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On 7/21/2011 at 6:34 AM, Six said:

So do i. In fact i'd go as far to say that the original midi tracks ruin the atmosphere for me now, i can't stand them.

I used to listen to them all the time back in the 90's, but these days i listen to a lot of Lustmord dark ambient whilst playing all Doom wads, despite if they have their own custom midis.

Wait a moment do you listen to Inade at all?

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I love Doom and everything around it, but I have no idea what people are even talking about when it comes to mapping, modding, specific level maps/assets and source ports (GZDoom has been enough for me so far). It's all some sort of vidja gaem magic: you utter the words in the correct order (the more the merrier), and a flash drive with a minty fresh total conversion megawad pops up from thin air. In case of a stutter along the way it's a Terry WAD; a one-word spell conjures up a babby's first map. So yeah, y'all are a bunch of wizards to me.

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Just now, ScreechingBoner said:

I love Doom and everything around it, but I have no idea what people are even talking about when it comes to mapping, modding, specific level maps/assets and source ports (GZDoom has been enough for me so far). It's all some sort of vidja gaem magic: you utter the words in the correct order (the more the merrier), and a flash drive with a minty fresh total conversion megawad pops up from thin air. In case of a stutter along the way it's a Terry WAD; a one-word spell conjures up a babby's first map. So yeah, y'all are a bunch of wizards to me.

Don't feel bad. I've been mapping since 2012 and still don't understand how to make new textures, even though I've watched tutorials and have actually done it multiple times. Hell, I've got a thread somewhere on this forum about making vanilla bridges that I come back to every few months, because every time I construct one, I forget how to do it the next time!

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I really don't like the level design in the later parts of Doom 2. I think it's way too sprawled out, has some of the easiest secrets to find in the game, and they're all almost universally hard to navigate. For example, the secret door that you had to shoot to get to the exit in M28. Why the hell would it be harder for my dumbass to find the actual secrets than to find the main parts of a level?

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Just now, Comrade Pingu said:

I really don't like the level design in the later parts of Doom 2. I think it's way too sprawled out, has some of the easiest secrets to find in the game, and they're all almost universally hard to navigate. For example, the secret door that you had to shoot to get to the exit in M28. Why the hell would it be harder for my dumbass to find the actual secrets than to find the main parts of a level?

Just chiming in again. I've been playing through Doom 2 and have noticed most of the maps I don't like are in the middle (I'm at Nirvana). I got super fucking pissed playing The Citadel, because despite beating it numerous times since 1994, I still don't know where the blue key is. I was able to find the goddamn secret yellow key, but not the un-secret blue one. There are truly some baffling design choices in some of the maps...

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1 minute ago, GoatLord said:

Just chiming in again. I've been playing through Doom 2 and have noticed most of the maps I don't like are in the middle (I'm at Nirvana). I got super fucking pissed playing The Citadel, because despite beating it numerous times since 1994, I still don't know where the blue key is. I was able to find the goddamn secret yellow key, but not the un-secret blue one. There are truly some baffling design choices in some of the maps...

Oh boy you'll love the Monstor Condo. You will be walking around it for at least an hour before you manage to find any of the keys.

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10 hours ago, Pegleg said:


I assume @tib_ means either MAP31 or MAP32.

my bad, i meant MAP31


i still don't know how to get to E2M9 either

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I have a habit of taking walks in my neighborhood while talking loudly to myself. I like to pretend someone is interviewing me about obscure subjects, and the other day I was answering an imaginary question about 90s Doom console ports. At some point some kids were driving behind me, one of them holding out a phone and pointing it at me. So there's probably some footage out there of me blabbering about "The difference between the Playstation and N64 versions are significant because..." 

Edited by GoatLord

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i keep trying gzdoom mods to play my old levels with

and uh

nothing has ever made me less interested in playing doom than the complex doom combat shotgun tbh

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  • 1 month later...

Well...I'm catholic.

Weird shit for a Doomer.

Every Sunday,I go to church,pray to my Lord,and go home,and maybe I'm already bored and turn on my PC to defeat those alien bastards with Russian Overkill or some other fun mod.

Welp,I let it out.


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4 hours ago, FraxGamer314 said:

Well...I'm catholic.

Weird shit for a Doomer.

Every Sunday,I go to church,pray to my Lord,and go home,and maybe I'm already bored and turn on my PC to defeat those alien bastards with Russian Overkill or some other fun mod.

Welp,I let it out.


Whenever I play Doom I always assume it's a world in the vein of cheesy 80s/90s action movies, where Satan plays a guitar made of skulls and the reason you find ammo and resupplies everywhere is because angels in nurse outfits are always just behind the corner setting them up in anticipation of your arrival.

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21 hours ago, Rifle Infantry said:

the reason you find ammo and resupplies everywhere is because angels in nurse outfits are always just behind the corner setting them up in anticipation of your arrival.

Maybe it's because you actually live in the world of @Big Ol Billy's Doomanitarian Aid mod (from the stupid mod idea thread) where there were a bunch of humanitarian workers preceding you.



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On 4/5/2018 at 7:33 PM, tib_ said:

my bad, i meant MAP31


i still don't know how to get to E2M9 either

Don't feel bad. I never found the entrances to Map 31 or Map 32 while playing. Or E1M9 or E3M9.


Interestingly, the only secret level I ever found in the games was E2M9 and I was astounded when I did it.


I couldn't tell you how I found it now, though.

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12 minutes ago, Pegleg said:

Don't feel bad. I never found the entrances to Map 31 or Map 32 while playing. Or E1M9 or E3M9.


Interestingly, the only secret level I ever found in the games was E2M9 and I was astounded when I did it.


I couldn't tell you how I found it now, though.


I never located the exits to the secret levels in all classic Doom games by myself either.

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My confessions:

1. I have never actually played through Doom 2 without using cheats.

2. I had a pirated copy of Doom before I replaced it with a legal copy.

3. I have a really bad habit of using resurrect cheats whenever I get killed by a monster at the end of map as I hate having to start all over again.

4. I never touched UV and always play on either HNTR/ITYTD/HMP.

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2 hours ago, Cacodemon345 said:

3. I have a really bad habit of using resurrect cheats whenever I get killed by a monster at the end of map as I hate having to start all over again.

Try Save-Scumming instead.

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33 minutes ago, DeadAstronaut said:

Doom 64 would be my favorite Doom game ever if only it had the missing monsters and a couple more tech base levels. 


i dunno about the monsters honestly.


Initially it did kinda disappoint me they weren't part of the game but ultimately, I'm not very sure they would've fit. The Revenant and Chaingunners I can see, but the Arch-Vile? Not so much.

Edited by Agent6

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22 minutes ago, Agent6 said:


i dunno about the monsters honestly.


Initially it did kinda disappoint me they weren't part of the game but ultimately, I'm not very sure they would've fit. The Revenant and Chaingunners I can see, but the Arch-Vile? Not so much.


True, the game makes up for their absence by changing things. The chain gun and SSG are more powerful and I believe it's the reason Hell Knights and Barons are so prominently used through out the game. I feel this way about the use of traps as well, to make up for the lack of revenants. 

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I play Doom 2 wads with a personal modified vanilla weapon set, if it allows. Same weapons but they do their jobs a bit better. An example is the chaingun firing speed was increased to 3 frames from 4 frames per shot, and damage formula for plasma rifle was changed to 7 * random(2, 8) from 5 * random(1, 8).

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14 minutes ago, LHSpanner said:

Even after lurking on this forum for several years, I still don't know what incidental combat is.


As I understand it, incidental combat is a broad term for the enemies that just kind of roam around a typical Doom level. Not the specific set pieces where a wall lowers and you're ambushed or a big room with a horde at one end, but just the enemies that generally fill up the map.


In the IWADs, I'd say most combat is incidental. Set pieces are somewhat less common in comparison.

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I like maps where real, ancient architecture style comes into place, like mayan, egyptian, greek and other similar old civilizations are featured...that's one of the reasons why I like wads as Epic 2. Same goes with fantasy/medieval maps, like in Heretic or Hexen.

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When I was a kid, (I'm 17 now, but this happened when I was like 5 or 6). So yeah, I'm playing the good old DOS version on my Win98 (thank god my parents didn't buy me a WinXP, because I have memories of DOS even though I'm young).

I have memories of me playing Underhalls, and back then I used to turn the lights down on my monitor, because I wanted to have a scarier feeling. I played with the saturation too, the screen was all red and dark, and it looked scary.


This is so cringe.

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Oh, and an even better one.


I don't really like E3M8, and I never really play it. It's way too easy. It would be better, if the Spider Mastermind had more health. Two BFG shots in the Spider Mastermind, and a few other monsters walking and floating around in a relatively big map? I think the final boss should've been the Cyberdemon.


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