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The red key is in the open, but hidden at the same time waterfalls or should I say bloodfalls need to be checked.


I'm not about it. I'm a seasoned vet, you know, I would hardly fall to not checking bloodfalls before posting complain. I wasn't able to get into a room with the key. In 90's I used to make levels by myself for doom and CTF doom.

Just launched an editor to see what happened. Here is how I see it: you have a sector 858, with tag 15. This sector should be raised or lowered after crossing one of linedefs in a room with a cybie and a coffin. However, in my case, this sector was never lowered/raised no matter how hardly I crossed those linedefs. :-) I had to idclip thru it and after that I completed the level just fine.

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  Pottus said:

Found MAP19 has just a Player 1 start starts 2 3 4 need to be added


I'll add player starts and maybe make some other improvements soon.

  purist said:

Did you visit the yellow key door area early on?


Yeah, I think so. I understand that it can be difficult to balance non-linear maps. :)

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  Memfis said:

Yeah, I think so. I understand that it can be difficult to balance non-linear maps. :)


Thought so. I've locked that area off until you have the yellow key now so ammo should be tighter up to that point.

I've quickly ran through MAP08 and MAP27 in the latest beta and both look OK to me.

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  Leo Sosnine said:

I'm not about it. I'm a seasoned vet, you know, I would hardly fall to not checking bloodfalls before posting complain. I wasn't able to get into a room with the key. In 90's I used to make levels by myself for doom and CTF doom.

Just launched an editor to see what happened. Here is how I see it: you have a sector 858, with tag 15. This sector should be raised or lowered after crossing one of linedefs in a room with a cybie and a coffin. However, in my case, this sector was never lowered/raised no matter how hardly I crossed those linedefs. :-) I had to idclip thru it and after that I completed the level just fine.


The switch is on the coffin man!

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The separate coop starts on Map14 were intentional. Maybe I did go overboard with the cyberdemons though :P

Go ahead at changing the coop gameplay; I honestly didn't put much thought into it myself.

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The only thing about it PC is the start room is a bit chaotic right from the start as it does not really give the player the opportunity to observe their surroundings before being spammed by cyber rockets. Anyways I am proposing to make a small start area with a teleport in so players have some orientation before any action starts. I can add it in or you can do it just let me know what you want to do =)

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I don't understand, there is no cyber for the coop, in the start room :o. I always have make maps where the departure is generally difficult :P

So, Pottus, could you solve the problem of Voodoo Dolls? I admit to have a little of badly there above, I looked map14 of Epic II as example.

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I just need to make sure I have the most up to date version of that map because I know you wanted to do some editing on it earlier. Did you submit it to Mattdog? If so are the changes in 3.5?

ProcessingControl: Please review how I have re-configured the start if it's okay with you.

MAP13: http://www.mediafire.com/?ob0ambzr6osd1ct

Edited from 3.5

MAP14: http://www.mediafire.com/?f8uduh4uou0j2ez

Fixed multiplayer spawn problems

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Honestly I don't like the changes made to the start of Map13. The new area seems pointless and disconnected from the rest of the map. The sudden fight at the start in the original version was intentional.

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Well, we can take it out PC but the main reason for doing that is multiplayer game play. I know it seems pointless but I think everyone starting with all the players in a cluster is not good for survival since almost every time some one will die. Also the fight is still sudden the player makes the choice when he's ready for it. But anyways I'll remove it if you don't like it that is not a problem maybe you can come up with a good way to start that map that gives all players a fair chance.

Edit - Thought of another idea spread the start spots out and put weapons in front that are only in multiplayer. It still may be a bit cramped for it but it's probably the best way for coop.

Mattdog: MAP01


This should be the final for this map I joined a sector near the exit which caused a hom

MAP24: http://www.mediafire.com/?e7s1m06danqaxhy

Man I must have been having a bad day making simple mistakes!

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  Pottus said:

Edit - Thought of another idea spread the start spots out and put weapons in front that are only in multiplayer. It still may be a bit cramped for it but it's probably the best way for coop.


Yeah, this is probably the best to do it.

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Sounds good ProcessingControl I'll update to the specifications described.

valkiri: Map11 - Near the plasma you can strafe off the ledge to the plasma and get permanently stuck there

Map13: http://www.mediafire.com/?vg3ivgqplea5ezw

Map14: http://www.mediafire.com/?vma8b15657gcw03
- We found a level breaking bug if you get the SSG while the floor is lowering around the cyber it would activate the action making the map unbeatable. Changed this to WR and sectored out the hexagon flat around the SSG raised it and textured brown for some indication.

Make sure you also get Map01 and Map24 in my last post Mattdog

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I just tried it Valkiri and it's still possible to get stuck there.

Edit - Put a 16x16 self referencing sector at a height of -16 this provides the necessary collision without changing stuff around.

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Still happens, it would seem it's a port related bug where things are not infinitely tall. Server settings do not typically use infinitely tall actors these days with that in mind what happens in vanilla is sometimes not what will happen in a modern port. I feel bad about continually pestering you about this so if you don't mind I can add in the self-referencing sector.

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Here is a link to the latest version of MAP19. (Added coop starts, made some very minor changes to visuals here and there) I also want to thank XenoNemesis for making a very nice midi for me!

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Hows the music tracks coming along Mattdog? I don't think we have a lot left to fix on the maps from this point.

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^Xeno's finishing up the tracks he's started on and stewboy's planning to have some tracks done in a few days. I'd say we're close to getting this thing out!

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  Pottus said:

Still happens, it would seem it's a port related bug where things are not infinitely tall. Server settings do not typically use infinitely tall actors these days with that in mind what happens in vanilla is sometimes not what will happen in a modern port. I feel bad about continually pestering you about this so if you don't mind I can add in the self-referencing sector.


Sure, go ahead.

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  Pottus said:

ProcessingControl: There was some buggy effects with the trickery you did at the start of MAP28. I have gone in and restructured the two 3D-illusion sectors at the start of the map please review and give the okay for Mattdog thanks.


The new version seems okay.

Just wondering, but what "buggy effects" were there in the first place?

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In Zandronum the light levels were off and when you fired a weapon they would glitch, also when you went down the steps and looked up the ceiling there was the BLOOD flat.

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1ntru suggested that Map13 be moved up to a higher slot because of its difficulty and I agree. Maybe it can be switched with something from Maps 17 to 20.

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