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17 hours ago, ketmar said:

i still think that Eviternity is looking great, yet it is boring to play. Sigil gameplay, for example, is much better.


(hides under the rock)


(throws rock in a tantrum) >:)



Full disclosure - don't care; opinions are opinions. :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a dirty savescummer and I have no shame!


I'm not very good at shooters--my most impressive Doom-related achievement is being able to kinda hang on Eternal's UV and that's not very impressive at all--but I love playing Doom. One thing a lot of people don't realize is that saving allows someone to take on a much more brutal challenge than they could without them. I'd rather take on a much more brutal slaughterwad with saves than have to play something much easier because I'm not good enough to do a level deathless. I'm currently playing through Rush's HMP and saving after each fight and I find it way more fun because each fight is so goddamn hard it takes me like half an hour each at times. There's still a great satisfaction in finally overcoming the challenge I thought was impossible just half an hour ago, IMO. I'll leave single-segment pistol starts to the pros...

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Few things piss me off as much as the rng in doom. I'm not opposed to some damage variance or somewhat erratic monster behavior, but sometimes it gets ridiculous. Getting slapped in the face for -80 by a revenant rocket is cheap, and so is getting -10'd. Also, getting mowed down by sniper chaingunners that keep rolling high damage and accuracy somehow. And few things beat watching a cyberdemon have a seizure in front of you when you need him to fire at a crowd. And then he proceeds to nail you with a rocket right when you're changing directions after giving up on him. Marvelous.

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20 minutes ago, iconofeggsafe666 said:


*runs away*





I usually just quickload when I get heavily damaged - especially in mods, much less so in vanilla.


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  • 3 months later...
On 7/6/2020 at 11:56 PM, SlayerOGames666 said:


*runs away*

Same xD

Basically because my pc is a potato and cant run it

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On 7/7/2020 at 5:56 AM, SlayerOGames666 said:


*runs away*

Never played 2016 or Eternal cuz I find them non canon, cartoony, way too violent and way too quakey to be Doomy

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Doom's lack of vertical mouselook is its biggest weakness, in my opinion. I understand that many believe it's "not important" in 2.5D games, but since playing other 2.5D games such as the Build Engine games, I've grown to highly disagree. It makes sense for Wolf 3d, but for a game with verticality in the map design, not having vertical mouselook diminishes a lot of naturalness and realism, even if it's not technically necessary.


Now that we have modern source ports that allow us the option, I think that the only reason to play without vertical mouselook enabled is basically just to either pay respect to the legacy, or because it's what you've done forever and you're just used to it.. Any other reason beyond that? I think you're discounting the experience's potential

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I have finished both The Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 only one single time. Each. About 5 years ago. And probably with HMP skill level.


I feel dirty.

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Im a classic doom fan, I dont like the newer ones, especially eternal. I played the first level, and it wasn't that bad, but It just didnt feel like Doom to me, it felt like a Quake/Halo type of hybrid.

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I have never finished TNT Evilution and never will.

For me it's like the definition of mediocrity when it comes to doom IWADS.

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I'm working on a megawad which is planned to be as difficult as Sunlust-- just to look edgy. I can't even beat Sunlust on UV myself without saving every five seconds.

Edited by Dranyan

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2 hours ago, Dranyan said:

I'm working on a megawad which is planned to be as difficult as Sunlust


2 hours ago, Dranyan said:

just to look edgy.


2 hours ago, Dranyan said:

I can't even beat Sunlust on UV myself without saving every five seconds.


Ah, but then you have already failed.

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- never completed any doom game 100%

- I prefer doom 1 over doom 2

- I am not particular good at playing doom

- I am often confused about why the mods that gets cacowards deserve them over other wads that I personally like

- I do not like making mods or wads JUST to please others (I do like IF people are pleased with my mods though)

- I mainly do what *I* want when modding...

- I am still a sucker for recognition


Edited by CBM

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My first encounter with Doom was downloading Freedoom thinking Doom is freeware at this point. I played it on gzdoom with Brutal Doom without knowing those weren't the original monsters. Also I didn't realize Brutal Doom further changed most of how the game looked and played. Also I didn't realize any of this after uninstalling. Also I think this was last year.

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Although I have played DOOM for years, I have yet to finish the game without cheating. As a kid, I always used cheat codes. Now I almost never use cheat codes because I want to finish the game fair and square for once. 

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I've owned Doom 2016 about a month after it came out, Season Pass and all, and I still have yet to play it.


I'm also waiting for Doom Eternal to go on a solid sale before I buy it.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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I don't understand why people complain about people's maps being too flat until I ascend to Doom-God intelligen- ah, what am I saying? I just can't comprehend people calling my maps boring for some reason, maybe I have some sort of condition where I can't comprehend criticism.


Anyways, I finished Plutonia before all of the other IWADS and then Ultimate Doom, but I have yet to finish both TNT and Doom 2.

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Even though I've played the hell out of Maximum Doom, and am still obsessed about and won't shut up about it, I (and this is embarrassing) have actually never played any of the Master Levels. I mean, it's because I've seen loads of playthrough videos of all of them, to the point where I could probably 100% them if I tried, but it's still a bad thing to have to admit.

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26 minutes ago, Maximum Matt said:

Even though I've played the hell out of Maximum Doom, and am still obsessed about and won't shut up about it, I (and this is embarrassing) have actually never played any of the Master Levels.


That is so weird lol. Not embarrassing or anything just very ironic.

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On 6/29/2020 at 10:13 AM, Scypek2 said:

I've been making a few DM maps lately.




(just to be clear, this is the finished product)

Just double that design symmetrically, and you've got yourself a Satellite of Love going.

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On 7/21/2011 at 10:57 AM, DoomUK said:
  • I have never been bothered to defeat the Icon of Sin and therefore officially complete Doom 2. This is a big one.
  • There's a plethora of widely-praised community WADs that I've never played.
  • ...Actually, the vast majority of community WADs I've never played.


  • AFAIAC the Icon of Sin is just a pain in the arse and doesn't fit with the run and gun of the rest of the game. I've played through the whole game many times, but stop once I get to IoS.
  • I try - I really do - but, y'know, kids and school runs and actual work seem to get in the way...
  • See above. To be fair though, there are so many that it is likely impossible to play them all even if you play 24/7...


And these

  • ~whispers~ Brutal Doom...
  • Can't live without mouse look



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2 hours ago, Dark Pulse said:

I'm also waiting for Doom Eternal to go on a solid sale before I buy it.

Yeah this. £50.00?? Not a fucking chance. I picked up Doom 2016 for £15.00 last year so I'll wait until Doom Eternal is on sale on Steam. 

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Confession: never am I more cautious, careful, and even timorous than when I've just picked up a megasphere, because getting knocked down from 178% health and armour to 162% is just damage but that very first chip away from pristine feels like the most grievous of injuries.

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