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What is the best TC?

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There are a good number of TC's (total conversions) for Doom 2. Which ones do you think are the best and why?

Note that a TC doesn't have to be a port/remake of some other game like Doom 64 TC, it can be anything that replaces all of the old graphics and introduces new levels.

Which TC's do you think are the best ones?


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phobosdeimos1 said:

Simpsons Doom

That's not really a TC, it only replaces the graphics but doesn't have any new levels.

esselfortium said:


Isn't that its entire own game?

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hardcore_gamer said:

Isn't that its entire own game?

It's based on a modified Doom engine. Is there really any difference between that and a true TC, other than that Raven Software had access to the source code a few years earlier than everybody else?

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hardcore_gamer said:

There are a good number of TC's (total conversions) for Doom 2.

Actually, there are hardly any. Name ten.

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Grazza said:

Actually, there are hardly any. Name ten.

Here those that i have in my Doom folder:
Wolfenstein TC
Star Wars Chibi Rebellion
Qdoom (Quake)
Community Is Falling

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Different people have different definitions for a TC. Here a few that come to mind though:

Aliens TC
Batman Doom
Chex Quest
Freedoom, when finished.
and of course I just have to mention Harmony :-)

I am most impressed with TC that have never-seen-before art. Making a Quake (for example) TC for Doom is impressive, but I never understood the point. We have already seen the art in a more suitable environment and if you want to play Quake... well play Quake.
A TC allows the creator to make another (or his own) world come alive with the aid of an flexible engine. Aliens TC was an impressive achievement back in those days. It inspired many people including myself to go and edit Doom. The dehacked coding in Batman Doom is just brilliant.

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Some of these aren't truly TCs though. But I would say they are more TC than PC. Cause if we should make the distinction properly. THere wouldn't be any TCs at all really.

Good to great Doom TCs.
Aliens TC
Batman Doom
Zan zan
Action Doom 2
Phocas Island 2

Ok Doom TCs.
Army of Darkness TC
Hyena, Killer machine.

Meh Doom TCs.

Unmentioned because they are not TCs, but PCs. By my definition anyway.
Action Doom
Cold as Hell

I know there are more. But I can't quite think of them right now.

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I kind of wish some kind soul would pick up A Fistful of Doom and completely flesh out the western theme, 'cause Fistful's pretty neat.

Doom Must Fall is another mentionable TC. Quality is debatable as it's more of a deathmatch thing and the single singleplayer level is incredibly abstract, but there are some cool ideas buried in there.

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All but one of the TC's I was going to post have been mentioned already.

Seriously, no SRB2 love?

esselfortium said:



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Heh, actually its just a bunch of graphics conversions. No new levels, but offered an interesting change in visuals. Also made me want to buy Half-Life, which I later did.

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esselfortium said:

It's based on a modified Doom engine. Is there really any difference between that and a true TC, other than that Raven Software had access to the source code a few years earlier than everybody else?

That's like saying RtCW is a tc of Quake 3 just because it uses the same engine. :P

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Doomsfall said:

That's like saying RtCW is a tc of Quake 3 just because it uses the same engine. :P

according to hardcore_gamer, yes, rtcw is a tc for q3a.

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