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Phobus said:

I'm afraid I don't have the time to participate, as I'm one of the slower mappers in Back to Saturn X at the moment and I really should finish my first map and start on the second before I start feeling like I'm holding the team back. You keep at your map :)

That's a pity, then I'm keeping it.

@valkiriforce, thanks for the suggestions. I would call it "Inner Fear" but another CC4 map has the same name.

Put a word in the space:
"Unreal ____".

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valkiriforce said:

Sounds kinda silly. How about something like:

Fear Itself
Unknown Fear
The Abusso (which is Greek for "bottomless pit")
Where Blood Runs Dry
Play Dead
Forward Under Fire
Severed Beneath The Flames
The Abyssal Fire

Just throwing some title ideas out there is all.

Also, I noticed sulfur is spelled "sulfer" in the first post. Doesn't matter much, but we wouldn't want that to sneak into the final version now, would we? ;)

I think "Fear Itself" would be an alright name. I also changed the spelling error. Thank you for pointing that out.

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"Rage"+"Demon's Spite"= My best 2 names for MAP25.

(I spent more time of making a name than mapping for it :P)

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Memfis said:

I'm still not sure what "underground necropolis" should look like, but I'll give map19 a try. Sign me up please.

Play Quake E1M3, it's basically a sort of underground Necropolis. Maybe that will give you some ideas.

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I have a question. Is it necessary to use the sky for maps 12-20? I'm asking because I made my "outdoor" areas dark enough that you don't see the ceiling, and I saw that you guys were working on a sky texture.

Edit: Also, I'd be willing to beta-test other levels if you want :)

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Hmmm, I could probably add some holes in the ceiling that show the skybox. My idea for the level was to make an area extremely deep in the cave, so it's pretty dark.

I'm also rather interested in seeing how the sky texture will work, too. I say keep it in.

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Razen said:

Hmmm, I could probably add some holes in the ceiling that show the skybox. My idea for the level was to make an area extremely deep in the cave, so it's pretty dark.

I'm also rather interested in seeing how the sky texture will work, too. I say keep it in.

Yeah I tried doing that but with the default sky texture it looked awful whilst testing so I just kept everything underground, for you and others still mapping you should probably have the sky resources so you don't have to try and imagine how it'll look

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Yeah I saw them in the Screenshots and they go really well

Also I hate to nitpick but far right the symmetry stands out quite alot, maybe you could clone over it to rough it up, but apart from that it looks really impressive and spooky

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That is a really cool sky texture! I also just noticed of all the map slots claimed, both Pottus and Spaztacus (listed as mappers for the project) don't have any map slots claimed. I'd be willing to give up my map slot if either one of them is willing to map for this project. I've already got 4 maps in the project so that would be a little unfair to disinclude them if they are willing to work on this project.

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I haven't been signed as a tester before, but I think I'll go ahead to be the last tester. I think KiiiYiiiKiiiA encourages me which I have been testing his maps before.

Also, I think the name for MAP25 will be Demon's Spite.

And lastly, my plans for MAP23 may make it more complex than MAP25, which I will exchange slots if so.

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valkiriforce said:

That is a really cool sky texture! I also just noticed of all the map slots claimed, both Pottus and Spaztacus (listed as mappers for the project) don't have any map slots claimed. I'd be willing to give up my map slot if either one of them is willing to map for this project. I've already got 4 maps in the project so that would be a little unfair to disinclude them if they are willing to work on this project.

The map I have already is 95 percent done so it would be appreciated thanks =)

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DoomHero85 and PRIMEVAL, thanks for the tips.

Try thinking an undead city in a cave. So...very dark and city/bloody.

Like this? (I didn't work on the lighting yet)

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When you finish testing a map, make sure you tell me and the mapper if their map is approved. When done so, I will put a asterisk next to the map on the list. That way, it will be easier to keep track of which maps have been tested.

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