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New Stroller demos

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I've put a bunch of Strollers together, following Kristian's lead (prompted by the 25th birthday of Linguica, who invented the category). Some of these were recorded a while ago, while several were recorded today. Mostly first exits, and some were the product of very short recording sessions, so don't expect too much.

Dark Covenant map10 in 0:09 (triple glide)
Lord of the Flies map01 in 0:26 (corpse slide)
Lord of the Flies map02 in 0:22 (corpse slide)
Icarus map02 in 0:43 (corpse slide)
Icarus map13 in 1:30 (no tricks)
Icarus map15 (secret exit) in 0:31 (corpse slide and monster shunting) <-- I think I released this one earlier
Icarus map22 in 0:51 (switch trick)
Kama Sutra map02 in 0:11 (archie jump)
Kama Sutra map23 in 0:30 (archie opens door) <--- the last second of this one seemed to take forever
TVR! map12 in 0:38 (32-unit gap glide)

The textfiles contain links to the wads in case you don't have them.

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  • 3 years later...

Heh, nice to see some revived interest in Strolling :-)

Here are some more Strolling demos I did a few years back (the dates are incorrect, these are all old, except for the .txts for the HR runs):
KS map 4 in 0:04 and map 30 in 0:19, here.
Extremal Doom E2M4 in 0:48.
HR map 24 UV Strolling in 0:36 and NM Strolling (the first ever NM Strolling demo???) in 0:34.

About my comment on map 1: yes it was a bit negative. It's just that nobody seemed interested in this much neglected category.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Strollers again... Couple toughies and one trivial for complement. I don't know how should I be able to archvile jump with so little momentum in hr26 but on the other hand lv12 and lv15 should be possible.
E1M8 in 5:50, hr21 in 0:58 and hr02 in 0:17


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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I did a couple of trivial* strollers too, on Death Tormention II.

Here's E4M1 Stroller in 0:15. BTW, I now think that flat-faced 32-unit east-to-west glides can be performed quite easily by keyboarders, and without any strafing or mouse movement.

* Well, they both feature glides, but easy ones.


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And here's Death Tormention II E3M9 Stroller in 0:16

Is there enough interest in strolling for a Stroller Pack 2? Or at least to consider it? If so, I'll split the strollers into their own thread.


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Whisper In Time Stroller in 2:49.

Strange level deserves strange demo! At the end I took medikit to revive. That's because invisible zombie can't press the exit switch for some reason. Weird, because all other switches work fine.

Btw, am I allowed to shoot at voodoo dolls in this category?


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Shooting voodoo dolls has never been regarded as OK in Pacifist demos (see, e.g., pa32 demos), so it can't be in Strollers either.

Though I guess that if a map is physically impossible without shooting them, then a Stroller that is "pacifist apart from shooting voodoo dolls" would still be of interest (albeit as a "misc" category).
Ignore the above - posted when not very alert!

It's great to see a zombie demo. As for why the exit didn't work unless you picked up health, I'd guess you had the option "dead players can exit levels" turned off (it's silly that this is even optional, as being unable to exit benefits no one - it's there as a historical relic). I'm mystified as to why the map is claimed to be limit-removing and to need -complevel 14 (it's contradictory), but this complevel is one where the behaviour depends on the individual settings.

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Thanks! You were right, it was turned off.


You mean Doom 2 map32? But there are no voodoo dolls, only Commander Keens. :) They are monsters of course (count as kills, respawning on nightmare skill, etc), so you can't shoot at them. But I'm not sure about voodoo dolls.

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Oh sorry, I was posting in the middle of the night when half asleep!

I don't believe shooting voodoo dolls is a problem. If rocket suiciding, or killing a coop partner, is OK in pacifist, then shooting a voodoo doll seems fair game. I've used this idea myself in several demos I have described as Pacifist, and no one seemed to raise any objection.

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  • 1 month later...
DoomHero85 said:

E1M1 stroller in 0:24

The indoor route is much quicker. I did a 0:20 for the original stroller pack, and it wasn't hard-worked and should be easily improvable.

BTW, your txt included in the zip is zero-size.

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  • 5 months later...
Paska said:

Heh funny, but xepop did it in 23 seconds already :)

are there some stroller compilation or the likes? or a thread where just those kind of demos are posted?
I found them awesome everytime :P

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blob1024 said:

are there some stroller compilation or the likes? or a thread where just those kind of demos are posted? I found them awesome everytime :P

There was the original stroller pack. Sadly, at DSDA, strollers are normally just listed as Pacifist (sometimes with a comment, sometimes not), so you can't identify them so easily.

I've made a new thread (this one) containing some stroller demos from other threads (some posts will therefore look like non sequiturs). There are some lurking in other threads - a forum search for "stroller" should reveal most of them, I think.

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