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A tip if you're playing through map 17 the rising walls after the red key door glitch in ZDoom and rise all the way to the ceiling breaking the map. So you'll have to change the compatibility settings to Doom strict

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  Pottus said:

Map 24 Update

Layout is complete

I'm still going to take my time over a few days to make sure choreography is good at any rate expect this map in within 3 days.


Just wow. Can't wait to play this.

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I'm not playing the most up-to-date version but when I played through Map14 there was a spot near the exit where a Baron teleported in and got stuck unable to move or attack.


Additionally, when this door (to the backpacks and blue armor secret) closes after being opened once, the texture looks misaligned. I dunno if this is worth bothering with.

If these have already been fixed then obviously ignore this post. Really good map.

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Map 24 ya boi!


No skill levels yet, that will be next task (Map11 and Map24 skill levels)

Map Name: Abysmal Affliction
Keys to exit: 3
Layout style: Highly non-linear

You'll be running and looking for ammo at some points but there is enough to get through with some carry over.

I've used some interesting concept traps so look out ;)

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I don't know about you guys but MAP12 crashes when I enter the teleporter in sector 449. It gave me no message at first but upon trying again it appears to be a visplane overflow.

Great stuff so far.

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It's easy to fix, actually kind of a crazy place for that to happen since it's the only spot in that room and exactly where you teleport in.

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I've made some minor changes to MAP27


  • Added difficulty flags
  • Removed a small amount of ammo
  • Made some very minor texture changes
  • Slightly amended the BK trap
  • Fixed the lava island so it's no longer damaging
  • Added a third secret
  • Provided a way out of the final area
That's it!

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Some notes/thoughts on MAP27:

- You can see parts of Satyr's face on linedefs 1614 and 1625
- In sector 278 (specifically, here) you could add "horizon" lines to make the area feel more open
- Linedef 1430 is a little hard to notice from the side. Maybe make adjacent lines shorter?
- Linedefs 884, 887, etc: I don't like the use of DOORTRAK here since these are technically not doors.
- Things 289 and 290 are a little off center?
- If you don't pick up thing 351 and press the switch that raises a walkway, it will begin to float in the air: pic. btw, similar issue with things 259-261
- When you open the first door, to me it looks like two sergeants (things 207 and 208) should notice you, but they don't.
- Monsters in the blue skull area can hear you long before you enter it if sector 198 is opened. Maybe some "deaf" flags or block sound lines should be added.
- Main concern: I feel like there is still way too many ammo. I understand that it is needed for the cyberdemon battle but I just felt overpowered all the time because I always had tons of everything, especially rockets. Maybe you could make it so the yellow switch opens a huge stash of ammo needed to kill the cyber?

That's all I think. Thanks again for finishing my map, I'm really pleased with the result.

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Thanks Memfis. I'll get onto the fixes next chance I get.

About the ammo, are talking UV? As I thought I kept ammo quite tight but it's difficult to balance. Not just because of the Cyb but also became the level is non-linear. Did you visit the yellow key door area early on? I'm guessing that's the main culprit. I'll think on, I've got an idea to sort this.

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@valkiriforce: We're waiting for the soundtrack to be finished. In the meanwhile, we're touching up maps.

@Pottus: You haven't sent me the latest version of MAP12 yet.

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Matt534Dog said:You haven't sent me the latest version of MAP12 yet.


This is actually what I was referring to; since I left off on that VPO area and haven't continued since then (waiting for the fix).

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Memfis, I've made some changes that directly address the bugs you raised in MAP27. I've had a quick test and all seems well but would you take a look to make sure all your issues are properly addressed? One thing I'm not sure on is the horizon trick in the blood cave - if it's still not to spec feel free to alter it as you intended.


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I can't describe how sorry I am about MAP24, I feel terrible. Real life issues have been (metaphorically) killing me lately. I'm really, really sorry, and I'm actually a bit afraid to check my PMs because of what I might find.

On the bright side, that looks amazing, Pottus! This is a blessing in disguise, because I could never design something like that, not with the skill I have anyway.

Hope to get to a computer I can play Doom on soon, I'm super hyped to play the beta!

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^It's totally fine! Real life problems are always more important than Doom (unless Doom is your life). Perhaps, you could just release whatever you had seperately. Anyways, it's good to have you back, Marnetmar!

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franckFRAG that's for the maps in, to be honest we should really spend a lot of time play testing and doing tweaks why is there such a rush? It's bad mapping practice to rush it only serves to affect the quality of a project.

NobleSir and I were playing through on Survival the last couple of nights and were noticing things and I would really like to take the time to fix those problems.

Map12 Update: http://www.mediafire.com/?bpcrcekxd500cw6

Was missing a few impassable flags.

Some other problems we noticed.

Map13 has player starts 1/3 and 2/4 are distanced in bad in, 1/3 is at the actual start with a horde of monsters including 2 Cyberdemons while spawn spots 2/4 have 3 Imps and a rocket launcher. Of course it has to be ProcessingControl that does that :D

Map23 - Was just playing MP tonight this map gets bugged with sector tag 21, the bars permanently close as a door and can not be accessed again by other players. Change linedefs 791 and 1398 to WR/SR type.

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  Pottus said:

Map23 - Was just playing MP tonight this map gets bugged with sector tag 21, the bars permanently close as a door and can not be accessed again by other players. Change linedefs 791 and 1398 to WR/SR type.


Are you asking me to make that change or have you already tweaked it?

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You said you wanted to work on your own maps, I can do it if you don't want to let me know thanks VF!

Map14: Playing testing again the Voodoo dolls of players 2 3 4 need to be swapped

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  Leo Sosnine said:

Unable to find any key and proceed in MAP26 "Blood Siege" playing prboom plus with default complevel. Very frustrated.


The red key is in the open, but hidden at the same time waterfalls or should I say bloodfalls need to be checked.

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Some more updates

MAP01 - Added a few more trees to the scenery and some texture tweaks

MAP02 - Texture weaks

MAP07 - This map was unbeatable on easy since mancubus/arachnotrons were not present in easy

MAP08 - Fixed a few misaligned textures

MAP09 - Fixed a few misaligned textures

MAP15 - Too many godspheres removed two of them

MAP17 - There was a game breaking problem for at least Zandronum with sector tag 8 raising 128px instead of 64 I changed the tags to next W1 - Raise To Next Higher Floor with a control sector to set the first stage height (Tested in chocolate-doom, Zandronum for compatibility)

MAP22 - Couple minor tweaks

Still waiting for status on MAP14 (Player starts need to be swapped)

Waiting for status on MAP13 as well (Player starts are in weird spots)

Found MAP19 has just a Player 1 start starts 2 3 4 need to be added

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