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Some new super hi-res shots of the original Doom models

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Pretty cool shots. In particular I was amazed by how much detail that was lost in the Arch-Vile and Revenant.

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Phobus said:

In particular I was amazed by how much detail that was lost in the Arch-Vile and Revenant.

Agreed. Given the low resolution canvas that was available for the sprites, the digitisation process wouldn't have lended itself at all well to the tall, lanky characters.

By the looks of the resulting sprites the models seemed to serve mainly to get the poses "for free" and were otherwise largely re-drawn.

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The spiderdemon and arch-vile models are a level beyond awesome.

I wish the revenant looked like the original model in the final game. In the final game it looks like a skeleton in a football jersey.

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I wish I had a day with those and access to a 3d scanner.

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I've noticed this before, but this is a great example for pointing it out. Look at the spiderdemon photo and take note of the details around the chaingun. Looks a bit like some CEMENT, amirite?

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Marnetmar said:

I wish the revenant looked like the original model in the final game.

I prefer their mummy-like look to the model, myself. The mancubus is my fave of the models, though.

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EarthQuake said:

Looks a bit like some CEMENT, amirite?

I hate when people post before me the same idea.

Anyway, it has 3 tubes. In the sprite it has 6, amirite?

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C30N9 said:

Anyway, it has 3 tubes. In the sprite it has 6, amirite?

It's also not at the same place since in the sprite it's on the chassis while the model features it between the chassis and the brain-body.

By the way, the model seems to have been damaged; I don't think the front left leg was meant to have a broken piston.

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