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EffinghamHuffnagel said:

Since it's been bumped.

It's like a five-minute fix in an editor.


Thanks for the tip! I haven't played Interception (yet) but I've made the changes to my copy.

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Inb4 Ultimate Super-Duper Uber Ultra Mega For-Sure-This-Time Final Version of Interception released...

Honestly, I'm all for addressing the game-breakers and the naming problems with a final update wad (with a version number just in case).

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General Rainbow Bacon said:

1. What are all the issues with my map (29)?

1. When you score the outside secret, sector 311, you can run NW, across the space to sector 312 and end up behind the cliffs up against the skybox, stuck in the NW corner. There's nothing to prevent you from running off the back of the cliffs.

2. If you jump off the back of the cliffs and run to the SW corner, there are some missing lower textures back there; lines 1783, 1784, 1785, 1786.

3. I already mentioned line 1582, linedef tag 20, incorrectly being WR instead of W1. This stops you from ever getting to the final Yellow Key door and the exit. I suppose you could leave it as WR if you created another way to get around that linedef. That would be nasty.

4. There's an Imp, thing 307, in sector 12, standing too close to the edge of the cliff. He doesn't move.

5. This isn't very likely, but: on the way to get the secret BFG there's a room with AVs in it (up to three), sector 201. You could get AV-jumped through the window into its/their room. The windows aren't blocked. If you kill the AV, there's no way out of the room.

6. The angled hallway west of sector tagged 17; there are four torches in the hallway. One is in the wall and two are in the middle of the hallway. It looks like the vertices for the hallway were moved at some point, but the torches were not.

7. There are four Archnos in a off-map closet near the start. The closet is not joined to their teleport location, even though both have sector tag 18, so they never hear to activate.

7a. Even if the Arachnos activated, the other closet sector, tagged 30, looks like it's supposed to lower so they can teleport out to the map starting spot. Linedef tag 30 is missing, so it never lowers. I thought it might be better to change the lowering floor to an opening door and tag it to linedef tag 5, the switch which releases the Cyber and the Cacos, so the Arachnos are waiting for you when you head back.

7b. Even if the Arachnos teleported in to the starting spot, I think they'd all be stuck there because of the Brown Stubs and Trees blocking the way out. Also by thing 143, the Brown Stub at the far end of the curved starting area, near the stimpack.

Also, the music for the level has a long silence at the end before it loops. Odd.

Edit: Not an issue, just curious. In the Spiderboss room, the skybox, the lava sector, and the teleport out of the lava, all have sector tag 4, but there is no linedef tag 4. A missed clean-up? Or was something supposed to happen to the lava?

Edit2: Never mind 7b. I just start Interception with -nomonsters and summoned four Arachnotrons at the start spot. All four managed to eventually make their way down to the central area.

And MAP19 was just making sure the Red and Blue Key doors aren't touching each other so they can open. I just split the front door sector, untagged the new middle sector, changed its height, moved some vertices and re-aligned the doortrack textures.

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Just curious, when "The DWmegawad Club played" Interception, why everyone was claiming they finished these maps?

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Because, for all intents and purposes, most of us had. The less experienced of us saw the DWMC as a chance to rectify whatever negative feedback we got. If I'm not mistaken, the Megawad Club would go on to do another unfinished project here and there after Interception.

Interception is finished, but any finished thing can still be updated (much as I would like to move past Interception).

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Sorry for confusing words, in my question I meant "everyone" = players, club members, "finished" = got to the exit. So, why did all the players reach the exit without problems on map19/29?

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The version linked in the DWMC thread was v122, and it has neither of the issues (the blue/red door not opening, the impassable teleport line). In fact, the map that's MAP19 in interfin.zip (Alpha Tower) is MAP12 in inter122.zip!

Comparing the two in DB2... in inter122, for "Alpha Tower", EITHER the blue or red key opens the door - its one door, and both switches open it. So I suspect the author changed that to make sure the player had to get both keys, and didn't playtest it.

As for the teleport line, Club members noticed that monsters could defuse the teleport ambush line, so I bet the author changed to a repeatable line for that reason, not realizing it would make it impassable.

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Magnusblitz said:

As for the teleport line, Club members noticed that monsters could defuse the teleport ambush line, so I bet the author changed to a repeatable line for that reason, not realizing it would make it impassable.

So you're saying the teleport line should stay WR, and something like an SR switch on one of the columns of the Spiderboss platform that would lower a section of the wall past the teleport line as a lift. I know you can strafe-run to the Spiderboss platform from the north. That would work and also force you to kill the Spiderboss rather than avoiding it while it's in-fighting.

Edit: OR. Just change the destination of the teleport north of the Spiderboss to after the WR teleport line. KISS. The map is already hard enough. Doh!

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  • 1 month later...

Apart from what was already mentioned, I found these bugs in "interfin.zip" version. I played in Zdoom 2.8pre-1042 on UV.

Map01: I reflexively backed away from hell knight trap (sector 22) before the door (sectors 52 and 53) closed. I then couldn't get inside the room.

Map02: One imp (thing 127) is stuck.

Map09: Lost soul (thing 248) is stuck. Hell knight (thing 280) didn't teleport into playable areas.

Map15: Three imps (things 77, 190, 191) are stuck. Possibly thing 25 will be too on some other ports.

Map16: Not sure if bug or feature, but all arachnotrons and mastermind on the pillars around the map couldn't see me and ignored me until I shot them. And even then they never fired back, I could kill them with impunity. Also, when the final archvile teleports into sector 427, it becomes stuck.

Map17: One of the fatsos (thing 496) didn't teleport into playable areas. It happens because linedef 2128 is impassable.

Map21: It is a bit annoying that the final blue door cannot be opened from the inside.

Map23: Inescapable lava pit in sector 57. One revenant (thing 1025) outside of the map.

Map24: the two switches which open the exit (linedefs 2159 and 2163) work weird. Flipping them merely lowers them into the floor. To open the exit, the player actually has to run over them.

Map27: large HOM at linedef 1009 when you look from the plasma gun out into the corridor.

Map28: HOM on the ceiling when you look from sector 1678 into sector 11. BTW, I run into severe ammo shortages in this one even when I had some from previous maps. To make it from pistol start, chainsaw or berserk is needed, IMO.

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  • 6 years later...

Sorry for resurrecting this old thread, but since it is the projet's thread, I figured I bumped it instead of starting a new one.


So I have started playing this mapset and so far it is good! However, in MAP05, I seem unable to kill the hidden Arch-Viles. On YouTube, I have seen other players doing it through telefragging, but the teleporter required for that does not appear for me. Maybe GZDoom 4.7.1 has broken the map, but I do not know what to do.

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On 3/11/2022 at 10:35 PM, Rudolph said:

Sorry for resurrecting this old thread, but since it is the projet's thread, I figured I bumped it instead of starting a new one.


So I have started playing this mapset and so far it is good! However, in MAP05, I seem unable to kill the hidden Arch-Viles. On YouTube, I have seen other players doing it through telefragging, but the teleporter required for that does not appear for me. Maybe GZDoom 4.7.1 has broken the map, but I do not know what to do.

You may have forgotten to press this switch in an earlier room:



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  • 1 year later...

There was a new idgames archive upload, but now the changelog of previous v1.4x versions was removed from intercep.txt. Strange and unnecessary, this is meaningful info for e.g. the wiki.

What is the new version, and what are the changes? Looks like MAP03 was changed.


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New version fixed the missing/stuck enemies from MAP17 and fixed a soft-lock in MAP03. I removed the changelogs because I thought they were clutter, but I didn’t realize that it was useful for the wiki.

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Does anyone know if the version posted here is the most recent one? I'm very confused. I downloaded it but the blue and red doors are still broken in MAP19. I do have a fixed version (v 1.4.5) but I don't even remember where I got it from.

Edited by DreadWanderer

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33 minutes ago, Andromeda said:


The version on /idgames should be the latest I believe:



Thanks, I remember getting it from idgames a while ago and that version had the broken doors in MAP19, then finding it some other place with the bug fixed. I didn't think another version was up on idgames, but the one I downloaded now appears to be ok. Wish the changelogs were clearer.

Edited by DreadWanderer

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1 hour ago, Searcher said:

This is the one that all the speed runners are using. 



I see, thank you. The txt reads "v 1.3 final update" so it's clearly outdated, but if speed runners use it, it probably works. I'm not interested in speed running but simply in things working, and @Andromeda kindly provided an updated idgames link. Appreciate it though, I guess I should also check out the DSDA archives in situations like this, and cross-reference them with other sources. I'm just waiting for @Moustachio to clarify whether or not the current idgames file is indeed v 1.666.0. Sorry if I've missed it in the thread.

Edited by DreadWanderer

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  • 2 months later...

Interception v1.7


Well, I did it. I finally sat down and did a very thorough test run of Interception. I've gone and fixed all the game-breaking bugs I could find. Even some major annoyances have been ironed out; the midis now all loop properly, and the points of no return in maps 21 and 29 now let you backtrack. Most importantly of all, however, I've gone and combed all of the earlier versions of Interception that I have and interpolated all of the changelogs into this version's text file.

Download Interception v1.7 Update


I'll leave it here for a little while before I make the last request to update the file on /idgames. I want to make sure this version sits right in all aspects.


It's been over 10 years since this wad was first released. I was 15 years old and a very burnt out freshman in high school at the time. Needless to say, I didn't have it in me to do a proper test run of the wad and fix all of the little bugs, leading to a very poor series of initial releases. Well, I won't fix every bug in this release. I'm not trying to rewrite history completely. Simply put, with this release, I've sought to create a stable version of Interception that integrates the best aspects of all releases. It's Interception, warts-and-all, but it won't soft-lock you at any point, you can collect all kills, items, & secrets, and you will very rarely see a VPO crash now.


And I've also gone and compiled all versions of Interception I could find (including betas):

All Interception Versions on Google Drive


1.7 changelog:


* Version 1.7 *

  • Matched par times to the up-to-date DSDA world records.
    • Rounded up using Romero's method.
  • Corrected a grammatical error in MAP21's story text.
  • Fixed bad midi loops for maps: 02, 07, 11, 12, 18, 21*, 27, 29, 32.
    • At some point, MAP21's midi was swapped for an unfinished version of the track. I restored the full track from v1.2.2 of Interception.
  • Fixed soft-locks in maps: 18, 25, 29.
  • Fixed visplane overflow crashes in maps: 07, 16, 19, 20, 26, 28, 30.
    • Crashes may still occur via arch-vile jumps in 16 & 19, though this is rare.
  • Updated DEMO3.
  • MAP16: fixed the bugged floating enemies that would not awaken until shot.
  • MAP21: fixed the blue key door whose linedef was flipped the wrong way.
  • MAP29: restored the 4 arachnotrons that wouldn't teleport in.
  • MAP29: the last door now re-opens once you start heading down the exit hall.


Earlier versions changelog:


* Version 1.666 *

  • Simplified a portion of MAP04's geometry to fix a visplane overflow crash.
  • Restored the monster teleports at the end of MAP17, allowing for 100% kills.


* Version 1.4.3 *

  • Fixed a bug in MAP02 which caused a Hell Knight to get stuck in the ceiling, remaining unkillable.


* Version 1.4.2 *

  • Fixed SKY3, which became misaligned with the previous update.


* Version 1.4.1 *

  • Simplified part of MAP19 to fix a visplane overflow.
  • Removed ancient email addresses from WADINFO.
  • Placed deathmatch/co-op starts on maps where they were missing.
  • Various little bugs fixed (stuck things, open sectors, etc.).
  • MAP15 returned to its original form** (see MAP15 above).


* Version 1.4 *

  • Fixed the game-breaking bugs in MAP19 and MAP29.
  • Fixed the internal DEHACKED lump.
  • Updated the three DEMO lumps.
  • Added an ENDOOM screen.


* Version 1.3 *

  • New Maplist Order.
  • Fixed Music Tracks.
  • Various Changes and Fixes Throughout.
  • Updated Textfile with Author Comments (Big thanks to those willing to write some comments!).
  • A Final, Special Thanks from the Project Leader.


* Version 1.2.1 *

  • Replaced the missing red key in MAP02.
  • Made a few improvements and fixes to MAP02.
  • An improved MAP28 by Processingcontrol.
  • MAP28's music changed to the MAP31 music track.


* Version 1.2 *

  • Improved the first four maps due to negative reception.
  • Music playback fixes.
  • Various bug fixes.


* Version 1.1 *

  • Improved text file.
  • Updated music tracks for MAP18 and MAP30.
  • Updated MAP14 with various bug-fixes.
  • Fixed a bug in MAP01 that prevented 100% kills.
Edited by Moustachio

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In any case, great respect for your perseverance in this project and thank you for the different versions which will allow us to see all the work accomplished!

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