resurge (2014-11). Map 9 max desyncs with the latest version of resurge.

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