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Movies and music awards

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Do you guys all think Oscar Night is rigged? Are the Grammys a crock of shit? I actually don't watch the actual award ceremonies, I just read about the aftermath, and I have to wonder about where they came up for their nominations and winners, ya know? For instance, in 1995, Heat didn't get recognised, and it was probably one of, if not, the best movie of that year (It was a lot more honest and down-to-earth than Braveheart, that's for sure). And Gladiator was nominated for Best Picture, if I'm not mistaken...It's a good movie...but was it really THAT good? And then there's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon...A Kung Fu movie!! Traffic I think was at least one of the few honest wins, but that's it. And for music...it's all about pop, period. For instance, how the hell did Metallica beat Judas Priest for the 1999 award of best live metal performance? Heh, those cocksuckers win it almost every year, and the new stuff that they play, live or not, usually sucks ass, or just sucks period. What do you guys think? Am I nuckin' futz, fuckin' nuts, or do I have a point(and not necessarily on the top of my head)?

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No they aren't rigged; people really are that stupid.

heh. I would agree. Some people did actually go to see gladiator like, 20 times. THAT'S dumb.

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No they aren't rigged; people really are that stupid.

heh. I would agree. Some people did actually go to see gladiator like, 20 times. THAT'S dumb.

The example I had in mind was when Titanic won everything. No I'm not biased against it, it wasn't horrible, it was decent but hell, it was hardly worth anything that it won. Maybe biggest waste of $200+ million. Look at what Dark City did with $20 million and tell me Titanic wasn't an absolute squandering of resources.

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Dark City was great. I love the first 20 minutes or so where anything makes sense.

I'm still waiting for that movie where the plot and the big-budget effects blend in a perfect mix.

Of course, that will probably happen first in a CGI movie than with real actors...

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I'm still waiting for that movie where the plot and the big-budget effects blend in a perfect mix.


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I'm still waiting for that movie where the plot and the big-budget effects blend in a perfect mix.



/me bones Aki

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dark city and the alien series have great atmosphere for their plots. I like those kind of movies, reminds me of doom too. nothing scarier than a dark room, little known about the enemy, things are always bad and it looks impossible. yea i think titanic sucked ass for the budget it had, come on what kind of love story needs a budget that huge that is something i would expect of a good action movie. other dark movies i like are event horizon and pitch black

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What kind of love story needs a budget that big? C'mon, it's a James Cameron movie! The guy goes all-out for EVERY movie he makes, including Crap Action Hero...although True Lies, Terminator 2, and Aliens were VERY well done. And the plot of Matrix I don't really think was that great. Actually...it sound a bit like a rip-off of superman...almost. At least the SFX were awesome tho :P

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And the plot of Matrix I don't really think was that great

I was being sarcastic. That was one of the biggest loads of shit dumped in theatres in the last decade.

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No they aren't rigged; people really are that stupid.

I wish I could Disagree, but it is true.

Heh Heh......you don't. Cats do.
(chucks mousse in Zaldrons face)
Does that help?

Some one who hates The MATRIX
Boy, That is Rare.
I didn't hate it but it did get boring
it was not as good as it was made out to be.

Now Romeo must Die however..........

That was some good shit.

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What's even worse than a shitty go-nowhere movie is a movie that has so much potential to rock, but gets butchered by amateurs and idiots. Part of the big disappointment with The Matrix is what they could have done, compared to what they did do, which was basically just make a showcase for some halfassed effects they thought would look cool.

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Hopefully they do the Matrix 2 better
It could be good
But then again...If they go Special effect nuts again
Then I will probably wait for Video.

Romeo Must Die.
It was good.
Have I already said that?

Romeo Must Die.
It was Good.
Have I already said that?

Hmmm. Deja Vu....

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I haven't seen the matrix, but everybody recommends it to me.

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Keanu Reeves in Daft Idiot mode.

Oops hang on. Thats him normally.
In Stunned Mullet mode with Special effects

Add standard Babe and Sunglasses and
you've pretty much summed it up....

It is ok.......sorta
Romeo Must Die However..
Ok. I shutup bout Romeo now

Romeo Must Die RULES

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Keanu Reeves in Daft Idiot mode.

Bill and Ted's excellent adventure?

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Romeo Must Die RULES

I've never seen it to be honest. But I never will see it, because it has dumbass-rappers & crappy R&B-singers in it.
These people should go back to the place where they belong.

...Behind bars, that is.

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Keanu Reeves in Daft Idiot mode.
Bill and Ted's excellent adventure?

My Point exactly.

Disordor: Apart from the Chick, who has no "talent" or "ability" whatsoever
It is a good movie. I recommend it.
Seriously. Nothing to do with rappers, It may star rappers, but its an Action film.
John Woo Style........(sorta)

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