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17 minutes ago, Ghost-Cat-Sarah said:

i always wanted to fuck the cyberdemon


You can make this dream come true with HDoom

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4 hours ago, SOSU said:

You can make this dream come true with HDoom

that version of cybie is for wimps

REAL gamers fuck the regular cyberdemon

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20 hours ago, Kapanyo said:

Well, he is. And we all still do, right?

I don't want to overanalyse, but he doesn't talk (perhaps not at all - even the manual will only go so far as to say you "probably" swapped war stories), his only modes of interaction are violence and pulling switches, and he almost certainly smells of some ghastly cocktail of zombie bits and fireball residue.

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another day volunteering at the tower of babel. everyone keeps asking me if they can fuck the cyderdemon. buddy, they wont even let me fuck it


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Guest Unregistered account
6 hours ago, damerell said:

I don't want to overanalyse, but he doesn't talk (perhaps not at all - even the manual will only go so far as to say you "probably" swapped war stories), his only modes of interaction are violence and pulling switches, and he almost certainly smells of some ghastly cocktail of zombie bits and fireball residue.

Terribly, terribly incorrect. His sensual "Uhn"s as he slides along walls is worth a thousand poems from a silver tongue.

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I. (sobs) Have. (sobs) Never. (sobs) Played. (sobs) The. (sobs) Original. (sobs) Doom. (sobs) All. (sobs) The. (sobs) Way. (sobs) Through. (sobs) Legitimately! (bursts into tears and runs away)

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3 hours ago, Kapanyo said:

Terribly, terribly incorrect. His sensual "Uhn"s as he slides along walls is worth a thousand poems from a silver tongue.

In fairness to Doomguy, I suppose, his not-talking does put him well ahead conversationally of any number of videogame protagonists.

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20 hours ago, moonboot said:

that version of cybie is for wimps

REAL gamers fuck the regular cyberdemon

You don't fuck the Cyberdemon. The Cyberdemon fucks you.

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43 minutes ago, Britney_Is_King said:

I want to fry an egg on his abs. Maybe grate some cheese, cuz them abs are sharp. 



YWv834h.png <----


Comes with a non-stick surface because washing dishes can be hell.


Edited by rdwpa

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Doing LP's of megawads that I haven't played are more fun than the ones that I played...


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14 hours ago, leodoom85 said:

Doing LP's of megawads that I haven't played are more fun than the ones that I played...


I love blind gameplays, because you'll never know what to expect. Oh and I like bump into wall and get secret even if this doesn't offer anything useful. 

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Just now, MysteriousHaruko said:

I love blind gameplays, because you'll never know what to expect. Oh and I like bump into wall and get secret even if this doesn't offer anything useful. 

Yeah, one can find something nice or awful ;)

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On 1.8.2017 at 9:14 PM, Memfis said:


oh this guy... now I get it. well yeah one might see a heart in it. Maybe you are in love ;)?

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On 7/30/2017 at 2:06 PM, Ghost-Cat-Sarah said:

i want to fuck the regular cyberdemon. yes 


The question is, how will you get your sempai to notice you, though?  [/sarcasm]

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Here I am, illustrating a quite old story of sheer dumbness.

So, here's the view of the Blue Armor secret in E1M1:
All I remember that I really wanted to get out and into the yard, but I couldn't by any chance make it. To be fair, this was only my second or third playthrough of the map somewhere in '04 I guess.

But, I played the second game before the first, and I could recall of seeing a structure quite similar to the light brown one to the right...
Oh yeah, this is it! The entrance "building" of MAP19. Could that one be an entrance, too?... Perhaps of E1M2!!

My thoughts set me into action and I stormed eagerly forward to exit E1M1, only to be greeted by this view thereafter:
Oh well...
This was at this moment he knew, he f*cked up.

But this only further confirms that back then, IWAD exploration was a load of fun.

Edited by The_MártonJános

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I've always used certain sourceports' abilities to have "Gameplay options", and generally aim for stuff that puts effects on monsters. What I like to do is jump into Ultra-Violence, the turn on fast monsters. Sometimes I use a variation of Survival that does this in my server in Doomseeker. People hate it, but I love it for some reason.


Aside from this, I have never liked the auto-aiming and vanilla "Don't look up or down" limitation. I generally hate it when a game aims for me.


I also have developed a nasty habit of rocket jumping, even if it would either be dangerous, or complete suicide.

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10 hours ago, AdirBlaz said:

I've always used certain sourceports' abilities to have "Gameplay options", and generally aim for stuff that puts effects on monsters. What I like to do is jump into Ultra-Violence, the turn on fast monsters.

I like to play with fast monsters too, but it is worth noting one of the "sourceports" that can do this one is DOOM.EXE...

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On 8/3/2017 at 8:55 PM, damerell said:

I like to play with fast monsters too, but it is worth noting one of the "sourceports" that can do this one is DOOM.EXE...

i never played it legacy aside from on snes.

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1 hour ago, Pegg said:

But EXE has horrible resolution

Indeed. I just think it's odd to say "certain sourceports" do something when it's an ordinary DOOM.EXE feature, a bit like saying that with this model of bicycle you can walk to the shops.

Edited by damerell

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On 8/3/2017 at 3:19 PM, KVELLER said:

I like Facing the Spider (E3M8's track).

It's basically a midi rendition of Sargent D and the S.O.D. by S.O.D., what isn't to love?!?

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