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I finally finished Map13. I'll probably spend a week testing other people's maps and then get back to working on Map28.

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@General Rainbow Bacon: Lookin' good!

@Pottus: You still have the MAP26 slot claimed, so I don't think there will be any problems with finishing that map.

@Processingcontrol: Just PMed you my first impressions of MAP13.

EDIT: More progress on the new TITLEPIC:

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^It's okay, since I'm spending most of my time working on the new TITLEPIC and INTERPIC.

EDIT: More progress on the new TITLEPIC:

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gun_psycho reported that Map13 causes a savegame buffer overflow. This leads to the inevitable question of whether or not we should adhere to the the savegame limit.

I say we shouldn't because:

-Many "Vanilla" wads break the limit, even some made before the source code was released (Requiem, HR)

-The limit can be disabled with chocolate doom

-I don't want to shrink my map. ;_;

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Last I checked, savegame buffer overflows happen due to having to many things on the level (although, I'm probably wrong). Perhaps, try to remove some decorations or a few enemies.

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Well, if we don't adhere to vanilla limits why don't we just make this thing limit removing. Personally I don't see any reason why so many megawads need to be "vanilla" these days. The only reason the limits were there is because the original maps were made on machines that couldn't handle large maps. I guess I don't see why people want to limit themselves when they don't need to anymore.

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I've been having trouble trying to finish my map and I have lost all inspiration so if anyone wants to carry on with my map I can upload it and link it so someone can finish it.

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^Sounds like a job for the backup crew! If anyone doesn't want to take it I will.

EDIT: Nevermind... again. Read further below.

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Please keep it vanilla compatible; I spent a lot of time tweaking my maps so they wouldn't cause a VPO or too many seg overflows, and I don't want all that work to go to waste.

Once again, many vanilla wads break the savegame limit. I don't see why we can't ignore it but still the project otherwise vanilla compatible.

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Hmm... Fine, vanilla compatibility (with the exception of savegame limits), but this is the last time I'm shifting the project focus like this.

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Matt534Dog said:

"Interception" is a limit-removing megawad for DOOM II.

Does this mean that it should play fine in Doom2+?

Archy said:

Doom2+ is a modified version of Vanilla Doom that's identical to Vanilla Doom except engine limitations are removed but the engine's principle functions remain.

Now of course it's still has limitations, but those limitations are far reduced.

limit                         : old    * k   = new
visplanes[MAXVISPLANES]       : 128    * 8   = 1024
drawsegs[MAXDRAWSEGS]         : 256    * 8   = 2048
SAVEGAMESIZE                  : 180224 * 16  = 2883584
activeplats[MAXPLATS]         : 30     * 256 = 7680
vissprites[MAXVISSPRITE]      : 128    * 8   = 1024
linespeciallist[MAXLINEANIMS] : 64     * 256 = 16384
openings[MAXOPENINGS]         : 16384  * 4   = 65536

If this is supposed to be compatible with Doom2+, Id gladly do a test run of each map in Doom2+.

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^Actually, I've changed it back to vanilla-compatible, with the exception of the savegame limit (which you can turn of in Chocolate Doom).

EDIT: Also, I've claimed MAP17 to finish. I've already finished the basic layout.

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Alright, so I've finished MAP17; I'm sending that one to testers now.

EDIT: Even more progress on the new TITLEPIC:

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I've just finished talking with XenoNemisis about the soundtrack. He would be more than happy to compose music for all of the existing maps. I feel it would give the soundtrack more consistency, so I agreed to let him do it. However, I don't want the mappers to be disappointed with the new soundtrack; I told him stay in contact with the mappers, and talk about what they think would fit the level best. I want to know how you all feel about this turn of events.

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I wasn't overly keen on the music selected for MAP08 but it wasn't as though I had my own suggestions and I'm not precious about music for my maps so I never mentioned it. I think an OST is a good idea and I'm intrigued to see how Panopticon's music turns out.

I'm happy for XenoNemisis to have total creative control on the music to my map but if he wants direction I'll try.

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It looks good except I would think there will be some palette conversion problems with that image you probably should have done your coloring using the Doom palette exclusively to avoid that. The title pic is also 320x200 so there is already a problem here with the chosen size since the image dimensions are 640x489 when it should have been 640x400. That would give proper scaling during re-sizing.

Here is the result.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

It actually looks a lot better than I thought but evidently the palette choice for the Doom guy has very poor translation when converting to the Doom palette and you can see the areas on the imp behind the player that need to be changed. Also the blood splatters come out as single pixels so these could definitely use some enhancing.

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^I'm always online (even when I'm not online)...

EDIT: My current color corrected version (fixed all of the major mistakes):

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At first I didn't really like the cover but after seeing it finished, it's really nice. Well done.

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