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based off WTF

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based off my WTF post in the general fourm. my bonzi buddy post became a topic about drug use. so i will ask how do u stand on it. first i oppose the use of illegal drugs all together and the abuse and illegal selling of persription drugs( like OX and vicadin) drugs DO support terrorirst, mostly in this country and in several south american countries. i dont think drinking is bad. as long as it is done in a safe and social manner, like not drinking till you puke or driving drunk. I stand aginst selling drugs totaly because it effects many others in bad ways and supports violent gangs. it also make the USA look bad, after all we are the number one drug user. it also comes down to the horrible side effects it can have. such as anger out burst, depression, murder and suicide. also drug money may be good but it is unhonest and comes from human suffering. drug dealers are like precivil war slave traders, they make money off human life and suffering

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i never use drugs or alcohol. i have nothing against those that do, as long as they don't hurt themselves or anyone in the process. drugs and alcohol are easy to abuse and some people can't seem to control themselves, i've seen many examples of this. i suppose it's an individual thing.

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They should illegalize all drugs except for weed, because it's less harmful than most perscription drugs.

Oh, and I've never done any drugs...except this one time when they gave me codine for my wisdom teeth and I totaly tripped out!

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I understand that in Britain, if you're hooked on drugs, the government will give you rations of drugs to help you quit. Nice because you won't have to buy from street pushers, and won't be tempted to do something stupid to get the money for your fix.

In other countries, they just let the druggies die. That's also a sound policy, if a little irreverant, IMHO.

The easiest way to get a lot of people off pot would be to legalize it. A lot of the initial attractionof drugs, especially to kids, is the illegality of it.

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A lot of the initial attractionof drugs, especially to kids, is the illegality of it.

I don't get people.
They deliberately WANT to get their sorry arses behind bars and end up as social losers?
Tsk, tsk.
One of my worst nightmares when I was a kid was the one where I got arrested.

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I posted the same question in the "general" forum, before I knew there was an extension of the actual Drug topic here, so I'm reposting..
If you've only have gotten high 3 times, (therefore, three uses) will it effect you at all? or is that to insignificant of a dossage? I did this when I was 14. I'm 16 now and after that 3rd time, decided to drop it completely before I screwed myself up. Have I already?

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From what I've heard, pot actualy doesn't do much permanant damage if taken in small doses. These are the risks:

-It does some minor lung damage, depending on how you smoke it.

-It will put your brain cells to sleep. If you smoke it chronically (pun possibly intended), you can fry your brain on it. But if you only do it every now and then, it doesn't do much real damage to your brain.

-If you have a weak heart, it could cause palpatations and give you a heart attack, but this is rare.

-If you go cold turkey after heavy addiction, you will become suicidal. Not necisarily depressed, but you will have the urge to kill yourself.

And that's about it. Compare that to what tobacco and alchohol do to people.

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Hm, when orion sees this thread, watch out!

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-It does some minor lung damage, depending on how you smoke it.

So does breathing.

-It will put your brain cells to sleep. If you smoke it chronically (pun possibly intended), you can fry your brain on it.

So does sleep.

-If you have a weak heart, it could cause palpatations and give you a heart attack, but this is rare.

So does a lot of stuff... If you have a weak heart you should be careful anyway.

-If you go cold turkey after heavy addiction, you will become suicidal. Not necisarily depressed, but you will have the urge to kill yourself.

Urge to kill oneself is one of the healthiest emotions a human being can experience; also, there's a simple remedy for this - don't go cold turkey :)

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-If you go cold turkey after heavy addiction, you will become suicidal. Not necisarily depressed, but you will have the urge to kill yourself.

[...] also, there's a simple remedy for this - don't go cold turkey :)

Wow, now that'll really assure that no bad things'll happen - just tell the weed user not to "go cold turkey".

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Deaths from cigarrete cause cancer last year: over 600,000
Deaths from marijuanna caused cancer : 0


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I don't know the exact side effects of weed, but what I DO know is that there's always a reason why certain things are forbidden.
Do you think they made weed illegal because they just wanted to be mean?
Why do you think they made weed illegal if it's so harmless as you all say?

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I don't know the exact side effects of weed, but what I DO know is that there's always a reason why certain things are forbidden.
Do you think they made weed illegal because they just wanted to be mean?
Why do you think they made weed illegal if it's so harmless as you all say?

I think you're a little naive to assume that the government is looking out for the people's best interests. Why did is marijuana illegal? Well, to put it in simple terms, the big tobacco companies bribe those in power to make and keep it illegal. It's that simple.

This is not to say that marijuana is not harmful. On the contrary, it is just as bad for you and just as likely to cause lung cancer as cigarettes. Fewer people die from marijuana cancer simply because fewer people smoke that than cigarettes.

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It's not Big Tobacco that's keeping weed down, it's the right-wing fundamentalist prudes.

I think Big Tobacco could make a killing off the legalization of marijuanna. It would be a piddling investment to buy out/take over/waste anyone distributing weed seeds, then they'd be the only ones growing and selling, and they could throw in all the addictive additives they want.

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drugs DO support terrorirst, mostly in this country and in several south american countries.

Terrorists may sell drugs to support their activities, but this does not imply that buying drugs is neccesarily supporting terrorism. Logical fallacy.

i dont think drinking is bad. as long as it is done in a safe and social manner, like not drinking till you puke or driving drunk.

How is this different from any other drugs? Why is occasionally smoking marijuana worse than drinking occasionally? Alcohol is a drug, and from what I've seen is much more harmful and addictive than marijuana.

I stand aginst selling drugs totaly because it effects many others in bad ways and supports violent gangs. it also make the USA look bad, after all we are the number one drug user. it also comes down to the horrible side effects it can have.

Not all drug sellers are members of violent gangs. If drugs were legalised and regulated, would violent gang members still be selling them?

such as anger out burst, depression, murder and suicide.

Only if taken to excess. Alcoholics can be the same.

also drug money may be good but it is unhonest and comes from human suffering. drug dealers are like precivil war slave traders, they make money off human life and suffering

How is some guy smoking a joint occasionally in "misery and suffering"? How is someone on ecstasy dancing in a nightclub miserable or suffering?

Don't get me wrong, I agree that there are certain drugs that definitely should be illegal. However, I totally fail to see how "low end" drugs such as ecstasy or marijuana cause any significant harm.

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I think Big Tobacco could make a killing off the legalization of marijuanna. It would be a piddling investment to buy out/take over/waste anyone distributing weed seeds, then they'd be the only ones growing and selling, and they could throw in all the addictive additives they want.

No, it wouldn't because marijuana is far easier to produce than cigarettes. Have you ever heard of anyone growing cigarettes in their back yard? Why do you think that is?

Why do you shield yourself from the truth? Why do you look for logic where it doesn't exist? Wanting something to be the truth doesn't make it the truth.

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However, I totally fail to see how "low end" drugs such as ecstasy or marijuana cause any significant harm.

Ecstasy, depending on who you are and how many times you've done it, can totally fuck you up. Marijuana isn't as bad as ciggarettes because they aren't nearly as addictive. However, if they were legal, it would probably be abused just like any other legal drug.

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Originally posted by Lament
They would if cigarettes were prohibited

I can't wait until the Reds take over, then I'll be able to GROW GUNS IN THE GLORIOUS SOIL OF RED SQUARE! W00T!

For the most part I agree that it is quite idiotic to keep something illegal when there are other things that on average cause more harm and are legal. Just the Libertarian in me doing some talking.

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Originally posted by fodders
Try having a heart operation after your doc just smoked a joint :)

That would be irrisbonsible, as would doing any kind of drug before operating on a patient. Any physician who would do so should be sued for malpractice.

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Originally posted by fodders
ahh the joy of alcohol :)

It's a good thing that I know how to be moderate with my alcohol usage - I rarely (read: never) get so drunk that I can't contain myself.

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You're missing out on the skill needed to walk home after a good night out with head tilted far back so you don't spill any :)

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