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When I first played Doom I didn't realize that God Mode was "DEGREELESSNESS" mode. I thought it read "DEGRESSLESSNESS," and I never questioned what degresslessness was. I just figured it had something to do with immunity from everything.

Edited by Pegleg
Replaced a word for clarity.

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On 8/11/2016 at 9:25 AM, rdwpa said:



I find Big Mac Davis's style hilarious. It evokes, like, airplane instructional announcements. "Before stowing your carry-ons, make sure you have killed any revenants in the overhead bin."




He easily does the best video game walkthroughs on Youtube that I've ever seen. It's not even close. 

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  • 1 month later...

I bash good maps with standard music and praise mediocre maps with cool music all the time. Music > visuals and gameplay.

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On 2017. 09. 26. at 3:04 PM, scifista42 said:

This happened months ago, but I don't think I posted about it yet: In real life, I saw a brick pillar that looked like this: (left picture). And my first thought was: What a lazy texture alignment, if only the author knew about the autoalign feature. I imagined the "properly aligned" result: (right picture). And then it dawned on me. Reality was realistic after all. It was my mapping experience that made me initially perceive the natural thing as unnatural and vice versa.



I have to admit, this one post just urged me to go outside and take a picture of the corner just adjacent to the entrance of my house:
It somehow fails both terms in a ridiculous manner. I cannot even begin to fathom that if these were real bricks and not just plain walls with colored carvings, how would the architect have reacted to these different-sized blocks of cement just thrown at him with the command "DIY".

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I used to find (nearly) all the non-metal, creepier music pieces "boring" and sorta disliked playing maps with the "boring" music.

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  • 2 weeks later...
48 minutes ago, CasualScrub said:

I rarely finish any of the WAD's I play. I've never even beaten Final Doom honestly.

I don't personally think you're missing much, but the PSX version is absolutely worth your time.

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- I prefer Quake over Doom due to the different style, atmosphere, and much less... confusing (or should I say rage-inducing instead) levels. It also looks fantastic with texture mods.

- I have only finished Doom II (one time) and Doom 3, I've never played the first one, only watched a couple of YT walkthroughs.

- I was unable to finish Doom II without watching walkthroughs for many levels. The confusion, particularly in the later levels was far too great for me (and still is, which is why I don't think I'll go back to revisit the world of Doom II anytime soon, definitely unwilling to re-experience the frustration).

- I consider Doom 3 to be underrated and is one of the very few games that manage to still scare me in some parts if I'm not paying attention. Spits in the face of nowadays' wannabe-horror & gore fest garbage imo.

- Back when I was a kid and had a Win 95 machine a couple of songs and some of the enemies (I think it was the Mancubus) used to scare the shit out of me in some levels and at some point even gave me nightmares.

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After I found out that GZD3.2.1 removed custom menus in the GZD options menu, I immediately downgraded to GZD3.1, I decided I was gonna wait until mod-specific menus put on the main menu to resume with being up-to-date on new GZD builds.


Being a fan-ish of Brutal Doom, a lot of people would expect me to demand every mod and game known to man to be compatible with it. In truth, though, the only mod I'd love to see with BD compatibility is IMPatience. I always wondered just how fun it would be to fight Brutal Doomguy, it must be a pain when he has the AR.


I have Steam tricked into running GZDoom with an "HD setup" for Ultimate Doom using Smooth Doom, Ketchup V5 Smooth Doom patch, an HD sound pack by Perkristan, and an HD texture pack.


I didn't grow up on 90s shooters, being born in 2000. For years I didn't like shooters and always stuck to Mario and Sonic. When DOOM2016 came out, though, that kinda had my attention hooked, and I was talking to my dad about it all year. I'm pretty certain the only reason he and my stepmom got it for me for our Xbox for my 16th birthday was that he was hoping it would shut me up :P

DOOM2016 was also the first Xbox game I own that I beat, and then proceeded to get all the other games on Steam during the following winter sale. 


Also, DOOM2016 was the first game that I was willing to buy multiple times. I got it for $15 during the 2017 summer sale, and then I upgraded from a fairly decent laptop (it could just barely run Fallout 4 on the lowest settings) to a full-on dedicated gaming PC just for DOOM2016. As soon as I get a Nintendo Switch, I'm getting DOOM2016 on it. It's a must have for me.

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Every time I want to replay vanilla D2 I lose my interest at Waste Tunnels, I'm glad IDCLEV is a thing so I can skip it.


Hell maps are usually garbage, Doom community just makes a bunch of fortresses, slap a red skybox and call it ''hell''. Most of maps in E3 sucked as well but at least you could tell you're in another dimension because of the gore floors, twisted faces and other Hellraiser stuff. If you're a mapper and you're making a hell map please delete it and make  another techbase instead, it will still be unimaginative but at least you will ruin an already boring concept instead of demolishing something potentially cool. 



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3 hours ago, AgitatedSkeleton said:

Every time I want to replay vanilla D2 I lose my interest at Waste Tunnels, I'm glad IDCLEV is a thing so I can skip it.


Hell maps are usually garbage, Doom community just makes a bunch of fortresses, slap a red skybox and call it ''hell''. Most of maps in E3 sucked as well but at least you could tell you're in another dimension because of the gore floors, twisted faces and other Hellraiser stuff. If you're a mapper and you're making a hell map please delete it and make  another techbase instead, it will still be unimaginative but at least you will ruin an already boring concept instead of demolishing something potentially cool. 



no actually hell fortresses are good

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3 hours ago, AgitatedSkeleton said:

If you're a mapper and you're making a hell map please delete it

You're a cheerful chap, aren't you?

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7 hours ago, AgitatedSkeleton said:

Hell maps are usually garbage, Doom community just makes a bunch of fortresses, slap a red skybox and call it ''hell''. Most of maps in E3 sucked as well but at least you could tell you're in another dimension because of the gore floors, twisted faces and other Hellraiser stuff.

That's one way to comment on this true phenomenon. Indeed, walter confalonieri's MAP19 of WOOO would probably be a more fitting representation of tormentful hell. Is this reconcilable with gameplay, though...

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I don't mind it in game. I'm talking about how d_e1m1 is perceived as *the* quintessential doom music that gets plastered over every video about Doom on youtube and has had countless shitty remixes.

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4 minutes ago, CasualScrub said:

I've never beaten Episode 4 of Ultimate Doom because I find it just too difficult and too confusing to navigate at times. Just not worth it to me.

You could watch a walkthrough and then do it yourself. That's pretty much how I managed to finish the later levels of Doom 2 than endlessly run around the level in frustration.

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3 minutes ago, Memfis said:

Do people actually test with D_RUNNIN? Won't it make you disgusted with your own map?

This is why I like to pick a midi ASAP, but that can be hard if I don't have a clear vision of the map's theme/feeling. In that case, I turn off the music.

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