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The Doom Confessional Booth

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- Whenever I kill an archvile but the flames are still on me, I tend to hide because I feel like he's still bewitching me from afterlife, though it's actually impossible.


- Revenant vs. Hell Knight, and the rev wins, I'm like "WTF U SUPPOSED TO DIE U SON OF A B..." (in spanish)


- Not a confession, but I have memories of some ex-friends from primary school and I playing Doom and getting scared as f*** because of, pinkies maybe, and dark rooms. 


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I like symmetrical room design and macro-detailing aligned to a larger grid size. Weird angles and "interesting" room shapes are not as visually appealing for me.

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Lol when someone makes an angled room and it's so obvious that it's angled because the floor flat doesn't match the direction of the walls and that difference is so glaring.

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On 8/3/2017 at 11:19 PM, KVELLER said:

I like Facing the Spider (E3M8's track).

That was one of the first tunes I jammed out to when I was a yung'in

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26 minutes ago, SavageCorona said:

It just hit me after 17 years that the message before Map32 where it says you better blaze through this one is a reference to Billy Blaze.


Billy Blaze, better known as Commander Keen.  Also known as "Mr. 314," Mortimer McMire's insulting way of referring to Keen.


Commander Keen was set to get his 7th game, the Universe is Toast, back in the 1990s.  However, it never happened, because ID Software went on ahead with Doom, instead.

Edited by Master O

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I absolutely cannot beat Mephisto's Mausoleum in the Master Levels without saving, and don't understand how anyone can reliably pass the Revenant+bridge room (actually, everything past that is fine, but I legitimately don't get how to do that).


I only started playing Doom last year, and had never really played first-person shooters before, despite being in my upper twenties and growing up in a time when they were very much the norm (mostly played consoles and preferred other games, and steppped away from video-games wholesale for a time). Only recently began playing with a mouse. (Had to break myself in on Quake, and now use it for Doom as well.) I'm basically living in the early '90s in terms of discovering the genre. It's fun. Everything feels new, while also being iconic.

Edited by Cipher

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On 8/12/2017 at 9:03 AM, Cipher said:

I absolutely cannot beat Mephisto's Mausoleum in the Master Levels without saving, and don't understand how anyone can reliably pass the Revenant+bridge room (actually, everything past that is fine, but I legitimately don't get how to do that).


I've just found out how to capture video with my graphics card, so I decided to refresh my memory of this level. I remember enjoying the Master Levels back in the 2000s but it's been ages since I last had a go, so I'm really rusty. It's Map07, and it's one of those levels where you have to kill all the Mancubuses before some walls drop down, which I've never liked:



I had to speed up a lengthy section where I had forgotten how to get to the endgame (even though, earlier in the video, I looked straight at it). Sadly I died right at the end. I was telefragged by an imp. All I had to do was chuck a couple of rockets at John Romero's head. Instead John Romero killed me.


John Romero won the game, not me.

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13 hours ago, Ashley_Pomeroy said:

John Romero won the game, not me.

Just watched this! More than anything, I'm impressed you managed to get through all the Revenants in the main chamber despite falling off the bridges. I'd always assumed that was certain death. I guess I should have been replicating your strategy, strafing around the perimeter of the triangle and taking potshots with the Rocket Launcher, rather than trying to get back up.


That use of rockets put you in a tight spot at the end though. I'm pretty sure there are some Spectres running around in front of John Romero that eat up a few extra shots.


Still, you got close, and made sure I'll try the level on Ultra Violence again sometime. FYI, you had a good shot of making it if you'd only known about a few secrets. There's an invincibility in the room with the coffin, and some extra rockets to the side of the elevator at the end of you press the walls.

Edited by Cipher

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2 hours ago, CzechMate29200 said:

I always idclev around WADs, instead of playing them legitimately

That's what I used to do when I was 11.

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36 minutes ago, CzechMate29200 said:

Though I'm 17, I have the mind of an 11 year old. So that's fair enough ;P

80% fair. I am still doing this 80% of the time, and I am 12 days from being 29.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I just made a quadruple secret involving five switches and four walkover triggers, five of them timed. Now I'm just wondering if I stopped too soon.


I also have another unfinished map with a triple secret involving 4 switches, an archvile jump and... some other stuff too but it's hard to explain.


Maybe I should make a megawad with that theme.

Edited by Scypek2

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1 hour ago, Scypek2 said:

Maybe I should make a megawad with that theme.

It's already been done... check out Eternal Doom. Only difference is, in that WAD you have to do stuff like that in order to progress. :-o

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On 9/14/2017 at 0:46 PM, nicolas monti said:

I like Nirvana and The Chasm

I like Nirvana, at least.


I think people are sometimes too hard on the iwads' little setpiece levels like Nirvana, holding them to modern standards that position Doom as a mapping tool, rather than a stand-alone commercial game that can have a few quirky setpiece levels as long as they're fun.


See also: Fortress of Mystery

Edited by Cipher

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On 9/17/2017 at 3:04 AM, Cipher said:

I think people are sometimes too hard on the iwads' little setpiece levels like Nirvana, holding them to modern standards that position Doom as a mapping tool, rather than a stand-alone commercial game that can have a few quirky setpiece levels as long as they're fun.

I do like Fortress of Mystery - it was one hell of a surprise the first time we hit it, in co-op multiplayer. I still don't like most of Doom 2's gimmick levels, and never did, so that's holding them to the standards of the iwads.

(Each to their own, and all that, I'm not saying you shouldn't like them - but for me, it's not about modern mapping at all...)

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I never completed tnt.wad and plutonia.wad.


It took me about 6 years to beat doom 3 since i got stuck in the Hell level so i just kept replaying the ones before it, then when i discovered how to cheat i used god mode to get past Hell. In my defence, when my dad bought the game i was 6 years old.


The only wad i played in ps1 Master Levels for Doom 2 was attack.wad. Also, not doom related but i never got past the second level of MoH: Underground.


Huge list of famous wads yet to complete, like scythe2, 2002ado, alien vendetta, memento mori.


I died far too many more times in Ancient Aliens 'Hurt me Plenty' than i'd like to admit.

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