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26 minutes ago, BaraKornel said:

I don't really like E3M8, and I never really play it. It's way too easy. It would be better, if the Spider Mastermind had more health. Two BFG shots in the Spider Mastermind, and a few other monsters walking and floating around in a relatively big map? I think the final boss should've been the Cyberdemon.

It's actually very possible to one-shot the Mastermind with the BFG if you're lucky, which would (and does) make it hilariously anticlimactic.

Frankly, I think the final boss should've been this bastard:


Armed with two super chainguns and a BFG with 5,000 health, he would've been a fitting final boss.


For my confession: I always use a personal mod that gives the vanilla weapons smoother animations that I've coded myself. The way I coded the SSG forces me to wait until the very end of its animation before I can fire again, and this is so ingrained that I do this with the vanilla SSG.

Also, I've used some of the resources of Realm667 to give some of the monsters extra death animations for a little more variety.

Not bad, I know, but that's all I've got that I can think of.

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I figure now that E3 has passed I actually have a good confession.


I'm not all that excited for Doom Eternal. I'm going to wait for QuakeCon when we can see some gameplay before I decide anything about it.

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1 minute ago, Aquila Chrysaetos said:

I figure now that E3 has passed I actually have a good confession.


I'm not all that excited for Doom Eternal. I'm going to wait for QuakeCon when we can see some gameplay before I decide anything about it.


Cautiously optimistic mate?

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Just now, Agent6 said:

Cautiously optimistic mate?

Cautiously pessimistic.

My hopes are low because I didn't really like Doom (2016) that much.

That's why I'm going to wait for gameplay footage. Doom Eternal will have to prove itself.

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Well I loved the shit outta Doom 2016, so my hopes are just as up as my erection at the moment.

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1 minute ago, Aquila Chrysaetos said:

Cautiously pessimistic.

My hopes are low because I didn't really like Doom (2016) that much.

That's why I'm going to wait for gameplay footage. Doom Eternal will have to prove itself.


Well it'll likely expand and improve on the formula and foundation of Doom 2016, so my guess is, perhaps you won't like Eternal much either, but we'll first have to see some actual gameplay footage to make any opinion.

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On 6/11/2018 at 8:32 AM, Xfing said:

so my hopes are just as up as my erection at the moment.

TMI mate. TMI.


On 6/10/2018 at 5:33 PM, BaraKornel said:

I don't really like E3M8, and I never really play it. It's way too easy. It would be better, if the Spider Mastermind had more health. Two BFG shots in the Spider Mastermind, and a few other monsters walking and floating around in a relatively big map? I think the final boss should've been the Cyberdemon.


I didn't really like E3M8 either when I originally played Doom. It's actually been a rather long time since I played E3M8. I was expecting something more out of the final map and was rather surprised that was the final level of Doom. Maybe that's what they were going for, sort of like the "death" at the end of E1M8 being an unexpected finale.


I understand that:

1. If you stand in the open in one place too long, the Spider Mastermind will fill you with so many holes you'll make swiss cheese look solid. In that regard, she's rather effective.

2. The Spider Mastermind is so big, there needs to be plenty of room for her to move around. Otherwise, if you can get behind her and she can't move effectively, the fight becomes a complete joke.


Given those constraints, I was still expecting a level that would be longer and have a more "epic" feel.

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21 minutes ago, Pegleg said:

TMI mate. TMI.


I didn't really like E3M8 either when I originally played Doom. It's actually been a rather long time since I played E3M8. I was expecting something more out of the final map and was rather surprised that was the final level of Doom. Maybe that's what they were going for, sort of like the "death" at the end of E1M8 being an unexpected finale.


I understand that:

1. If you stand in the open in one place too long, the Spider Mastermind will fill you with so many holes you'll make swiss cheese look solid. In that regard, she's rather effective.

2. The Spider Mastermind is so big, there needs to be plenty of room for her to move around. Otherwise, if you can get behind her and she can't move effectively, the fight becomes a complete joke.


Given those constraints, I was still expecting a level that would be longer and have a more "epic" feel.

The fight should be instead with the Cyberdemon, because the spider boss is underwhelming and the map feels better for the Cyberdemon. E2M8 would be modified to account for the Spider Mastermind. Otherwise, the fight feels like a total joke.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't actually like the animated fire sky used for Doom 1's hell maps in PSX Doom all that much. It's a neat effect and certainly unique, but I love that ominous red sky from the original game.

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On 6/26/2018 at 7:06 PM, Dragonsbrethren said:

I don't actually like the animated fire sky used for Doom 1's hell maps in PSX Doom all that much. It's a neat effect and certainly unique, but I love that ominous red sky from the original game.

Agreed, there's nothing like looking out at those photograph-level detailed mountains to cement the level in a place. Sometimes looking at the sky can make me forget all I know about Doom, that it's just a series of linedefs, sectors and things, and it feels more like an alien, mysterious game again.

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-I've only played Heretic once

-I haven't played Doom II or Doom 3 to completion, and I'm just starting to try and finish Doom II

-I bought the Xbox 360 port of Doom and Doom II before I got the PC version

-I played Brutal Doom more than any other PWAD, from what I can remember

-I find most of the "city" levels in Doom II to be boring and ugly. (I find downtown to be kinda fun)

-I never really play deathmatch much


Welp, that's all I can remember for now.


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> I vastly prefer Scythe 1 to Scythe 2.

> I find Skillsaw levels to be tiresome.

> I'm a heretic (ha) that plays with HD texture and MP3 music replacements for everything in Doom.

> I loved Doom 2016.

> I prefer Doom 1 music to Doom 2. I hate D_RUNNIN.

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Hey everyone new to this forum, so why not have my first post show my stupidity in Doom 2!  Anyways, long story short, I only recently discovered that the Arch-Viles have the ability to revive dead enemies.  Been playing Doom 2 off and on pretty much my whole life (I'm 28 by the way) and can't believe I never noticed it before. I guess I was just so focused on getting out of the way of his slow ass hard hitting attack that I didn't notice he was reviving dead enemies in between shots.  Oh well, at least I know now and know that I wasn't going crazy wondering why enemies I killed were still alive. 

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18 hours ago, eharper256 said:

> I find Skillsaw levels to be tiresome.

Oh, good, I'm not alone. I mean, look, don't get me wrong, I like his map design itself, but he completely shits the bed when it comes to the element I'm *extremely* critical on: enemy placement. Nothing about playing Doom is more disappointing than a good map being a chore to play because of enemy placement that doesn't take the design of each area in mind, and/or throws so many enemies at you at a time that fighting them off becomes tedious. Ancient Aliens is a wad, in particular, is a wad I want to adore, but I refuse to finish it as it is. At some point, I'm going to go into Doom Builder and just unfuck the enemy placement, because I honestly think it's absolute garbage-tier.

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7 minutes ago, Inno said:

Ancient Aliens is a wad, in particular, is a wad I want to adore, but I refuse to finish it as it is. At some point, I'm going to go into Doom Builder and just unfuck the enemy placement, because I honestly think it's absolute garbage-tier.


Out of curiosity, have you tried playing it on Hey Not Too Rough or Hurt Me Plenty? 

Edited by rdwpa

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Just now, rdwpa said:


Out of curiosity, have you tried playing it on Hey Not Too Rough or Hurt Me Plenty? 

One of my 'confessions' is that I always play on HMP. 

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In that case, HNTR should be worth trying. AA is harder than the average mapset, and its HNTR is likely tougher than many mapsets' HMP anyway. So don't feel as if that is a step down. 

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1 hour ago, Aquila Chrysaetos said:

Only today I managed my first UV-max of E4M1.

I've been playing since 2004 and I never maxxed this map before.

  Reveal hidden contents



I've beaten it on UV plenty but never tried maxing it. Just tried and boy, things go fine until that fantastic little secret...

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1 hour ago, Aquila Chrysaetos said:

Only today I managed my first UV-max of E4M1.

Congrats. That map is definitely quite hard. Now try to beat it without taking damage, wait... I'm joking.


46 minutes ago, rdwpa said:

Hey Not Too Rough

Now we have someone always plays on HMP and compla... eh, you know what I want to say. That's new...

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34 minutes ago, rdwpa said:

In that case, HNTR should be worth trying. AA is harder than the average mapset, and its HNTR is likely tougher than many mapsets' HMP anyway. So don't feel as if that is a step down. 

I don't mind 'hard' if there's a genuine difficulty to it. I'll probably still die, because I know I'm probably only an above-average player, but that's fine. If I die too much, even on fair, but really hard wads, I'm not averse to the idea of bumping it down to HNTR. AA is 'harder' because the enemy placement is isn't very good. That doesn't mean it doesn't deserve a lot of recognition or anything, because it's still a set of beautiful, wonderfully-designed maps, but I think it's important to distinguish between good difficulty (which is difficult to actually maintain, especially consistently - and AA does occasionally get this down just fine) and bad difficulty as a result of either poor map design (AA's map design is always good) or poor enemy placement that doesn't properly account for the design of the map itself (an extremely common problem in wads, I notice).

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4 hours ago, Inno said:

Oh, good, I'm not alone. I mean, look, don't get me wrong, I like his map design itself, but he completely shits the bed when it comes to the element I'm *extremely* critical on: enemy placement. Nothing about playing Doom is more disappointing than a good map being a chore to play because of enemy placement that doesn't take the design of each area in mind, and/or throws so many enemies at you at a time that fighting them off becomes tedious. Ancient Aliens is a wad, in particular, is a wad I want to adore, but I refuse to finish it as it is. At some point, I'm going to go into Doom Builder and just unfuck the enemy placement, because I honestly think it's absolute garbage-tier.


Mmm-mmm (nods). This is it; lots of maps just go to the shitter because they think a fun encounter is just to cock-block you with Revenants from no-where, force you to fight a Mancubus in a narrow corridor, or have chaingunners sat on distant platforms. Many of these encounters... sure you can DEAL with them, but they are not fun to play. Skillsaw is especially egragarious for this. Don't get me wrong, I think Ancient Aliens, Sunlust and Valiant are very pretty levels with amazing attention to detail; but I hate playing them with Vanilla or Argent. I keep them in my wads directory just as things to break out for Trailblazer and Russian Overkill. I like Scythe 1 more than Scythe 2 for a very similar reason; 2 gets crazy way too quickly, and its also a lot slower paced because of all the fighting.


I actually also heavily considered starting up a project of sorts titled 'The Slaughter H8 Brigade' which had the objective to make a sterilizing patch for all these crazy difficulty megawads; and try and balance them so that the difficulty levels actually more match what is to be expected from HNTR/HMP/UV standards, and fix enemy placement so it is more considerate of the terrain and less concerned with bum-fucking the player.


Some levels get it mostly right; my favourite wads include Whispers of Satan, UAC Ultra, and Legacy of Heroes, because even though these have intense moments and occasional 'that's bullshit!' traps, that's fine in moderation. I do want a challenge, even if I'm playing HMP or HNTR. But expecting me to fight a Mancubus with a pistol in MAP 1? Starting the map with two alerted Barons when you have a single shotgun with 9 shells? Thinking 300 monsters should be the standard amount in a map? Dropping an Archie on you without any cover? All of these are quick and easy ways to grind me to frustration and just terminating the map set (if it happens early) or IDDQD'ing it (if I'm deep into a pack already when it turns to crap, I'll usually just cheat to the finish, but be sad about it).

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39 minutes ago, eharper256 said:

But expecting me to fight a Mancubus with a pistol in MAP 1? Starting the map with two alerted Barons when you have a single shotgun with 9 shells?


I mostly wanted to address this part. I play a lot of wads, and just about nothing actually forces you to fight a mancubus with a pistol or to empty all of your nine shells into barons. You are allowed (and usually encouraged) to bypass monsters selectively, to leave stuff alive until you have a weapon suitable for it, which is often quite close.  


As for the rest, you are 100% allowed to not enjoy mapsets like AA, Valiant, and Sunlust, and I won't get on your case for solely that, but I feel like your tone is somewhat disrespectful here. Especially the idea of starting up a project to modify others' wads that haven't given permission. If you feel like making and keeping idealized versions of these maps on your HD, no one can stop you, but starting up a project for it is quite uncouth and I can't imagine that going over too well on these boards, or any others run by reasonable people, to put it mildly.

Edited by rdwpa

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1 minute ago, rdwpa said:


I mostly wanted to address this part. I play a lot of wads, and just about nothing actually forces you to fight a mancubus with a pistol or to empty all of your nine shells into barons. You are allowed (and usually encouraged) to leave stuff alive until you have a better weapon.  


As for the rest, you are 100% allowed to not enjoy mapsets like AA, Valiant, and Sunlust, and I won't get on your case for solely that, but I feel like your tone is somewhat disrespectful here. Mainly the idea of starting up a project to modify others' wads that haven't given permission. If you feel like making and keeping idealized versions of these maps on your HD, no one can stop you, but starting up a project for it is quite uncouth and I can't imagine that going over too well on these boards, or any others run by reasonable people, to put it mildly.


Sorry if it sounded disrespectful. That was not the intent. Naturally, if I were to do such a project, I would seek the authors permissions first.


But, indeed, part of the reason I ~didn't~ proceed with it is because I figured I would be heckled or told off and no one would be interested anyway. (shrugs)


Yes, I suppose part of my issue is that I don't like to leave enemies around. I don't do this 'retreat' thing, and expect to be able to deal with the enemies at hand with the resources provided; with minimal amounts of infighting as well.

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I really like there's a map by someone here where there's no ammo and you need to fight 3 Cyberdemons and platform at the end.



I finally understand why people give AA a 0/10 because there is a Cyberdemon in the first map. Well, not finally


Edited by GarrettChan

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6 hours ago, Inno said:

and/or throws so many enemies at you at a time


Note that AA has some "light" (to say so) slaughter levels, so maybe that's the kind of stuff that you don't find enjoyable at all. From my experience (you can also read my review if you want) it's pretty fair most of the time, with the exception of the later levels which on UV are going to be a huge pain.


On the other hand, Valiant is completely devoid of them, perhaps you'll like that one more.

Edited by Agent6

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