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interent probs

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well here i use a different ISp, AOL sucks for playing doom but i have an earthlink account. I installed earthlink but when i try to connect to get phone numbers i get an error saying the call can not be made. this has me puzzeled because it works fine for aol, but not for earthlink. someone help me

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AOL sucks for playing doom

AOL sucks period.

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feel lucky. before i got my dsl my internet would only connect when it wanted to. once every few days, sometmes weeks, it would connect for 1.5 hours (had a time limit) and all other times it wouldnt even give a reason. it was completely random weather it would work or not. we called the place and they had no idea what was wrong but i did. it was possesed by the devil.

Hmmm... a satan-possessed computer...

X mspaint
This program has been used to draw
crosses and angels and must be shut


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