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The DooMed Speed Demos Archive returns!

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In regards to hosted WADs, the WAD archived at the DSDA for alienlev is incorrect. The archived WAD is, for some reason, a Doom II conversion of the WAD, whereas Maikl's demo runs on the original Doom version of ALIENLEV.WAD -- which is a part of Alien Doom v1.01, which is available here. There was also a v1.02 patch, available here, that made various little changes to the levels. The latest version of the WAD, now known as Aliens Doom, is v2.0, which can be found at idgames/ here.

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Andy, may I ask you about sorting player's page? One time manually would be enough.

PS By nick by priority perhaps

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Hitherto: Good idea(and done).:-)

In fact, they were sorted. There's actually a second(not shown) name field that I used for sorting, and I used player's real names when available. Hence, why Opulent appeared under the Ms and Xit Vono appeared under the Ls. Now it's the way it probably should've been from the start: last/first name or alias(whichever is displayed). Thanks for bringing it up!

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Not nearly as many as last week, but a good number, nonetheless: 69 demos. Only five of these are new(a trio of pl2 runs courtesy of dew, and a pair on the old 1fiffy from The Green Herring. The rest are comprised of the original Final DooM demopack. Comparing those old times to the current records is truly shocking.

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Just as a sampler, I watched the current UV max record demo for TNT MAP05, and then watched Yonatan Donner's demo for it in that pack... Oh, God! Hesitating before moving, frequent meandering about, hesitating before opening a door... hell, he even hesitates for several seconds before throwing the exit switch! Man, if I didn't know better, and didn't know he was one of the best players of the era, I would think he was playing this level for the first time in his life! It really drives home just how much Doom speedrunning has improved since the early days of the game, that's for sure.

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This week we have 112 demos, which took me way too long to add, for some reason. Some are new, but many(most?) are old(courtesy of The Green Herring). The most noteworthy of the bunch(for me, anyway) is a long overdue UV Max pack for obtic11.

Two things before I go: first, the scythe table has been updated with regard to UV Speed/Pacifist(thanks dew!), and should now be more accurate. Second, the new WADs that've been added(specifically, hc20 and scythe2v2) haven't been uploaded, yet(the current files are just placeholders). This is because the size of the files requires me to upload them manually, but my FTP access is down. Hopefully this will be fixed soon. I'll update this post when they're up.

Until next week...

7/21/09: hc20 and scythe2v2 are now available for download.

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OK, the modified pack is in its place, why doesn't it affect the player statistics?

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vdgg: I guess I need to play around with the update script some more.:-( On the plus side, it's just the stats that are messed up. The listings of the demos are unaffected. I'll work on it some more this weekend.

Never_Again: You're very welcome! And thank you for all the wonderful lmps you've provided over the years, without which the DSDA wouldn't be necessary.:-)

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This week's update has 45 demos, all new. Making their DSDA debuts this week are Maxim Abreev and Okuplok.

I didn't have any time to work on the player stats problem, so it'll have to wait until next weekend. In the meantime, if anyone here has MySQL experience, I could use some help to double check my work(the problem is in one of my UPDATE queries, but I can't see any errors in them). Drop me an eMail if you feel like helping.

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I wanted to upload a few demos this weekend but it's already too
late, because they are unfinished.

P.S. Call me Akse please, Maxim Abreev is so stupid. :0\

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Akse: You're welcome.:-)

35 demos this week, many on both versions of scythe2. Thanks to dew for providing more corrections to the table and submitting some older v1 runs. Among others included is a mapgame set from Monakhov Vladimir that should've been in last week's update.

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good work, andy. last two missing ronge demos to go... oh and the new mm2 tyson run is vdgg's, but thanks for the mistake, it made me laugh. :)

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