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Speculation Central - Post your retarded theories about Doom 4 here!


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My ideal Doom 4 would be something like this...

1.) New monsters with better AI (a'la Half Life). Seeing monsters with with each other rather than against each other would add a great deal of strategic challenge to the player. Imagine what would happen if a Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind worked in conjunction!

2.) More NPC interaction. The "sole survivour" shtick gets a bit old after a while. Along the same lines, better storyline development would be a plus.

3.) Mini-games/tasks. Even though it sounds a bit strange, such an addition would make sense. For example, during the course of the game, the player meets up with a squad that has been seperated from the main force, and must help them defend against demonic attacks. The reward could be a special weapon, valuable information, or access given to an area that otherwise could not be entered during the normal course of the game.

4. Better character development/less linear gameplay. It would fall to reason (to Me, at least) that the character would not stay the same during the entire course of the game. The player (assuming Doom 4 would not be a direct sequel) would be frightened at first by the demons, but, as the game progressed, would learn thier strengths and weaknesses, and be able to fight them more effectively. Also, one of my biggest gripes in the original Doom/Doom 2 was looking at areas thinking "Why can't I just jump over this railing", for example. I feel the player should be given a variety of options to pursue in order to complete the level.

5. The last change I would put in is having the player rewarded (or punished) according to the amount of effort they put into the level. For example, who's to say that the band of demons the player skirted around in a previous level won't come back to haunt him in a later one?

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Yea, it does sound like it may continue from Doom 2, while Doom 3 was a sort of re-boot of Doom 1. If thats the case than its a shame Doom 3 was called Doom 3 (with a number), but maybe rather something like Doom Mars attack....ok that sucks, but you get the idea. That way this one could be called Doom 3 as it is a follow on from Doom 2.......ok going off topic here about rubbish lol

As for gameplay, guess it cant be like Doom 1 & 2 as in a way thats too basic and modern games show more can be done and also expected. Even though Doom 1 & 2 gameplay is just fantastic!!

If it does take place on earth, I really hope they dont make it feel like a COD but with Monsters. This is pretty much what Serious Sam 3 ended up feeling like and was simply horrid!!!

My worry is that I want it to be fast gameplay, like the original, but modern gamers cant play something like that as they are used to slow boring Halo and COD stuff. ID have to create something that will appeal to modern gamers to make money. Us 90's gamers (presume most of us here are that) will not be targeted - thus we shall be disappointing!

Still cant wait to get my hands on it....at the end of the day its DOOM - YAY

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Carmack said it a couple of years ago that while he's hands-off of the design side of things, one of the few things he wants from the DOOM team is more action packed gameplay where you annihilate hordes of Hell with powerful weapons. A type of gameplay where you're clearly the hero and you're winning. More recent comments about having 30 demons crawling all over you suggest they're increasing a monster count compared to DOOM 3 or RAGE. A "classic DOOM" term was also mentioned in reference to DOOM 4 several times.

With that said, he also mentioned that the DOOM team uses a lot more cinematic stuff than RAGE, a lot of scripted things. It'll be interesting to see exactly what type of gameplay they settled for.

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  • 1 month later...
Krispy said:

Doom 4 takes place in heaven.

LOL - I like that idea, be great to blow away some fluffy fluffy angels.....or is that just me?

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bcwood16 said:

LOL - I like that idea, be great to blow away some fluffy fluffy angels.....or is that just me?

Definitely not just you. Lost Souls = Cherubs. Yeah, that could be fun.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My retarded theory is that Doom 4 will be a "sequel" to Doom 2. They already said it won't be a reboot, and it's not a sequel to Doom 3. They've said it will have gameplay more similar to the classic Doom games. It's already been done in the Quake line having Q4 being a sequel to Q2, with Q3 obviously being just sort of a non-canonical arena game in the middle (no idea why they didn't just call Q3 simply "Quake Arena" and Q4 should have been Q3, but whatever).

So seems likely that Doom 4 will take place some time after the events of Doom 2: Doomguy battled hell once again and defeated the Icon of Sin stopping its demon spawning--But Earth is probably still infested; Doomguy may have taken the demons out in one city, but there's still the rest of the planet. And I don't think Final Doom was supposed to be canon either.

As for how it plays, it sounds like it'll probably be pretty close to Painkiller but hopefully not as cut and paste monster arenas.

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My guess is that DOOM 4 will not be tied to any previous DOOM story. Why would they connect it with a 18year old game that had a story nobody really cared about? It's better to start anew, like with DOOM 3 except not remaking any specific title.

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Well they DID say it wasn't going to be a reboot, so it's not "starting new". So in conjunction with them saying it wasn't going to be a sequel to Doom 3, it makes sense that it'd have SOMETHING to do with the "story" of the first two.

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I couldn't figure out what did you mean with "not a reboot = not a new thing" but I get it now. If you read the exact quote from Todd Hollenshead he said that DOOM 4 will not be a reboot AND that DOOM 3 was a reboot. So since DOOM 3 was a remake of sorts, he probably used "reboot" as "remake", meaning DOOM 4 will not be a remake of any previous DOOM game.

I still don't know why would they tie it with DOOM 1/2. Doesn't make any sense. So they'd start with "yeah, there was a demonic invasion that destroyed Earth but now it's been rebuilt but oh look, they attack again". If DOOM II came out last year that would make sense but it came out 18 years ago.

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When do you think we are likely to hear anything concrete about Doom 4 ?

We know its in development, but be nice to have a little bit on info like a screen shot, or something.

Then again, I dont want to see something, get really excited and then have to wait another 2 years or so.

I find too much hype really kills things! Thats why im staying away from ANY info on 'Alines - Colonial Marines' I really want that to be a super fantastic scary, fun suspense filled game!

I dont know much about it and im not reading 'First Reviews' about Aliens! Im going to get it, install it....hopefully enjoy it!

....sorry off topic!.....I hang my head in shame!

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Actually, I was the first guy on this site to speculate before this forum thread began the Doom 4 was most probably a direct sequel to Doom 2. I had it posted originally, but then it was deleted for some reason. However, the moderator thankfully brought this thread into being, so we could discuss it. I wonder if he still has a copy of my first failed post.

It was a dead giveaway when Todd said that it was neither a reboot nor a sequel "to Doom 3." He didn't necessarily say it was not going to continue the previous Dooms. The "not a reboot" part cancels out the belief that Doom 4 will be another reboot, so it's something in between. So, I logically deduced that it most probably be a sequel to Doom 2.

For those who think it doesn't make sense, let me explain why it makes sense. Doom 3's main antagonist, Dr. Betruger, was dealt with in the expansion, so they couldn't continue Doom 3's story (not that it would be a hard thing to do). Also, as I've observed, Doom 3 was not seen too favorably by all Doom fans or gamers expecting more (even though it's just been re-released to prep players with hype), so id must've thought that they should return to Doom's roots with Rage technology they've created. I think they are deliberately moving away from Doom 3's story and look for a return to Doom 1+2's story and look for the fans.

I think there's a passable story that could take place after Doom 2. The marine, after defeating the Icon of Sin, has to wade through the ruins of Hell to get back to Earth, and he emerges in a vast city which is overrun by the remnants of Hell, led by other uber-powerful demons like the Baphomet in certain districts. While simultaneously helping newfound survivors, the Marine must blast through the demonic hordes and defeat each of these enormous demons, who are just as hard to fight as the Baphomet (or worse).

Their idea for Doom 4's story may be waaaaaaaaaay simpler than mine, but a Doomer can dream, right?

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DeimosKnight said:

He didn't necessarily say it was not going to continue the previous Dooms. The "not a reboot" part cancels out the belief that Doom 4 will be another reboot.

They might mean not a recreation of the first Doom like Doom 3 was, judging by previously leaked screenshots it looks like it might be a recreation of Doom 2.

demons like the Baphomet

It is possibly unlikely that they will do the traditional kinds of demons in Doom 4, and even if they were to do an Icon of Sin for the game it will be completely redesigned, it's bound to not look like a baphomet.

defeat each of these enormous demons

Urgh, that seems awfully familar to DNF. :P

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Avoozl said:
"They might mean not a recreation of the first Doom like Doom 3 was, judging by previously leaked screenshots it looks like it might be a recreation of Doom 2."

(It would help if I knew where the quote button is on my user interface. I don't know how others are able to do it!)

A recreation of Doom 2 would still count as a reboot, regardless. I certainly agree with the Doom 2 setting part, but I am more inclined to believe that it is a continuation Doom 2 rather than a recreation, because it would count as a sequel to Doom 3. Or maybe it could work as a standalone recreation, but it would still make it a reboot like Doom 3.

Another quote:
"Urgh, that seems awfully familar to DNF."

Actually, I was thinking more in the lines of titanic versions of the kind of bosess you had in Quake 1. DNF's bosses were not puzzle based like the Baphomet, Shub-Niggurath, or Cthon. Well, that's what I would want, anyway.

EDIT: Now I see the quote button, except it it's where the regular forum is, and not on the user interface!

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Not a reboot, not a sequel...clearly it's going to be a prequel to Doom. Hanging out in the barracks. Pulling long shifts of guard duty. Weapon maintenance. Hours of COD-style firing range tutorials. Long hours in the gym to sculpt the chiseled abs required to look good in that armor. Struggling to get leave requests granted. Boot polishing. Reading Dear John letters.

Can't wait.

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  • 2 months later...

So far I would just fine if the game just ended up not being everything I'm pretty sure it will be. Modern shooters dictate that it will sell if it is just a corny walk from corner to corner holding your hand as you play with very little action. If Doom 4 just keeps it like how it is meant to be, meaning more doom 1 and 2 style (more action oriented and brutal) and less Doom 3 style (Horror oriented and less action, not always bad, but bad for Doom), than I will appreciate it. That is just my opinion. Some people like the horror style of Doom 3, I don't mind it, I just think the action of the first 2 games suits it best. I would also really like it if the monsters kept their original look. They are so much more memorable and distinguishable that way, making it more enjoyable. Basically, I don't want Doom 4 to be another Doom 3, but even more watered down. :3

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RyRy13 said:

So far I would just fine if the game just ended up not being everything I'm pretty sure it will be. Modern shooters dictate that it will sell if it is just a corny walk from corner to corner holding your hand as you play with very little action. If Doom 4 just keeps it like how it is meant to be, meaning more doom 1 and 2 style (more action oriented and brutal) and less Doom 3 style (Horror oriented and less action, not always bad, but bad for Doom), than I will appreciate it. That is just my opinion. Some people like the horror style of Doom 3, I don't mind it, I just think the action of the first 2 games suits it best. I would also really like it if the monsters kept their original look. They are so much more memorable and distinguishable that way, making it more enjoyable. Basically, I don't want Doom 4 to be another Doom 3, but even more watered down. :3

In response to your comment, read this http://www.doomworld.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&postid=1170188#post1170188

Doom is SO MUCH more than just "shotguns and demons". Sure it had a lot of problems but people fail to see the parts that made it a good Doom sequel (or at least serviceable). It was relatively non-linear, had tons of secrets, few cutscenes, no regen health. The only problem was that it didn't reach its true potential due to technical restraints.

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DooM_RO said:

In response to your comment, read this http://www.doomworld.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&postid=1170188#post1170188

Doom is SO MUCH more than just "shotguns and demons". Sure it had a lot of problems but people fail to see the parts that made it a good Doom sequel (or at least serviceable). It was relatively non-linear, had tons of secrets, few cutscenes, no regen health. The only problem was that it didn't reach its true potential due to technical restraints.

I never said Doom 3 was bad in any way. I think it is a great game. I love it and it was an awesome experience. What I am saying is, in my opinion, the horror element doesn't work for doom, which is what they used for Doom 3. Lol sorry if I made it sound like I was bashing Doom 3 , I actually really appreciate it. What I am afraid of was the direction of Doom 3 that Id seems to be lead by. I don't want the next game to be even more watered down. I still hold my opinion about the original looking enemies ^_^. I think they should be in the next game no matter what.

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The horror element doesn't work in Doom? C'mon, me and a legion of Doomers worship the PSX and N64 versions. The sounds, music and colored lighting (not to mention Doom 64's smeary but effective art direction) created a unique Doom experience that is nowhere to be found on the originals. I for one would love to see Doom 4 embrace some of those aesthetics.

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GoatLord said:

The horror element doesn't work in Doom? C'mon, me and a legion of Doomers worship the PSX and N64 versions. The sounds, music and colored lighting (not to mention Doom 64's smeary but effective art direction) created a unique Doom experience that is nowhere to be found on the originals. I for one would love to see Doom 4 embrace some of those aesthetics.

I agree, that does work for Doom. But that is not what I mean by the horror element. By the horror element I mean like jump scares around the corner where you encounter a single imp. I agree with you, I love Doom 64 and the PSX version, mostly only for their music and lighting. But both of those games held, while I guess you could call more horror oriented and eerie, the classic Doom action feel just without the metal music and didn't have the horror element of a mediocre jumpscare around the corner. I would be completely okay if Doom 4, as you said, embrace some of those aesthetics.

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RyRy13 said:

I agree, that does work for Doom. But that is not what I mean by the horror element. By the horror element I mean like jump scares around the corner where you encounter a single imp. I agree with you, I love Doom 64 and the PSX version, mostly only for their music and lighting. But both of those games held, while I guess you could call more horror oriented and eerie, the classic Doom action feel just without the metal music and didn't have the horror element of a mediocre jumpscare around the corner. I would be completely okay if Doom 4, as you said, embrace some of those aesthetics.

Thing is, the original Doom had tons of monster closets. Just look at the red keycard room from E1M3.

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DooM_RO said:

Thing is, the original Doom had tons of monster closets. Just look at the red keycard room from E1M3.

I guess your right. I guess Doom 3 just felt less flexible than what I am used to in previous games and that made it feel like it was restricting you from a lot. Maybe Doom 4 could be like Doom 3 but with more flexible movement. Like Far Cry 3 blood dragon speed and jumping as well as strafing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My ideal doom 4 would be as follows:

Same weapons and physics as doom 2, but with awesome graphics. Multiplayer would keep that unique speed of doom 2 multiplayer that was lost in doom 3. I just want an upgraded version of the originals, like how the quake series panned out. Whatever happens I am excited to get my hands on it!

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