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Bad endings

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/me screams FIRE IN THE HOLE!

Windows, pah explorer.exe crashed wtf kind of ending is that about eh?

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Anachronox. The game was rushed out the door before the story could be cleaned up and finished properly, and then Ion Storm went tits-up, which pretty much destroys any hope for the promised expansion and sequel.

Also, any game that ends with a "happily ever after" cliche that totally goes against the nature of the game, or a game that only pulls story elements out of its ass for the ending (ActRaiser, anyone?)

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Hmm, I dunno. Quake1 or HL?
Quake1: No fancy animation cutscenes other than Shub-Niggurath "exploding" - Quakedude stands motionless like some statue.
At least it has a scrolling text.

Half-life: Something that makes little sense and just leaves the player wondering what the Heck this is all about. You are offered a job and told that if you choose not to accept, then, well, things could turn out mighty bad. There are two outcomes - none of them giving much of an explanation.
Ah well, at least there's an animated cutscene of a bloke talking to you - how exciting!

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Quake1 .i never expected such a worse ending than DOOM2.but id software did it again.(fortunately,there was an improvement on Quake2's ending)

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Half-Life and Quake definately. Also, the losing ending for Civ 3 is pretty lame. The other Civilizations just stand around taunting you with cliche insults, oftentimes direct rip-offs. LAME. The end for the first Diablo kinda sucked as well since there was only one ending where there were supposed to be 3. Plus, who would be dumb enough to stick a soulstone into his forehead?

Oh yeah, and the end to Reallife.exe sucks as well.

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Hang me for this....the DOOM games.

For console systems, all of the Sonic games.

Hell, all game endings suck. But I'm not disappointed, I get them for the game, not the ending.

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e1m8 - good ending


You kill the Barons of Hell, the wall lowers, you get onto a teleporter, warp into a room with a floor that kills you, a small text screen comes up, and then the id Software credits appear.......[sarcasm]yeah, worth creaming my jeans over[/sacasm].

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Hang me for this....the DOOM games.



E1M8 - great ending for shareware doom

E3M8 - great ending for Doom I

MAP30 - really crappy level, but the ending itself is not so bad (the head explodes, you beat them all, and you watch a cool movie of dying monsters); not a bad ending for Doom II.

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Also, RTCW, Unreal and Quake 1, not to mention all arcade games.

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Hang me for this....the DOOM games.


The Doom 1 endings were good. I dunno about Doom 2 tho.

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The end for the first Diablo kinda sucked as well since there was only one ending where there were supposed to be 3. Plus, who would be dumb enough to stick a soulstone into his forehead?


Well, could it be that he stuck the soulstone in his head because Diablo's soul fucked with his mind perhaps?


Also, RTCW,


Admitted, the ending was dissapointing, but I've seen endings FAR worse than that one - at least you get to see BJ from the outside blasting away at some nazis.
But the BOSS battle was really shitty - I could go on about why I dislike it, but this is a Doom forum so I shan't bore you with that.

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I've been trying to get fucking RTCW to run on this god damn pc for ages, STILL NO FUCKING LUCK. as you might have guessed I'm pissed off about it.

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The end for the first Diablo kinda sucked as well since there was only one ending where there were supposed to be 3. Plus, who would be dumb enough to stick a soulstone into his forehead?


Well, could it be that he stuck the soulstone in his head because Diablo's soul fucked with his mind perhaps?


Argh... the Hero from Diablo 1 stuck the Soulstone in his head because he thought he could control Diablo. He didn't want any evil dudes finding the soulstone and shoving it in another prince's head. The hero thought that as long as Diablo was in his ever powerful existence that the threat of him would be gone forever. Of course he was wrong, which leads to Diablo 2, and past that I dont' care because Diablo 2 sucks.

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Gunstar Heroes for the Sega Genesis has one of the most unrewarding endings. I was also very disapointed the first time I beat Mario 64

I always loved the ending of Doom 2 because of the "cast of characters."

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why not just open up the booklet that came with the game?

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I just beat Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, and talk about a weak ending. I must've died and quickloaded ten times to get though that final corridor, and what do I get? "Will ya look at that?" And then credits. Suck-age. And it was a fun game, too.

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I was also very disapointed the first time I beat Mario 64


Yay! You beat the game! Your prize is 99 extra lives!

o_0 ???

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why not just open up the booklet that came with the game?


That's usually what I do when I first get a game. It's great for getting an idea of the story and the setting (and also a simpler way to check up on the controls or different systems you might control [battles, menus etc.]), but it doesn't tell how the story ends. That's why we play games to win. Well it's supposed to be anyway.

I still play lots of games just because it's fun to wrack up scores or get in the zone for a little bit, but when I devote 70 hours to some massive RPG or put up with lots of BS (i.e. Shenmue) I expect an ending to reward my efforts. MGS2 for PS2 (and eventually X-Box if I remember correctly) has an ending that drags on a little bit, but the first time I watched it I felt fully satisfied with my gaming experience.

It'd sure be nice if more developers and publishers could see the importance of an all around quality product so we wouldn't have such a flood of crappy games to choose from, but the freedom of development on PCs is what gives us gems like Doom and many others (Fallout, CS, C&C, System Shock, the first Liesure Suit Larry and on and on...).

And of course the thing that causes so many console games to be a complete waste of time is deadlines and contracts and all the typical BS it takes to play with the big boys.

So anyway... this is a good place to reccomend any game that you feel is worth playing (regardless of how many others might have already played it).

I suggest that anyone who's dismissed Halo because it's a console game give it atleast one chance. If you can play it with other people (I'm a huge fan of cooperative, one player driving a vehicle while the other mans the mounted chain gun in split screen is one hell of a gaming experience, and a 16 player network game in those huge environments can last for hours) I'm sure you'll atleast be able acknowledge it's quality.

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Argh... the Hero from Diablo 1 stuck the Soulstone in his head because he thought he could control Diablo. He didn't want any evil dudes finding the soulstone and shoving it in another prince's head. The hero thought that as long as Diablo was in his ever powerful existence that the threat of him would be gone forever.



Diablo spent two centuries slowly working to corrupt the Soulstone that imprisoned him. In time, he was able to extend his influence into the surrounding area and corrupt both King Leoric and his archbishop, Lazarus. The King proved too strong to fully control, so the Demon took possession of his son, Prince Albrecht. Diablo then began to shape an outpost of Hell within the catacombs that ran beneath the town of Tristram. By spreading terror into the surrounding countryside, the Demon was able to attract many heroes who came to cleanse the land of evil. By the time the strongest of these heroes reached this goal, though, he had become fully influenced by the will of Diablo. In his twisted state, this adventurer believed that the only way to fully control the Demon was to plunge the shard of the Soulstone into his own head. This, of course, was exactly what Diablo had planned as the Demon now had an even stronger body to use to find his brothers and complete his ultimate plan...


This is what I found here

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