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The amazing "identify that Doom song" thread.

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Little bump and double post.. but since I'm so keen to finally get this Dwango mystery solved, I decided to make a video about it. Hopefully someone in the comment section will be able to help!



EDIT: Yes, amazing! This is working just as I'd hoped, one of the tracks has already been identified!





EDIT 2: I just now noticed while looking through the DWANGO article history that Revenant was disputing the claim that D5M1 is actually based on "Energizer (Cyber Space mix) by Hit the Floor (aka Dieter Bohlen)".


Frankly, the songs are not identical and only have a passing resemblance. I have a strong suspicion that HitFloor.mid is an "original" closely based on that song, though. Similar to how some of Bobby Prince's songs for Doom are more loosely based on existing riffs, rather than being direct copies.


I didn't realize all this before making my video or else I would have given more credence to it still being up for debate. I made it sound way too much like the case was fully closed, since I didn't realize it was still uncertain - it may be one of those things that just remains contentious for years to come. I'm half-content with the explanation that HitFloor is just a case of loose inspiration, although of course I'd prefer a composer name and actual solid info on the topic, if indeed such a thing is ever possible..

Edited by Doomkid

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1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

Yes, amazing! This is working just as I'd hoped, one of the tracks has already been identified!





I always thought it sounded like something relating to a Descent game. Then again that's great to discover where the song came from.


I also have a copy of the game myself but it's in rough condition (I might need to consider replacing the jewel case)


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I think I got that game from one of those "free game inside!" magazines. Either Earthsiege or Earthsiege 2, whichever one ends up with fighting on the Moon.


No idea if I still have the CD somewhere, though.

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Damn, looks like it started out as a MUS so all the metadata's been wiped.. It absolutely has that late 90's dance feel to it though, similar era and genre to that famous Skulltag Secret Level MIDI, spheares.mid

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How about DWANGO20?


First, to get it out of the way, the easy ones:

D_ADRIAN	Heretic_E1M5
D_DDTBL3	Heretic_E1M6
D_DEAD2 	D5_M19
D_MESSAG	Heretic_E2M7
D_ROMER2	Heretic_E2M3
D_SHAWN2	D6_M12.mus
D_STLKS2	D6_M23.mus
D_STLKS3	AZD_M04.mus

Heretic and various DWANGOs.


Also obvious, D_RUNNIN is a variant of the infamous D5M1 song. But a remaster by whom?

D_DOOM is CANYON.MID, except butchered to MUS.

D_IN_CIT is Descent's Lunar Outpost theme, except maimed into MUS

D_COUNT2 is Duke 3D's Pissed Office Box, except mangled into MUS

D_AMPIE is Metaltech: Earthsiege's theme #2 (at least in the Mirsoft rip; couldn't find a title for it)

D_SHAWN3 is TNT Evilution's D_DEAD2, except somehow brutalized into MUS even though it was MUS to begin with?

D_ULTIMA is Hiding the Secrets, except somehow hammered into a different MUS. Of all things it matches the version that's in Community Chest 4 MAP07. Why?

D_DM2TTL is Duke 3D's Stalag 3-D, except raped to MUS


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5 hours ago, Gez said:

How about DWANGO20?


D_DDTBLU is Stevie Nicks - "Edge of Seventeen"

D_THEDA2 is an arrangement of the ingame music from the Windows version of Chip's Challenge

D_DOOM2 is Duran Duran - "Hungry Like the Wolf"

D_MESSG2 is Ram Jam - "Black Betty"


and at least a couple of others that I recognize but am too tired to name right now

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Damn, somehow didn't see these posts in my notifications - All the Dwango20 stuff has been known for a while:



Title) Stalag 3-D from Duke Nukem 3D

1) Remix of DWANGO5 MAP01

3) Megadeth - 99 Ways To Die (Guitar version)

5) Canyon

6) Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet with Butterfly Wings

7) Roxette - Harleys & Indians (riders in the sky)

8) Stevie Nicks - Edge Of Seventeen

10) Les Claypool - The Awakening

12) "CHIP02" from Chip's Challenge

13) Duran Duran - Hungry Like The Wolf

14) Arthur Brown - Fire

15) TNT MAP11

18) Nine Inch Nails - The Collector

21) "P.O.B"/"Pissed Office Box" from Duke Nukem 3D : Atomic Edition

24) Frank Zappa - Flakes

26) Ram Jam - Black Betty

28) Nine Inch Nails - Happiness in Slavery

29) TNT MAP16/26

31) South Park - Chef Chocolate Salty Balls


The D5M1 remix was done by me for an old project called Deathmatch Revival that didn't turn out too well. As for the random and often pointless MUS conversions, in most cases that's just how they were packaged with the maps. I think it has to do with tools being more limited in the old days, so people would extract a MUS from a wad which would be converted to MIDI during the extraction process, then they would take that - by now brutally fucked with - MIDI file and re-convert it to MUS again to get it back into yet another wad. Needless to say this resulted in some severe mangling in some instances.


A lot of them made the rounds too, as evidenced by one of them being here and in CC4, of all places.


Speaking of mangled MUS files, could anyone help me to identify this one?




I've heard this MIDI in many wads over the years, and at various levels of "sloppiness", likely resulting from MUS butchering as mentioned above. The sound and pace of the MIDI always made me think it was a Mark Klem tune, I knew it wasn't from MM1 but I went and checked MM2 and it's not from there either. Maybe this is misdirection and it just happens to sound similar-ish to his style for certain songs. I'd appreciate any help on this one

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I love the Map 12 soundtrack from dwangox.wad. It just has this awesome mix similar of those to rare's Goldeneye-style beats, perfect dark-style of tune, alongside Donkey Kong Drum music. I love that track :)

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36 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

All the Dwango20 stuff has been known for a while:

Still missing MAP02 and intermission theme, though.



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Map02 is a common/classic one, the same song as Map02 of Dwango5, NIN's Head Like a Hole, although the MIDI is very slightly different.

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  • 1 month later...

A single MIDI that I found in a random terrywad. README doesn't disclose the source. Given that it's in MUS format, I am assuming it's from the 90s, but I have not encountered it in any other WAD so far. Thus, sadly, I do not know where it's actually from.


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It corresponds to the title music in 2002: A Doom Odyssey 10th Anniversary Edition. So you can ask @pcorf for further precisions, I suppose.

Edited by Gez

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I've recently started organising music from all the wads I've downloaded, and I have a bulk of tracks that I don't recognise and aren't stated in the textfiles or the wiki. I didn't really know about this thread until Doomkid pointed me here a couple days ago, so I thought I'd just dump all of the unidentified tracks so far onto here. I'll probably use this thread again in the future, or maybe just update this post, because I still keep on making my collection larger while encountering more music I'd like identified. But this is what I need help with at the moment:

Three Is a Crowd


The textfile only credits composers, but doesn't tell the name of each track. I've already asked Doomkid about his tracks, but the rest is still unknown to me.

Title Theme: "spicecave" by Ribbiks
Intermission Theme: "intense" by Ribbiks
MAP02: "The Devil's Riff" by Crunchynut44
MAP03: "Sent from Hell" by Crunchynut44
MAP04: "The Dank" by Crunchynut44
MAP06: "Crumbling" by Crunchynut44
MAP09: "Stomping Grounds" by Crunchynut44
MAP11: "Satan" by Ribbiks
MAP12: "dfd3" by Ribbiks
MAP13: "Red Alert" by Ribbiks
MAP14: "Dark Expanse" by Ribbiks
MAP15: "nip" by Ribbiks
MAP17: "dfd5" by Ribbiks
MAP29: "party-is-dead" by Ribbiks
MAP30: "Triage" by Ribbiks
MAP31: "mygit" by Ribbiks

Confinement 256


CONF21: "dr. poles" by jmickle
CONF23: "Matrix" from Parasite Eve
CONF35: "Battle Theme" from Legend of Dragoon
CONF36: "Strong Fast Current" from Brave Fencer Musashi
CONF40: "Base Tower" from Syphon Filter
CONF41: "Andiamo a Comandare" by Fabio Rovazzi
CONF43: "Flowers of Antimony" from Shovel Knight
CONF44: "I'll Face Myself" from Persona 4
CONF45: "Blade Runner End Theme" by Vangelis
CONF48: "Guyra" from King's Field
CONF49: "Mithril Cave" from Beyond the Beyond
CONF51: "Cavern" from Metal Gear Solid
CONF52: "What If I Don't Want To Be a Punching Bag" by Jimmy
CONF54: "Lullaby for Mergo" from Bloodborne
CONF57: "Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin (sped up)
CONF58: "Yuri" from The King of Fighters Kyo
CONF59: "Fortuna/Sector Z" from Star Fox 64
MAP01: "Phantom" from Thunder Force IV

Congestion 1024


Title Theme
MAP03: "Almost Honest" by Megadeth
MAP04: "Quad Machine" from Quake II
MAP11: untitled track by shitbag
MAP14: "alien.mid" by an unknown author
MAP16: untitled track by shitbag
MAP17: untitled track by shitbag
MAP19: "Mandatory Suicide" by Slayer
MAP22: untitled track by shitbag
MAP23: untitled track by shitbag
MAP24: untitled track by shitbag
MAP25: "Evolution (The Grand Design)" by Symphony X
MAP29: "Battle with Magus" from Chrono Trigger
MAP31: untitled track by shitbag

Deus Vult


Title Theme: "Area 8: Alien's Lair" from Contra
Intermission Theme: "Area 6: Energy Zone" from Contra

Doom 2 Redux


Intermission Theme
Text Screen Theme
MAP01: "A New Level" by Pantera
MAP04: "6:00" by Dream Theater
MAP06: "The Becoming" by Nine Inch Nails
MAP13 (might be titled "Vow"?)
MAP14: "Dead Souls" by Joy Division
MAP16: "Welcome Home" by King Diamond
MAP17: "The Helix" by Tolwyn
MAP18: "Mable" by Goldfinger
MAP19: "You Look So Fine" by Garbage
MAP20: "Scenes from a Memory - Scene 6: Home" by Dream Theater
MAP21: "Rawk" by Jeremy Doyle

Doomworld Mega Project 2012


MAP13: untitled Freedoom track by Hyena
MAP21: "Two Tides" from Ecco 2: Tides of Time
MAP27: "Corneria" from Star Fox

Doomworld Mega Project 2013


Vanilla and limit removing:


ZDoom and UDMF:
MAP10 (something arranged by Juan Jose Alva-Guerra)

Doomworld Mega Project 2014


Title Theme: "Tron's Quarters" from The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
Intermission Theme
MAP10: "Institute Menu" from Perfect Dark
MAP18: "The Great River Race" by Dr.Awesome

Doomworld Mega Project 2015


ZDoom and UDMF:

Doomworld Mega Project 2016


MAP40: "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath
MAP48: "Wish TechnoMix" by NiGHTMARE

Doomworld Mega Project 2017


MAP02: "Burn" by Nine Inch Nails
MAP33: "Area 02 Theme" from Krusty's Super Fun House
MAP37: "Ophidian" by Jimmy
MAP40: "Alleycat Blues" from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time 
MAP47: "The Separated Symbiote" by an unknown author

Doomworld Mega Project 2018


Title Theme



Music is credited to Ribbiks, but just like in "Three Is a Crowd" the names of each track aren't stated, so I would like to know what the names are, if they have any.

Title Theme (by Ribbiks)
Intermission Theme: "The Quicksand Fields" from Secret of Evermore
MAP01 (by Ribbiks)
MAP02: "party-is-dead" by Ribbiks

Epic 2



Freedoom Phase 1 and 2 (v0.12.1)


I couldn't find anything about names or authors of a single track. Do they even have titles? And who composed them?
JD Herrera informed me that most tracks in Freedoom don't have titles at all, or just have working titles as "names".

Phase 1:

Title Theme

Intermission Theme: "FreedoomMusic10" by Mogul

Text Screen Theme

End Theme: "Sweet Bunnies ^_^" by GhostlyDeath

E1M1: untitled track by Ralphis

E1M2: "Slayer" by an unknown author

E1M3: "FreedoomMusic4" by Mogul

E1M4: "Flood the City" by KevinHEZ

E1M5: "sit on a bench 'n release that tensh'n" by jmickle


E1M8: "On the Next Day" by KevinHEZ

E1M9: "The Raging Sun" by KevinHEZ


E2M2: "Animal Skin" by KevinHEZ

E2M3: "Alone with Colors" by KevinHEZ


E2M5: "FreedoomMusic1" by Mogul

E2M6: "sit on a bench 'n release that tensh'n" by jmickle

E2M7: "FreedoomMusic2" by Mogul

E2M9: "dave3d34" by Juta





E3M5: untitled track by Blueworrior


E3M7: untitled track by Blueworrior

E3M8: untitled track by Blueworrior



Phase 2:

Title Theme: untitled track by Picklehammer

Intermission Theme

Text Screen Theme

MAP01: untitled track by Blueworrior


MAP03: untitled track by Blueworrior

MAP04: "FreedoomMusic8" by Mogul


MAP06: untitled track by Picklehammer

MAP07: untitled track by Picklehammer







MAP14: "About the Summer" by KevinHEZ

MAP15: untitled track by Blueworrior


MAP17: untitled track by Blueworrior





MAP22: untitled track by Picklehammer



MAP25: "FreedoomMusic11" by Mogul


MAP27: "Dreamcatcher" by KevinHEZ


MAP29: untitled track by Viscra Maelstrom



MAP32: "Black Mountain" by KevinHEZ

Maskim Xul


MAP01: "Panic" from Xenosaga Episode I



Most of the tracks are credited to Deadwing, except MAP32. I know from Counterattack's credits that MAP20's music is called "Central Command", which leads me to believe that all the other tacks have names as well, but I couldn't find anything about that.

Title Theme: "The Sinner" by Deadwing
Intermission Theme: "Change of Settings" by Deadwing
Text Screen Theme: "Worried" by Deadwing
MAP01: "Moonblood Starport" by Deadwing
MAP02: "Alpha Labs" by Deadwing
MAP03: "Underground Experiments" by Deadwing
MAP04: "The Courtyard" by Deadwing
MAP05: "Hardware and Waste" by Deadwing
MAP06: "Central Command" by Deadwing
MAP07: "Industrial Zone" by Deadwing
MAP08: "Sewers" by Deadwing
MAP09: "Working Floors" by Deadwing
MAP10: "Nukage" by Deadwing
MAP11: "Hardware and Waste" by Deadwing (as you can see, I'm very good at spotting duplicates)
MAP12: "The Courtyard" by Deadwing (very good at spotting duplicates)
MAP13: "Industrial Zone" by Deadwing (I'm basically a duplicate spotting master at this point)
MAP14: "Spooky Shrine" by Deadwing
MAP15: "Alpha Labs" by Deadwing (okay, I'll stop, it's not even funny anymore, it's just sad)
MAP16: "Underground Experiments" by Deadwing
MAP17: "Sewers" by Deadwing
MAP18: "Hell Presence" by Deadwing
MAP19: "Nukage" by Deadwing
MAP21: "Spooky Shrine" by Deadwing
MAP22: "Outside Gardens" by Deadwing
MAP23: "Underground Experiments" by Deadwing
MAP24: "The Courtyard" by Deadwing
MAP25: "Industrial Zone" by Deadwing
MAP26: "Hell Presence" by Deadwing
MAP27: "Outside Gardens" by Deadwing
MAP28: "Nukage" by Deadwing
MAP29: "Moonblood Ritual Site" by Deadwing
MAP30: "The Sinner" by Deadwing
MAP31: "Moonblood Starport" by Deadwing
MAP32: "Botpack #9" from Unreal Tournament

NOVA: The Birth


Intermission Theme
Text Screen Theme

NOVA II: New Dawn


Title Theme
Intermission Theme: "Angels" by an unknown author
Text Screen Theme: "07 - Communication Lost" by an unknown author

Slaughterfest 2011


MAP17: "Death in Fire" by Amon Amarth
MAP18: "The Pursuit of Vikings" by Amon Amarth
MAP19: "Cosmo Plant" from Gradius III

Slaughterfest 2012


Text Screen Theme
MAP12: "Two Tides" from Ecco 2: Tides of Time
MAP16: "Magmoor Caverns (Burning Trail)" from Metroid Prime
MAP18: "Something I Can Never Have" by Nine Inch Nails
MAP25: "The Infinite Sky" by Zach Siegel
MAP27: "Black Forest" by Knightrider of Doom
MAP34: "Fight to the End" by Knightrider of Doom

Slaughterfest 3


Title Theme
Intermission Theme: "Pagan's Theme" from Ultima VIII (maybe?)
Text Screen Theme: "Unholy Armada" from Soldier Blade

Speed of Doom


Title Theme: "Siege" by stewboy
Intermission Theme: "Harmless" by stewboy

Stardate 20X6


Intermission Theme: "Magical Mystery" from Kingdom Hearts 2

Stardate 20X7


Title Theme
Text Screen Theme

Here is a zipfile with all the tracks listed above:
Music to Identify.zip

I apologise if I'm breaking any rules by asking to identify a bulk of songs like this, or if I'm asking about any tracks that have already been identified in this thread. I haven't really gone through all the pages of it.

Edited by Xulgonoth

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@Willy W. Here's a few I was able to identify:


Speed of Doom


Title Theme - "Siege" by stewboy
Intermission Theme - "Harmless" by stewboy


Source: SODINFO.txt


Congestion 1024


MAP03 - "Almost Honest" by Megadeth
MAP04 - "Quad Machine" from Quake II, rendition by silentzorah
MAP14 - "alien.mid", author unknown
MAP19 - "Mandatory Suicide" by Slayer
MAP25 - "Evolution (The Grand Design)" by Symphony X
MAP29 - "Battle with Magus" from Chrono Trigger


Source: wiki, 1024.txt


The rest may be original compositions by @Negatronica, according to the wiki.


For Three's A Crowd, check out this post:

Edited by Andromeda

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@Andromeda Thank you! I was afraid I may have missed something in the text files, so I'm a little embarassed by that :D
But that post by Scypek is really useful. I wasn't sure he made one like that on Doomworld, so I'm glad you found it for me.

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You can find all the Moonblood songs + their name in this bandcamp page :D
Map 32 is an Unreal song called Botpack #9



Edited by Deadwing

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That post corresponds to the content of the SOUNDTRK lump in the file, BTW.


For Freedoom I suppose you have to go to the github page and look at the history of each individual song.


By the way, some SLADE duplicate report for your zip:



3 Is a Crowd/MAP29 title unknown (Ribbiks).mid	(4d4db562) duplicated by	Entropy/MAP02 title unknown (Ribbiks).mid
Doomworld Mega Project 2012/MAP21 title unknown (author unknown).mid	(8ec6d997) duplicated by	Slaughterfest 2012/MAP12 unknown title (unknown author).mid
Moonblood/(1Title) title unknown (Deadwing).mid	(544acadb) duplicated by	Moonblood/MAP30 title unknown (Deadwing).mid
Moonblood/MAP01 title unknown (Deadwing).mid	(d2118c9b) duplicated by	Moonblood/MAP31 title unknown (Deadwing).mid
Moonblood/MAP02 title unknown (Deadwing).mid	(b3e1445b) duplicated by	Moonblood/MAP15 title unknown (Deadwing).mid
Moonblood/MAP03 title unknown (Deadwing).mid	(330c9cd2) duplicated by	Moonblood/MAP16 title unknown (Deadwing).mid	Moonblood/MAP23 title unknown (Deadwing).mid
Moonblood/MAP04 title unknown (Deadwing).mid	(8ec5b6e3) duplicated by	Moonblood/MAP12 title unknown (Deadwing).mid	Moonblood/MAP24 title unknown (Deadwing).mid
Moonblood/MAP05 title unknown (Deadwing).mid	(e5e2a7ff) duplicated by	Moonblood/MAP11 title unknown (Deadwing).mid
Moonblood/MAP07 title unknown (Deadwing).mid	(2e58ba0a) duplicated by	Moonblood/MAP13 title unknown (Deadwing).mid	Moonblood/MAP25 title unknown (Deadwing).mid
Moonblood/MAP08 title unknown (Deadwing).mid	(18281ec9) duplicated by	Moonblood/MAP17 title unknown (Deadwing).mid
Moonblood/MAP10 title unknown (Deadwing).mid	(a9e7a68e) duplicated by	Moonblood/MAP19 title unknown (Deadwing).mid	Moonblood/MAP28 title unknown (Deadwing).mid
Moonblood/MAP14 title unknown (Deadwing).mid	(bfb54b4a) duplicated by	Moonblood/MAP21 title unknown (Deadwing).mid
Moonblood/MAP18 title unknown (Deadwing).mid	(2a6b9198) duplicated by	Moonblood/MAP26 title unknown (Deadwing).mid
Moonblood/MAP22 title unknown (Deadwing).mid	(ddb0202f) duplicated by	Moonblood/MAP27 title unknown (Deadwing).mid





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@Deadwing Thank you, I wouldn't have really thought to check Soundcloud, but I guess it's going to be useful when I inevitably get to organising the Exomoon soundtrack as well ;)

@Gez I just got done identifying all the tracks from soundcloud... I wish I would have known about this lump 20 minutes ago :D
And yeah, I just noticed how many duplicates there are in the Moonblood soundtrack, I guess I was just too lazy to check when I was pulling the tracks from the wad.
But I'll have to go check the Freedoom's Github page, thank you for that suggestion.

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Not entirely certain if this is properly on topic (so delete this post if it's not), but I found myself listening to that old track Danielle's Face, by Edwin van Veldhoven, which was used in Hellcore 2.0, to name some, and I wonder if anyone ever contacted him about it. Does he know that his .midi compositions were used for Doom level sets, and how beloved they are for their strong serenity? Was he ok with people using it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's a really good question, ChopBlock. His tunes were used in at least 4 or 5 DWANGO wads too, so they've essentially always been well known among many Doom wad players. I would hope he's glad, I'd have never heard his amazing song otherwise. I couldn't even find a clean and "pure" rip of the song on YT, I'll be uploading it shortly, it deserves to be heard even by non Doomers.

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On 10/19/2019 at 5:45 AM, Doomkid said:


Dwango10 Map10. When I first heard this MIDI as a kid I was like "oh, that's definitely a Team TNT track right there". But I guess it's not, surely one of the composers would have stepped forward and owned it by now. So, if not from Team TNT.. Where did this very Doom-like MIDI even come from?


DC Dwango Map14. Yet another MIDI that I just kinda absent-mindedly credited to Team TNT when I was younger, but once again I guess it isn't. Were people all over the internet in the 90's just accidentally pooping out really cool "Doom, specifically TNT" style MIDIs or what?? They remind me of Map11 from Icarus (Stomp.mid) but clearly they weren't by JDoyle or he would have told us forever ago.


How could I be so right and yet so wrong at the same time? These tunes are, in fact, by JDoyle! I friggin’ KNEW it, the style similarity shined through.. Why did I assume he had already been asked about them?! That part was a completely baseless assumption!


Oh well, at least this mystery is solved once and for all!! NO more holes in the Dwango soundtrack - I knew this case would be laid to rest one day. WOO!


(check the latest comments in the YT video at the top of the page if you want to see the word from JDoyle himself. Also a big thank you to DookNookim for contacting JDoyle about this mystery and doing some very helpful investigating)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm looking for the old Demon Eclipse soundtrack. The one songs I identified are from classic megawads (Requiem, STRAIN) so I suppose the others likely are as well.


  1. D_RUNNIN: "Promenade" by John Landis, from STRAIN MAP17
  2. D_STALKS: "Steel Works" by Maxime Tondreau (aka Junkman, Max Project, Psychedelic Eyeball), from Planet of Cartmans 2.
  3. D_COUNTD: ?
  4. D_BETWEE: ?
  5. D_DOOM: "Breach of Madness" by Mark Klem, from Requiem MAP12
  6. D_THE_DA: "Dracoid Ruins Battle" from Lands of Lore 2
  7. D_DM2TTL: ?
  8. D_DM2INT: Player select theme from the SNES version of Ninja Warriors

https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/de-pkg (DE-SND.WAD)

  1. D_HELLST: "Simple Solutions" by Mark Klem, from STRAIN MAP06
  2. D_PRGTRY: "Land of Able" by Mark Klem, from STRAIN MAP13
  3. D_REFNRY: "Scent of Hell" by David Shaw, from STRAIN MAP12
  4. D_BEHEMO: "Boss" by John Landis, from STRAIN MAP04
  5. D_ARACHN: ?
  6. D_CARGO: "Backroad Wanderer" by David Shaw, from Memento Mori 2 MAP10 (though I think of it as the Massmouth theme)
  7. D_DEIMOS: "Beneath" by Mark Klem, from STRAIN MAP09
  8. D_PHOBOS: "Danger" by Mark Klem, from STRAIN MAP08
  9. D_SHUTTL: "State of Mind" by Mark Klem, from STRAIN MAP05
  10. D_ARMORY: "Phenomenon" by Mark Klem, from STRAIN MAP20
  11. D_BARRAC: "TechnoDoom" by Mark Klem, from STRAIN MAP01
  12. D_STYX: CBLOOD7.MID "Infuscomus" by Guy Whitmore and Daniel Bernstein, from Blood
  13. D_NECRO: CBLOOD8.MID, from Blood
  14. D_PIT: "Blood Jungle" by Jonathan El-Bizri, from TNT: Evilution MAP16
  15. D_SPIRE: "Taking the Death Toll" by Bobby Prince, from Duke Nukem 3D E1L2
  16. D_CITY: "Lord of L.A." by Bobby Prince, from Duke Nukem 3D E3L8
  17. D_MOLOCH: "Into the Beast's Belly" by L.A. Sieben, from TNT: Evilution MAP08
  18. D_THRONE: Remix of a dungeon theme from Daggerfall, taken from Equinox MAP10.
  19. D_SMITH: "Inner Fear" by Marc Pullen, from Gothic99 MAP07
  20. D_BOSS: ?
  21. D_DM2TTL: "Final Doom Theme" by David Shaw
  22. D_TEST: "The Hell 'Prince' Medley" by David Shaw from STRAIN MAP02
  23. D_DM2INT: Intermission track by Marc Pullen, from Gothic99
  24. D_RESERV: "Fortress of Chaos" by Kevin Schilder from Hexen MAP12
  25. D_STORY: Main theme from Doom 64 by Aubrey Hodges, MIDI version by Paul Corfiatis from The Twilight Zone II intermission track
  26. D_TOWER: UNHOLY.MID "Unholy Voices" by Daniel Bernstein, from Blood's v0.99 shareware CD (different from final version of UNHOLY.MID)
  27. D_CAVERN: BLOOD4.MID from Blood's v0.99 shareware CD (absent from later versions of the game)
  28. D_KEEP: Edit of CBLOOD4.MID "Dark Carnival" by Daniel Bernstein, from Blood
  29. D_FORGE: CBLOOD5.MID "DBlood4" by Daniel Bernstein, from Blood
  30. D_DUNGN: Theme by Kevin Schilder from Heretic E2M8: The Portals of Chaos
  31. D_END: ?
  32. D_DOOMED: ?


  1. D_COMCEN: "Sadistic" by L.A. Sieben, from TNT: Evilution MAP01
  2. D_DM2INT: ?
  3. D_GATE: "Terabyte" by Jimmy
  4. D_OPOST2.MID: Toxic Seahorse's theme from Mega Man X3 (Toxic_Seahorse.mid)
  5. D_OUTPST: ?
  6. D_PURIFY: "Demon Waltz" by Mark Klem, from GothicDM 2 MAP28
  7. D_SUPPLY: "Smells like Burning Corpse" by L.A. Sieben, from TNT: Evilution MAP02
  8. D_TEST: Theme from Raiden stage 2, confusingly called "Lightning War" in the arcade version and "Rough and Tumble" in the SNES version.
Edited by Gez

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2 hours ago, Gez said:

D_GATE: ? 


"Terabyte" by Jimmy


D_CAVERN is frustrating, not the first time that track has come up and I don't think it's been identified yet, unfortunately I can't even think right now where else I've heard it.

Edited by Eris Falling

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de-ep1.pk3: D_OPOST2 is Toxic Seahorse's theme from Mega Man X3, D_TEST is "Lightning War" from Raiden.

Edited by Revenant

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1 hour ago, Revenant said:

de-ep1.pk3: D_OPOST2 is Toxic Seahorse's theme from Mega Man X3, D_TEST is "Lightning War" from Raiden.

Thanks. For Toxic Seahorse, it sounds very close to "Toxic Seahorse's Stage (3)" from VGMusic (Toxic_Seahorse.mid), it's not the exact same file but it must just be an older version or something. Same author. No difference I notice when listening to it anyway.


For Lightning War, though, it doesn't match either of the two tracks here. So I downloaded a bunch of other Raiden tracks, and it corresponds to "Rough and Tumble". The GS version (Rdn1stg2.mid) by nZero seems the closest match, though pitch and tempo seem slightly modified -- perhaps an artifact of the MUS conversion.

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