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The Doom Confessional Booth

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On 11/18/2017 at 3:29 AM, Cell said:

I have to admit, this one post just urged me to go outside and take a picture of the corner just adjacent to the entrance of my house:
It somehow fails both terms in a ridiculous manner. I cannot even begin to fathom that if these were real bricks and not just plain walls with colored carvings, how would the architect have reacted to these different-sized blocks of cement just thrown at him with the command "DIY".

I feel that texture could use better x axis alignment. 

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12 hours ago, Memfis said:

Do people actually test with D_RUNNIN? Won't it make you disgusted with your own map?

I usually have my own music playing in the background and set in-game music to zero until I know what kind of music the map should have. Mapping without music is kinda dull, and having to pause it when I test hundreds of times per mapping session would get tedious! :)

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1 hour ago, Dragonfly said:

I usually have my own music playing in the background and set in-game music to zero until I know what kind of music the map should have. Mapping without music is kinda dull, and having to pause it when I test hundreds of times per mapping session would get tedious! :)

It's actually better to have D_RUNNIN instead of my own music while testing, otherwise it will cause I start hate my custom music. Of course I don't talk about testing when the map is done, but when you just want to check if something work when creating the map.

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I know what you mean Matthias. Often I pick a super cool midi for my map and feel very excited about it, but after all the testing I just have to change it to something else because I get so sick of it.

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my fave Doom setting is the weirdest possible thing you can do in vanilla - the stock content with new music and dehacked work adding up into something substantially different than the original... but forces combine to stop me making anything like that anymore, cos I'm primarily a musician and all my favourite MIDI tools are either sixteen bit ie they don't work on my laptop and running them in a VM makes them screech to a halt or close at random, or else they explode when I try to push them to the level I need them to work at.


from now on I'll be making .IT music out of MIDI sounds and aiming them at prboom+

it's less stressful for me and I can use software that I actually like

hoping to make a full pack of tunes this year for general community use

and if anyone doesn't think they're authentic enough they can fuck off 🕵️

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5 minutes ago, tourniquet said:

Prboom supports Impulse Tracker iirc

it plays 'em back but I've no idea how it decides what a suitable volume is :))

but im commiting to that anyway from now on

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3 hours ago, taufan99 said:

I'm a big fan of the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth soundfont.

It was decent for its time, but Virtual Sound Canvas, Scc1t2.sf2, and especially Sound Canvas VA surpass it in quality.

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I've never completed a full run of The Ultimate Doom or Doom II with vanilla weapons.


My least favorite maps are I hate Deimos Labs, House Of Pain, Limbo, The Factory, Downtown,


Also, I find it impossible to believe that the monsters one fights in Doom are actually demons.  At the very most, they'd merely be Satanist extraterrestrials. XD


And I liked the Doom Novels and Movie.

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4 hours ago, DoomKrakken said:

Also, I find it impossible to believe that the monsters one fights in Doom are actually demons.  At the very most, they'd merely be Satanist extraterrestrials. XD


Same. I've always believed they are some kind of interdimensional aliens due to their and their realm's physical nature, as opposed to some kind of spiritual or metaphysical existence and technology on par with humans if you consider that they substitute flesh for metal a la http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Species_8472_bio-ship). Instead of looking at it like they take influence from satanism, it's more likely that early humans were exposed to them and interpreted them and their "culture" as satanic.

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3 hours ago, Quantum Dranger said:

Same. I've always believed they are some kind of interdimensional aliens due to their and their realm's physical nature, as opposed to some kind of spiritual or metaphysical existence and technology on par with humans if you consider that they substitute flesh for metal a la http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Species_8472_bio-ship). Instead of looking at it like they take influence from satanism, it's more likely that early humans were exposed to them and interpreted them and their "culture" as satanic.

I refer to them as demons due to this being the most commonly accepted definition for the monsters in Doom, given the hellish imagery and such, but technically they are aliens. Just pure evil ones.

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Sweet!  So I'm not the only one! :D

3 hours ago, Doommarine_maxi said:

I like more Doom 3 than any doom.

This reminds me of one of my oldest confessions... I have Doom 3, and have had it for several years now... but I still haven't even touched it.  Before, I was too scared to play it.  I wanted it so badly, and then someone gave it to me, and then I was all like... "Well, now what?"


I did watch gameplay for Doom 3 before.  Much of the technology there was awesome.  But I was disenchanted with the fact that there were a lot of dark places where you needed to use a flashlight.  Oh, and jumpscares. :|


Also, I was introduced to Doom via ScrewAttack's totally rigged Death Battle between Doomguy and Master Chief.  I had never even heard of Doom at all until then.  I was brought into the Doom modding community through Brutal Doom, and for a while I was quite the Brutal Doom junkie.  I had studied Doom for quite a bit, and then I see an entry for Brutal Doom... and that was the final straw, I just had to get a copy of Doom at that point.


Also also, I still find Brutal Doom to be one of the best mods out there, though I've lurked around long enough to know that it isn't by far the best mod out there.  But the level of detail present there - despite all the shortfalls, controversies, and hacky code - is something like I've never seen... something I haven't yet seen in any other mod.  The mod and the author will still hold my respect in that regard... as well as for the fact that it was because of Brutal Doom that I even joined in the first place.

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1 hour ago, cyan0s1s said:

I refer to them as demons due to this being the most commonly accepted definition for the monsters in Doom, given the hellish imagery and such, but technically they are aliens. Just pure evil ones.

I share the same opinion. I originally accepted the idea that they are demons from a spiritual/acausal plane, but in time this started to make less and less sense to me, given the way they're presented in the first 2 Doom games and Doom 2016, as actually closer to being aliens than anything else, despite the game's effort of throwing in "satanic" references and elements.


That being said, due to the drastic chance in tone, style and atmosphere in Doom 3 (not to mention how Hell is depicted here) and to a lesser degree in Doom64 (more emphasis placed on altars, temples, sacrifices, infernal imagery, and so on) they're more believable to be demons in these 2 games than in all the others.

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I wish Doom didn't even have those references.  I wish that it was just a you-vs-them thing, with all the things done right about its gameplay.  Just no conceived supernatural stuff.  They could've just been from some eldritch dimension for all I care.  That would've been nice, and that would probably explain things better, rather than making it about some errant aspect of the afterlife.

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Doom 1 & 2: I can never find all the secrets in any level except E1M1.

Doom 2016:  I get the Praetor tokens, but never upgrade it. Same with the weapons.

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Doom modding has the potential to make me much, much angrier than normal "game rage" moments.. WhackEd just took a shit on 30 minutes of work and my instant reaction was to yell at and threaten my computer like a fucking ape, rofl

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