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I like to snipeshoot a lot. I like to reach an area, hide behind something and find some gaps in the wall or side that looks far away to where enemies are in ledges and windows and such. Take as many as you can from afar, then reach the area and there is no one to fight. I know the recent conversation on mouselook made me realize how this also might destroy the intention of some level designers.


The other thing that happens is when in several WADs there is a place with a Cyberdemon, and I only realize later that the whole purpose of that area would be to sneak around the Cybie and find some switch or teleport to crush or telefrag him. I can't count how many times I would take the Cyberdemon from afar, or ever near him with rockets (but he is in a ledge or cage so he can't move) to realize later that this was all a setup for killing him by other means. It must be 90% of all the times I played various megawads that I totally destroyed the purpose of the map's designer by killing a boss prematurely.


Finally, archvilles that are supposed to blow you up so that you can reach a secret. I never! If I see an archville I don't let him blow my up. I never assume that megasphere must be reached only this way. I clear up the map and realize I still miss that secret, to open DoomBuilder and realize there is no tag in the nearby sectors that can bring some platform to help you reach it. I get pissed and idclip. I consider it a secret that I have the right to cheat. Because if you didn't know before this is absolutely necessary, you would never put yourself in danger.

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I detest the Spider Demon.

And the Cyberdemon.

And the Baron of Hell.

And the Cacodemon.

And the Demon.

And the Lost Soul.

And the .....


Wait! Then why am I on this forum?

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Gonna level with y'all after all these years on this front:

back then in 2009-2010, I only started mapping for recognition, and not because I actually aspired to be a game/gameplay designer.

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i am mostly playing Doom for "Power Fantasy mode". buddha cheat + some weapon mod + headshots. don't mind jumping onto a crate to get some pickup, or jump out of a window (authors, stop putting player block lines in your windows, and before your "jumpable" walls! ;-). my current Power Fantasy Hero in Zan from Hedon. it seems i fell in love.

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3 hours ago, ketmar said:

i am mostly playing Doom for "Power Fantasy mode". buddha cheat + some weapon mod + headshots. don't mind jumping onto a crate to get some pickup, or jump out of a window (authors, stop putting player block lines in your windows, and before your "jumpable" walls! ;-). my current Power Fantasy Hero in Zan from Hedon. it seems i fell in love.

You should check out the Russian Overkill or Guncaster mods if you haven't done so already.

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In most maps I actually budget my Plasma Cells (if I'm doing a Pistol start on a level, I ignore this), so for example, if I know there's roughly 200 plasma cells in a level, that's how many plasma cells I'll try to use, since I like to keep it near maximum at all times, lol.

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I'm done pistol starting and playing saveless. It was starting to become an unhealthy obsession to the point of it not being fun anymore. I would spend countless hours trying to beat a somewhat challenging map and ignore everything else in my life. I developed a burning hatred for even slightly longer maps, ignoring the work of art someone created for free of cost. Some of the most well regarded maps of all time are well over 20 mins long. Imagine not being able to enjoy those!


It was fun playing Icarus with saves, blasting through helpless monsters on map 27 with overpowered arsenal. I haven't had so much fun since I first played Plutonia with saves and carryover. 


I've realised that if I have an hour to play doom, I'd rather blast through 3-4 maps rather than trying to beat a single map with the perfect attempt. I know I'll never be a good player. Why bother?

Edited by paturn

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I think the effect of the Final Doom bug where your Z coordinate isn't set on the ground of your teleporting destintation (where most of the time when you teleport, you teleport to the new area in mid-air and then fall to the ground) looks unintentionally cool.

Edited by peach freak

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On 2/25/2021 at 7:36 AM, paturn said:

I'm done pistol starting and playing saveless. It was starting to become an unhealthy obsession to the point of it not being fun anymore. I would spend countless hours trying to beat a somewhat challenging map and ignore everything else in my life. I developed a burning hatred for even slightly longer maps, ignoring the work of art someone created for free of cost. Some of the most well regarded maps of all time are well over 20 mins long. Imagine not being able to enjoy those!

Hell yeah, I went through a phase where I was kind of a purist about always playing saveless and while it was fun for a little while I eventually realized I was just forcing myself to redo the same shit over and over again for no real reason.  It's like what am I trying to prove anyway?  And I know that excessive savescumming can kind of cheapen the experience, but you know what else sucks is having to play through the same 10 minutes of level just to retry the same evil trap ad nauseam.  Besides there's a middle ground somewhere between saving after every kill and never saving at all, why should I have to go to either extreme?


I'll still play saveless periodically, especially if it's, say, the IWAD maps that I can beat easily enough on UV and I want to add a layer of challenge, but I no longer make it my standard, let alone only, method of play.

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i think the plasma rifle is better then the bfg and i will use it most of the time unless i am faced with a boss tier demon or a large crowd of high tier demons

the bfg just uses too much ammo

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On 3/5/2021 at 5:57 PM, StupidBunny said:

Hell yeah, I went through a phase where I was kind of a purist about always playing saveless and while it was fun for a little while I eventually realized I was just forcing myself to redo the same shit over and over again for no real reason.  It's like what am I trying to prove anyway?  And I know that excessive savescumming can kind of cheapen the experience, but you know what else sucks is having to play through the same 10 minutes of level just to retry the same evil trap ad nauseam.  Besides there's a middle ground somewhere between saving after every kill and never saving at all, why should I have to go to either extreme?


I'll still play saveless periodically, especially if it's, say, the IWAD maps that I can beat easily enough on UV and I want to add a layer of challenge, but I no longer make it my standard, let alone only, method of play.

i stopped playing saveless when i realized that i was having more fun playing on hurt me plenty

now i just play uv with a lot of saves

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Started working on my second megawad right after I finished 36 levels of the first megawad I've made. Downloaded texture files left, right and center and now the megawad itself has become a big mess. I also want to say that I should have joined this forum to post my wads and call for assistance while working with the levels and implementing a much better game play in the process long ago. I began with doom mapping in 2011, imagine if I joined this forum in that year XD but I believe this may have happened for a reason... and joined in 2021 instead.


Mistakes were made in my first megawad for being too easy and boring; but I took it as a lesson and that's obviously good, and I was happy. I understand everybody makes mistakes, especially for the first time (believe it or not, the first time is always the hardest moment also).


Now I have already made 21 maps for the second megawad 6 years ago and I regret it, this is because I have made the same mistake on those 21 maps like I did on the first megawad (seriously, why would I do such a thing). Knowing the fact that the quality standard of doom maps nowadays are maybe too high for me and yet I still rely on the quality that was like back in 2008, it has become unbearable... and I just want to delete my unfinished second megawad, but at the same time something is not letting me and doesn't want me to. It's archive in SLADE3 is messy, and the game play has bad monster fights and poor balance. I just want to delete it and parhaps try making much better maps maybe, but I may never meet up with the high standards of doom mapping today.


I have better things to do in life anyway.

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The letters "IDDQD" and "IDCLIP" are tattooed into the back of my hands. Lest I'm in the middle of a really tough map and I forget the essentials of DooMing.



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When it comes to some wads or TCs where it may be worth finding all the stuff in the maps, I use the glorious "iddt" cheat at the start of each map and finish the maps that way.


It's how I've played Golden Souls 2 (and I think the first one too), and I've got no regrets 🦊.

Edited by seed

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a confession to make...


I have almost never played a bad Doom map, ever. Maybe few maps that were almost deliberately bad, but most honest attempts made by regular fans of Doom have usually created something I felt was either average good, okay or somewhere above that. I think Doom maps are hard to get wrong because I find Doom itself to be so much fun.


I have certainly been frustrated with some maps from time to time, but I can often overlook those ridiculous parts of it and see what the map author was trying to achieve. There's a playful curiosity I have with seeing what fun things people can come up with, and part of the process for me is learning to appreciate it for what it is, and not what I think it should be.

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-I don't like custom HUDs, especially the ones that replace Doomguy's face

-I think archviles are overpowered

-I've never beaten Thy Flesh Consumed, I've only been able to get to about level 4 or 5 before just doing something else because I'm not enjoying myself

-The super shotgun isn't that great, its damage is definitely good, but if you asked me to list the best video game shotguns based on how satisfying they are to use, I don't think it'd make the top 10

-Brutal Doom's tone is obnoxious 

-I conscientiously object to maps that have enough toxic waste you have to use more than one radiation suit

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I never got through plutonia map02.

I feel like I'm invincible when I take radiation suit

I tried to get people into Doom countless times, without any success.

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I have been suffering from a very bad depression the last couple of years and it has been especially bad the last 6 months, this is why all my doom related projects are currently in stasis


I hope to get better over time... When I do I will resume my projects

Edited by CBM

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I actually really like Doom 2's map 19, The Citadel. Everywhere else I've seen people detest the map. I think it has a nice design, it's all linked pretty neatly, it has a moat. Could do without the specter hoard in the back though, maybe cut down the size of the hoard and add a hell knight down in the moat.

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I underuse the plasma so much that I don't even know how much damage it does. Plasma seems so valuable so I'm very stingy with it, and end up rarely using it (also the plasma balls take up too much of the damn screen). This actually made most levels with a plasma rifle easier on pistol start for me when I did pistol start plutonia cause I knew how much plasma there was this time around. If I were to guess the plasma does an average of 30 a shot but I am not confident in that number.

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9 hours ago, Reelvonic said:

lol same, ive started at least 50-70 different projects but end up stopping due to lack of motivation and thinking what the point

You shouldn't do so many projects at the same time, it will be way to much on you on top of the stuff on your personal life, I understand why you asking yourself that when you take all those many doom related projects damn

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i feel like airguitar% would be a good speedrun format
it's where if you have the plasma gun you have to be firing it, but only one shot at a time for maximum air guitar

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