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Doom4 "is classic doom".

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^^^ I agree. Its almost verbatim from what I've heard in other interviews.

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Aireal fly bys. Cut scenes.

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I'm curious if we'll see screenshots of Doom 4 that look like JDoom, mainly if they are colourful again (though bright brown is a nice bait lately) and have PINK demons and red-blue cacos.

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ryuusen91 said:

it will be like classic doom

One quote does not proof of gameplay make.

ryuusen91 said:

and it has been annonced FYI

It hasn't been officially announced yet, though. There's a difference between a project being talked about in tiny drips and drabs, and an official announcement/unveiling with, you know, some actual information.

That said, thanks for linking that article, i hadn't seen it.

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geo said:

Aireal fly bys. Cut scenes.

I remember they were talking in the preview days of Doom 3 that it will probably have a lot of cutscenes, BUT not too many to be distracting. In the end, it only has cutscenes for new monster encounters, not too many. Hopefully Doom 4 will be the same in this regard.

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I wouldn't hold those words too close, he probably didn't mean it as literally as we have the potential to take it. I mean, it's probably classic doom in the sense that the game follows the story and background of doom 1 or 2, but I wouldn't gamble on the chance that it's going to be Doom 2 with good graphics. If it were this game would have been done in no time.

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"They're doing something Doom fans will be happy with."

Not the Doom fans on Doomworld, I bet! :p

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People on the net in general tend to dislike things and pick them apart like an imp and a metal wall.

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40oz said:

but I wouldn't gamble on the chance that it's going to be Doom 2 with good graphics. If it were this game would have been done in no time.

Yeah, but good graphics take much time.

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it has been confirmed been in development for a few years and will take less time than rage due to IDtech 5 being built read the articel there is a doom 4 team

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if its fast paced and ether has no weopon limit or regen health or works it in a way that it feels like doom ill be happy im happy with DNF my only gripe with that game is no mighty boot

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ryuusen91 said:

it has been confirmed been in development for a few years and will take less time than rage due to IDtech 5 being built read the articel there is a doom 4 team

I don't think its been in development for a few years. Maybe they talked about it for a few years and if that constitutes development, so be it :-) I think they hired a team in 2010 to work on the stuff for it. Like graphics and models.

I'd say a quality game would take at least a year after they have all of the objects, models, art and tech.

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Announcement isn't always the start.

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Indeed, but they were hiring team members to start Doom 4 as of 2010. Perhaps ID Tech 5 started in 2008 for Doom but someone was like eh lets make Rage first.

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Sounds promising...but yeah, I'll wait to get excited. I suppose if you don't consider Doom 3...Doom 3, it was a good game. It also scared the hell out of me when I was playing it in my basement without the lights on. I think I will be happy as long as the game is good, but it would be even better if some of these things are true!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This better have fast running like in the original doom, that was so much fun holding the button on split-screen and going at 20 MPH around the map. I also would like the retro feeling and the Doom 2 map 1 music running from hell, it was very catchy.

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LOL music comes up a lot. Music is probably a post thing like in movies, music comes last.

I really do think people miss the sprinting and the old school metal. But it shouldn't be all metal & sprinting.

Sprinting should have a bar that depletes if you hold it for half a minute.

There should be Metal. Maybe not even 90s Metal, but early 90s Metal, because Duke Forever tried to be funny from the 90s when they should've tried to be funny from the 2000s.
Hopefully there's still ambient music cues.

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Now that I think about it... Classic Doom feel probably means no slopes and no looking up or down.

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geo said:

LOL music comes up a lot. Music is probably a post thing like in movies, music comes last.

I really do think people miss the sprinting and the old school metal. But it shouldn't be all metal & sprinting.

Sprinting should have a bar that depletes if you hold it for half a minute.

There should be Metal. Maybe not even 90s Metal, but early 90s Metal, because Duke Forever tried to be funny from the 90s when they should've tried to be funny from the 2000s.
Hopefully there's still ambient music cues.

I think it would be interesting to hear a mix of both. Some metal--such as Portal, Gnaw Their Tongues, Immolation, Blut Aus Nord--have horrific and ambient/noise elements that is really intense. Some sort of ambient/metal mix could work, I think.

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geo said:

Classic Doom feel probably means no slopes

If it takes place in a communist city with no accessibilities for people with disabilities, yeah.

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In the future no one will have disabilities. No one will also have flashlights on their shotgun... The future!

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