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ultradoom said:

My ideal doom 4 would be as follows:

Same weapons and physics as doom 2, but with awesome graphics. Multiplayer would keep that unique speed of doom 2 multiplayer that was lost in doom 3. I just want an upgraded version of the originals, like how the quake series panned out. Whatever happens I am excited to get my hands on it!

You understand that is exactly how the Call of Duty series ended up? If it went like that, yeah it could be successful. Then they would make more Doom games, each year with slightly better graphics. Then multiplayer. Then people only play multiplayer. Then before you know it, we have Doom: Modern Warfare 3 out with a new map, slightly improved graphics, and 2 new weapons. Doom would just become a money making poorly made trilogy that fades into obscurity. I hope you see my point, I might be exaggerating it. Doom 4 should be unique in many senses. Sure it will keep the same feel and weapons and ememies etc. but it should add. It shouldn't just be an upgrade to graphics, that would be boring.

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Uhhh yea I don't think going from doom 2 to doom 4 would be as similar as going from cod 2 to cod 3 for example, but I see your point. I do however think they should cater to the multiplayer scene with the new game. Wouldn't it be cool I have doom 4 tournaments at quakecon as well as quake?

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ultradoom said:

Uhhh yea I don't think going from doom 2 to doom 4 would be as similar as going from cod 2 to cod 3 for example, but I see your point. I do however think they should cater to the multiplayer scene with the new game. Wouldn't it be cool I have doom 4 tournaments at quakecon as well as quake?

What I meant was that just having better graphics on Doom 4, and having it be successful would start something like that that would be bad for the series. Like I said, I was probably exaggerating.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Kay Raiden said:

Daikatana + DooM 2 = DooM 4

That is what I am specting of DooM 4

If you're saying you think god himself John Romero is added to the team, I hope you're right. At least as a random guy to bounce ideas off of, ha who knows, maybe the guy's still got some magic in him.

On the feel we want for Doom 4, personally I wouldn't want it to literally have the feel of Doom 2. For me Doom 2 had less atmosphere than the first Doom, plus a lot of the levels were well notably gimmicky or jokey, which is fun, but feels like you're playing user made maps almost in some ways for me. Like Barrels O Fun, etc. I know a lot of fans prefer Doom 2, but just sayin'.

I do dig that Doom 4 is reportedly a modern take on Doom 2's Hell on Earth idea, definitely a lot of potential there. I'd just dig if the game balances having some fun not straight line linear levels, but not fully open and huge either since that can be bland, with atmosphere to go with the fun and intense gameplay. High hopes for this game.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Unregistered account

One thing Doom 4 needs is to be different to most other modern FPSes.

The biggest thing it has crying out for is
non-linear levels. Doom 3 focused more on making the levels resemble places but the gameplay suffered as a result. Doom 1 & 2's levels are average on detail but you can still tell where they're meant to be set. The gameplay is more fun there - and The Lost Levels expansion for Doom 3 only shows this more.

Also, the monsters shouldn't be redesigned to be all Dead Spacey like Doom 3. The models should be based off the original models more, although the Imp and Demon should probably have more Doom 64-style models.

But the best thing EVER would be if you could download and play WADs made for Doom/2!! That would be awesome! However, it would need a special type of level-building program to do that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What do you mean the monsters are Dead Spacey?! If anything it's the other way around considering that Dead Space came out AFTER Doom 3.

Do people REALLY want Doom 4 to be like this?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quomFv79bVE

Can't you see how cheap and weird it looks? YOU CAN'T have a modern Doom game that looks like Doom 2 with better textures you just can't and get that in your heads already. Doom 3 already looked like a natural evolution of the original, you just have to look at http://www.doomworld.com/vb/doom-3-general/59363-best-level-in-doom-3/

In fact, the level is called Central Processing and I believe it's actually a remake of the original level.

I think there should be a detailed analysis made by the best Doom mappers of every little thing in Doom 3 in order to have an objective view on it. To me, the general hate of Doom 3 comes from the fact that a lot of people haven't played it since 2004-2005 so they don't remember much of it combined with bandwagoning and possible jealousy that they couldn't run it decently back then and I don't think this is good.

Considering that Doom 3 will be 10 years old next year, I think a detailed and meticulous analysis of it would not be out of place.

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My theory is that we won't see this game for a long time.

It's been already 5,5 years since the 2008 announcement. DOOM 4 had at least one major restart and TONS of lineup changes on key positions throughout the past 2 years. Some things point towards another restart that supposedly took place earlier THIS year (note Hugo Martin as the brand new Art Director, lack of Design Director, etc). Recently id went on a hiring spree reminiscent of the one 5 years ago. Not quite a fair comparison but still.

Next year Bethesda will release Wolfenstein: The New Order. What that means is that, just like in 2011 with RAGE, they will prohibit any kind of talks about the next id game to get the entire "id related" attention to Wolf. Not to mention id is deeply involved in its production. In turn we will not hear anything about DOOM 4 until AT LEAST 2015 and probably further than that. As a result the game will easily reach a ridiculous number of 7 years in development, same as RAGE, and that's considering it'll ship in 2015, and it probably won't.

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[QUOTE]DooM_RO said:
[B]What do you mean the monsters are Dead Spacey?!QUOTE]

Ok, I didn't mean "Dead Spacey", I just wanted to point out that the monsters looked more like they were designed with a horror movie in mind (especially the Demon).

Also, my computer wouldn't allow me to watch the video you attatched, so I don't know what you wanted to point out. Was it of Risen3D/that 3D model pack for Zandronum and Skulltag? If so, I see where you're coming from, but those were fan projects, without the intention to make professional models.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm speculating that Doom 4 is probably going to be the worst Doom game ever. With the delays, the unfocused and quarreling dev teams, the restarts and key members of the company leaving during its development, it's got all the makings of another Duke Nukem Forever or Aliens: Colonial Marines.

Honestly, as much as I adore Doom, I'd kind of like this game to just be cancelled. I don't think anything good has ever come from a game where all the team members seemed to hate each other and seemingly couldn't even decide what kind of game to make.

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I have to agree, better nothing at all than a mess like Duke Nukem Forever, and I am a bit of a Doom fanatic. With all the speculation and hype, it would have to be spectacular to match, and I'm afraid the reality would be underwhelming, at best.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Piper Maru said:

Maybe Doom 4 will be just as bad as Duke Nukem Forver and Aliens: Colonial Marines....or maybe, just maybe it will the best game EVER.

I'm hoping for the second option, but it wouldn't take a lot to outshine those two turkeys. They have set the bar lower for all other new games. {"At least it's not as bad as....."}

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Well I think it would be a lot like COD ghosts, halo and doom 2. They should add a multiplayer campaign like the originals, more weapons, physics features, cutscenes and as revolutionary and the doom 1 and 2 when they came out. It could be be a sequel to doom 2 or how doomguy was before he joined UAC. It could tell of all his family dying in a tragic accident or something and really wrench those tears out. Thats how I hope doom four is going to be like.

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I have a hard time imagining Id Software going for a tearjerker storyline. Most of the player characters in their games don't even talk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It should be to DOOM what Shadow Warrior (2013) is to Shadow Warrior (1997). It should essentially be a 90's game but with a fleshed out story. Not in your face story, but just a story that's there. Also, more hell! Hopefully. I know we are going to see DOOM 4 around.... I'd say, 2015-2016 at the most. They might announce it sometime before then.... Who knows honestly....

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Doomguy777 said:

It should be to DOOM what Shadow Warrior (2013) is to Shadow Warrior (1997). It should essentially be a 90's game but with a fleshed out story. Not in your face story, but just a story that's there. Also, more hell! Hopefully. I know we are going to see DOOM 4 around.... I'd say, 2015-2016 at the most. They might announce it sometime before then.... Who knows honestly....

Eh. A story that's just there accomplishes nothing.
Storytelling in shooters is still on the prototype stage. We have had a few games where it worked, but for the most part you end up with a disjoint experience. Bioshock Infinite had a rich, deep and emotional storyline that took you for an amazing ride. They never managed to properly merge storytelling and action though and thus we were left with "shooter segments" that were more of a chore than anything else.

It's no mean feat to accomplish a fantastic singular world where you feel part of the story and feel like you make an impact on its characters WHILE STILL having action that is part of the plot and doesn't create a ludonarrative dissonance. Most developers seem to be making the choice of either focusing on the story (Bioshock Infinite) or the action (Rage) and both categories fail on their own terms.

My own theory on how to fix this problem and have a balanced gaming experience that is both entertaining in the classical game sense and brings the player along for a ride is actually less shooting. Greatly implemented shooting mechanics can be extremely fun and rewarding, but let's not kid ourselves; The novelty has worn off. Games have moved in new directions and while it's still fun to load up a wad in Doom and blast away, this kind of gaming has more in common with casual games than modern shooters. Note that by casual I do not mean not challenging, but rather not very involving of your conscious thoughts. Playing Doom in 1993 was a completely different experience than loading it up today. Those days are gone and you will never again have a strict shooter that will engage you like Doom did when it was new, fresh and looked real through your eyes.

So is it still a first person shooter if it has less shooting? Call it whatever you want. Genres are fine for indexing games that share fundamental similarities, but you should never let a genre define what kind of game you want or need to create. It's a cage more than it's a framework. It seems to me that today we have visual and audial fidelity on extremely advanced levels, but the actual game part is stuck in no-man's land. It's still just about pointing at enemies and clicking. I'll agree that those mechanics are far less rewarding today than they were back then, but I don't think the idea of 95% of the game time being comprised of shooting stuff is viable any longer. There has to be more to it than that. Any media with a story should have the story be the center of the experience. The story should dictate what kind of "gameplay" there should be and not the other way around.

This of course is a huge challenge. If you just slap on a story, it will get in the way. If you just slap on shooter segments to your story, those segments will get in the way. If you ignore story/world completely you're left with something that I don't really think any of us want.

As a closing statement, I'll say that the train scene in the latest(?) Wolfenstein video was to me much more interesting than any of the shooter scenes. While all the basic mechanics need to be in place and well implemented, shooting today should be made interesting by context and impact, not novelty of shooting. That's gone.

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To reply to Shaviro, what I expect from DOOM 4 is DOOM 3: Phobos except with half the game being like Phobos, then the rest being in Hell. :3 P.S Shaviro I love your mod, the shotgun looks awesome in it! :D Also, I liked how Shadow Warrior had a 90's story, that was fleshed out except it felt balanced between story and action. I really enjoyed Shadow Warrior (2013). It was a great game.

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  • 1 month later...
Clonehunter said:

I still think it's going to be a sequel to Doom 64 if anything. *shrugs*

This would be cool.

Now, since everyone has been filling this thread up with what would be their ideal Doom game...

It needs to be fast-paced. It should have a dark atmosphere with a grim sense of humor if any. It should feel like Humans are in a bad situation, and that hope has already largely been lost.

Now, computers and controls have improved quite a lot since the first Doom games. It simply wouldn't work to duplicate the old mechanics. However, it wouldn't be too bad if some inspiration was taken from them.

Personally I would like it if there was a lot of interesting AI that would interact with one another in various ways to make the whole world feel alive. Things that show how horrible the Demons are, and let you get a glimpse into what a Hell on Earth really would be like.

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Upon Christmas eve 2056, john Romero will rise from his grave to lead an army of his bitches (created from the unfortunate souls from the Daikatana incident years ago that claimed half the worlds population). John will then use his army to take over the now super giant mega corporation only known as EA. After taking over EA, John will release Doom 4 and make the world all his bitches.

Either that or we just get a game called Doom that comes out sooner or later that everybody will hate because no blood or heavy metal that involves 500MPH gameplay and ridiculous looking demons.

But the question is: Does it have Co-op?

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  • 2 weeks later...
DooM_RO said:

What do you mean the monsters are Dead Spacey?! If anything it's the other way around considering that Dead Space came out AFTER Doom 3.

Do people REALLY want Doom 4 to be like this?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quomFv79bVE

Can't you see how cheap and weird it looks? YOU CAN'T have a modern Doom game that looks like Doom 2 with better textures you just can't and get that in your heads already. Doom 3 already looked like a natural evolution of the original, you just have to look at http://www.doomworld.com/vb/doom-3-general/59363-best-level-in-doom-3/

In fact, the level is called Central Processing and I believe it's actually a remake of the original level.

I think there should be a detailed analysis made by the best Doom mappers of every little thing in Doom 3 in order to have an objective view on it. To me, the general hate of Doom 3 comes from the fact that a lot of people haven't played it since 2004-2005 so they don't remember much of it combined with bandwagoning and possible jealousy that they couldn't run it decently back then and I don't think this is good.

Considering that Doom 3 will be 10 years old next year, I think a detailed and meticulous analysis of it would not be out of place.

DOOM 3 tried too hard to be scary and to be detailed. DOOM wasn't just pure horror, and it wasn't pure action either. It was a hybrid between the two. I do agree with you on Central Processing though, one of my favorite levels in DOOM 3. But the rest of the game I couldn't really see the DOOM 1 remake at all, because the Cyberdemon was easy as fuck to kill and it wasn't until the end of the game that you really saw Hell merging with everything, also.... we should have been able to kill the Spider Mastermind at the end in Hell!

DOOM 4 will most likely be a successor to DOOM 2 in story and gameplay. It will feel like an evolved DOOM game; the story will put our marine fighting off the hordes of Hell and we'll probably fight some brand new demons that most people here will complain about not looking like DOOM 1 or 2 or 3. DOOM 4 will most likely be a continuation of what DOOM 2 kind of left us hanging off with. It will be the DOOM 3 we all truly wanted. Because, personally in DOOM 4 I want to see our hero spout off one-liners and be a badass!

Seriously, I know a lot of people here SGTMarkIV for Brutal DOOM. But Brutal DOOM does something that most people have to at least admit....

It empowers you, something that modern military shooters don't really do. Now if you guys want a DOOM 64/DOOM PSX clone then fine. If you guys want a DOOM 1/2 clone then fine. Personally, I want to see a continuation of what made DOOM so great, and I want a proper sequel to DOOM 2. I want to explore new environments that range and vary, I want blood and gore that is realistic and extreme, I want heavy metal and ambience, I want half of the game to take place in Hell. But umm yeah, this is just my personal opinion. On a side note, DOOM 3's shotgun I had to remedy it with BladeYajuta's Weapons Ops mod which adds in the DOOM 1 shotgun and it looks awesome! :D

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  • 1 month later...

Would be cool if doom4 will be just an expantion for doom2 with new monsters, textures and weapons. Just like doom2 did with doom.

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  • 4 months later...
joe-ilya said:

Would be cool if doom4 will be just an expantion for doom2 with new monsters, textures and weapons. Just like doom2 did with doom.

You guys make me sick. I mean, no offense or anything, but ya'll is livin' in the past. How could this possibly be more fun than a brand new game? id at least tried with Doom 3. Yes, it was mediocre. The cramped environments, the incessant darkness, the lack of a balance between horror/action, the lackluster weapons, the sometimes bland art direction, the cheesy cinematics, the cartoonish protagonist, the disappointing end boss, the brutal absence of more hell-themed levels (or even a transition into hell), it all takes away from the experience. I agree. But it had potential, and it's even fun at times. Begging for a Doom 2: Part 2 is, I think, insulting to what id's attempt at progressing the franchise.

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Just give me fucking co-op damn it!

A serious problem I have with most games by id is that they incorporate a PVP multi player (which usually sucks shit through a straw, here is looking at you Doom 3 BFG!) into their hugely single player game and don't even think about incorporating the most logical multi player mode for a single player game: Co-op.

Sure, RAGE had a co-op but that mode was very limited and very frustrating when your partner couldn't even shoot straight. If id are hellbent on adding multi player to primarily single player games then they should at least add some form of co-op, even if it is half arsed.

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  • 4 weeks later...
joe-ilya said:

Would be cool if doom4 will be just an expantion for doom2 with new monsters, textures and weapons. Just like doom2 did with doom.

I really like your idea, I just hope they don't forget all of the Doom 3 monsters, it'd be weird if there wasn't at least one enemy from Doom 3

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Critikal_Damage said:

I really like your idea, I just hope they don't forget all of the Doom 3 monsters, it'd be weird if there wasn't at least one enemy from Doom 3

That's retarded

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