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I've never EVER finished Doom 2 IWAD v1.9. I've been using my Doom 2 IWAD v1.666 since I started playing Doom back in 1995.

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GoatLord said:

I find the full version of Blood (the so called plasma pack if I recall) more enjoyable than the iwads for Doom 1 and 2.

Don`t forget cryptic passage.
I consider Blood as one of the best games ever. It nailed the atmosphere, sounds and music (MIDI) perfectly and I too must admit that playing it pulls me into the game a little more than Doom. It is actually the only FPS that I consider very slightly better than Doom.
Doom is perfection, Blood is perfection... perfected.

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When I first played Heretic, I thought the mummies were evil musclemen. I guess it's because you don't usually expect mummies to be so ripped, considering they're known for being all scrawny and dried out.

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Jaxxoon R said:

When I first played Heretic, I thought the mummies were evil musclemen. I guess it's because you don't usually expect mummies to be so ripped, considering they're known for being all scrawny and dried out.

YO RIGHT? They were totally body builders that could shoot flaming steroid skulls in my head.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess I have only just thought of the fact that generally speaking for casual players, the most common way to discover the ashwall secret in map01 of Doom 2 is to play the level on UV, as the imps open the door from the inside. On lower difficulties there are no imps so the best way to find it from there is to wall hump.

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For me, from the mapping point of view, it is Vanilla Doom or GZDoom with all possible fancy special effects. No way in between.

(BTW, first post in the new forum!)

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7 minutes ago, Angry Saint said:

For me, from the mapping point of view, it is Vanilla Doom or GZDoom with all possible fancy special effects. No way in between.

(BTW, first post in the new forum!)

Quoted for truth. I'm either limit-removing vanilla, or it's full blown UDMF with GZDoom functionality. 

For me, Doom exists at those two extremes and basically nowhere else. It's either the (mostly) retro experience, or it's everything the scene has developed in the last 20 years. 

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1 hour ago, Bauul said:

 limit-removing vanilla

I think it is or vanilla or limit-removing. And I still prefer vanilla with all (well, most of) the limits.

People prefer limit removing or boom rarther than UDF, mainly for demo compatibility.

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2 hours ago, Ancalagon said:

I miss post hell.

Whether the removal of Post Hell was for the best or not is debatable, but at the very least we have this to remember it by.


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Doom 1 reminds me of Hanson since my sister would have the Middle of Nowhere album on in the background while we played E1 on our 486 with PC speaker only sounds as we didn't have a sound card. I used to be the 'gunner' (the control key) and she did the movement and door opening. Is there a PC speaker WAD for doom anywhere?

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Not sure, but Chocolate Doom (and by extension Crispy Doom) and the Eternity Engine both do authentic PC Speaker emulation

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I gave up trying to continue with 'Mephisto's Mausoleum' (Master Levels) on UV difficulty yesterday, because I couldn't get past the revenants inside the main building. Completed it on HMP though. Feeling decidedly apprehensive about embarking on 'The Express Elevator To Hell', the only level I've yet to do.

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1) I play Final Doom on the lowest skill setting since I find the game too hard.

2) I prefer playing classic Doom games with SmoothDoom + Music and SFX from PS1 Doom.

3) I usually enjoy playing maps that have limit-removing elements.

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4 hours ago, Summer Deep said:

Feeling decidedly apprehensive about embarking on 'The Express Elevator To Hell', the only level I've yet to do.

good luck on that one!

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^^ It wasn't quite the slaughterish, survival-horror type experience that I'd anticipated, though I did save quite frequently. Also didn't manage to get any of the keys, and thus missed out on the 'Bad Dream' experience. Not a great fan of secret levels anyway though - many of them seem gimmicky, self-indulgent efforts to me.....

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I sometimes worry I'll never release my first map because I keep obsessing over making sure it's as bug-free and aesthetic and playable and fun as possible. Ridiculous, why am I putting this pressure on myself?

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/17/2017 at 3:09 PM, Summer Deep said:

Not a great fan of secret levels anyway though - many of them seem gimmicky, self-indulgent efforts to me.....

Bosh, secret levels are the best place to be gimmicky and self-indulgent! (Although preferably in an enjoyable way rather than a "joke WAD" way.)


As far as confessions go, I confess to being one of those old cranks who'd rather edit raw bbcode rather than use a WYSIWYG editor. Bah humbug!

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  • I pick up the unreachable hitscanners weapons in ThePlutonia Experiment using idclip
  • I don't remember ever beating the IoS without iddqd, in Doom2
  • A cacodemon  going up the stairs makes me laugh
  • I don't find ZDoom or any modern source port (except Crispy Doom) attractive to me, not even PrBoom but I don't have a choice if I want to play classic boom wads. 
  • Therefore, I don't play modern pwads that require ZDoom, Skulltag, QZDoom, etc.
  • I feel bad when a PE cannot spit lost souls because of the "maximum number of LS in a map blah blah", D2TWID map10 is an example, there are 4 PEs at the beginning and I can't kill them instantly, I feel bad, really! ... empathy maybe? Idk...
  • Of all the wads I played so far (15), there might be only 3 or 4 maps I completely disliked. I'm very optimisitic and try to find a good thing in every map.
  • Strangely, it's been 4 consecutive months of playing Doom almost every day, and I still don't get bored. Usually when I become "addicted" with something I quit after 2 or 3 months. 
  • I can build a complete megawad based on my Doom related dreams from my 22 years of living, if I knew how to make maps.
  • I don't like FPS game in general, Doom is the exception.

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14 hours ago, Urban Space Cowboy said:

As far as confessions go, I confess to being one of those old cranks who'd rather edit raw bbcode rather than use a WYSIWYG editor. Bah humbug!

This is very like the KSP forum, and when this mess happened there it remained possible to use BBCODE, it just wasn't documented.

like so

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On 3/15/2017 at 3:40 AM, thefwf said:

"Doom 1 reminds me of Hanson since my sister would have the Middle of Nowhere album on in the background while we played E1"

What the actual heck?!?!



(Remember that episode of Space Ghost Coast to Coast where SG killed Hanson, anyone?)

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I guess on that note I'll confess that I dislike recording demos. I feel it's quite an inconvenient process setting up a bat/shortcut with the command line - since I have a computer powerful enough I prefer to simply stream / record the video and upload that instead.

Edited by Dragonfly

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ZDL is probably the most convenient way to do it. 


I find it more convenient than batch files. It makes playing back demos simple too, no opening folders and dragging and dropping stuff. 

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