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DOOM 4 "Officially" Officially in Development

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It has been 6 years since the last adventure though Hell in space, and now Id Software announced that we should prepare to go back. The company responsible for the best selling first person shooters ever (Id Software) confirmed that DOOM 4 is deep in development. They have been working on the title simultaneously with the upcoming Rage (a post apocalyptic sci-fi FPS).

DOOM 4 will most likely Not be the title of game, but it will indeed be the fourth installment of the series. The game will run on the IdTech 5 engine. But the company wants to make it clear that they are being very careful not to make the game simply a reskin of Rage which uses the same engine. Both games are in developement at the same time, but they will both be independent of each other. The new DOOM will feel like DOOM.

Any word about the games features, characters, new enemies, and gameplay is hush-hush. But it promises to make DOOM fans happy. All we know is like DOOM 2, It's supposed to take place on earth with more rich and dark open enviroments. After huge hiring for the game including an award-winning fantasy writer Graham Joyce, the wait will be worth it. Given Id's past reputation of taking time on their main titles, we can expect it to pay off like it has before.

It is unknown approximately when the game will be released, or for what platforms. However the talk is that it will be soon and more than likely for current gen systems. More information will reported as it is revealed.

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DOOM 4 will most likely Not be the title of game,

Okayy... Also, now it is taking place on Earth? Changin' minds a bit. Of course from that one logo maybe the game will just be titled Doom.

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Really? I thought they originally said that it wouldn't take place on Earth, or at least they implied it as they said it would not be a sequel to Doom 3nor be a remake of Hell on Earth. Assumptions it seems.

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id better show something from the game at QuakeCon this year. Last year was a big disappointment.

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Not too much info in there that we didn't know.. nice to get a solid confirmation on the setting though.

I'm wondering how soon "soon" is. I'm hoping for early-mid next year, but realistically I'm still thinking holiday 2012.

Clonehunter said:

Of course from that one logo maybe the game will just be titled Doom.

This won't happen. Carmack mentioned that they toyed with the idea of calling Doom3 just "Doom", but there were too many branding and licensing issues (Not that they didn't own the license, just that things would clash awfully with Doom 1).

Clonehunter said:

or at least they implied it as they said it would not be a sequel to Doom 3nor be a remake of Hell on Earth.

Not a sequel to Doom 3 and Not a remake of Doom 2 does not mean it can't take place on earth. It can easily be a new Doom game set on Earth.

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I'm kind of excited now. Don't know why. This is a long way away, and there's no guarantee it will be the amazing reboot of Doom 2 we all (well, most of us) want it to be. I'm glad they've given us an update, though.

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AirRaid said:

Not a sequel to Doom 3 and Not a remake of Doom 2 does not mean it can't take place on earth. It can easily be a new Doom game set on Earth.

I suppose I misunderstood their previous statements then. An Earth setting sounds most exciting though.

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It better have a gigantic impressive DOOM IV logo and not a lame "Doom to the power of 4" one. Erm if they do decide to call it Doom 4 anyway.

Maybe by "not being a sequel to Doom 3" it will have more "demonic" enemies with horns and goat legs again. And also perhaps it will be "Hell on Earth" but the UAC secret facility will instead initially just be on earth instead of another planet/moon.

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This looks like a mishmash of the info that's been out there for up to three years. The same timespan that Doom4 has officially been in production. Absolutely no news here. The same "news" seems to keep floating back up to the surface.


May 7th 2008

Please stop posting the same news over and over :P
(Not directed at anyone in particular)

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  • 3 weeks later...

This one guy in another thread thinks that it will be a sequel to doom 2, anyone else agree? (By the way, I agree) Doom 3 did not have the run and gun feel of the other games. I mean, didn't it seem like the marine served more as a medic than a marine?

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They should use a alot of creativity in Doom 4. They got better graphics, they can't just tell a story every once in a while. (Like in Doom and Doom 2, but i still they Doom and Doom 2 are some of the best games ever)

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Cool news, but it's nearly identical to what I've been anticipating since 2008: It'll be a new Doom, and reminiscent of the old games.

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printz said:

I don't mind if they change the name at all. Some more imagination won't hurt.

Heh. Those are the guys who named their Strogg shooter "Quake II" because they didn't felt like searching too long for an available title.

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