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Roommate Blues

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Those of us who have or have had a roommate(s), this is the thread to share petty gripes and horrow stories about them.

I'll wait to see how this thread pans out before posting my über-rant.

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Cribbed from my webpage:

Things about my roommate
He listens to ballads. Pretty much nothing but ballads. He has asked me before why I don't listen to more ballads.
Some of these ballads are sung in Japanese or Chinese. I hate Asian pop music.
Some of these Asian ballads are from the Final Fantasy games. Lately he has been playing the ballad from Final Fantasy X DESPITE NOT HAVING PLAYED FINAL FANTASY X AT ALL.
I watched Memento last night. I asked him why he wasn't going to watch it. He asked if it was R-rated. When I said yes, he said that he doesn't like to watch R-rated movies.
He then said he doesn't like to watch R-rated movies because he gets scared easily. This is why he also does not go on roller coasters.
He once told me that he is terrified of walking back to our apartment after sundown because he is very afraid of being mugged.
He does homework on Friday nights until 2 AM when it is due the following Thursday.
He once told me that he was going to "force himself" not to study or do homework one night.
He has a crush on one of the most unattractive girls I have ever seen in my life.
Before you say that beauty is only skin deep, I will also say that this girl is exceptionally anal about schoolwork and will never talk about anything else and will never do anything else because she apparently always has studying to do.
I should quantify that by saying that he only "thinks" he likes her, and that he is "not sure" what he feels for her.
He tells me that his sister and parents laugh at him and joke that he will never find a girl.
He has/had a big crush on Sakura from the Card Captor Sakura anime series.
He watches wrestling. Every time it airs on TV. For the past ten-odd years. And tapes all the PPVs. And knows every wrestler, past and present. And every wrestling move, past and present. And every storyline, past and present. And every major wrestling match. And what rating a certain wrestling website gave it.
He trusts every aspect of his life to his parents. When he broke his glasses, he immediately called his parents. When I mentioned that we ought to get another lamp, he immediately calls his parents.
He says that he "does not like" to drive. I am not even sure if he has a valid drivers' license.
Looking over his bed right now, I see a Card Captor Sakura poster, a WWF calendar currently showing the Dudleys, THREE Final Fantasy 8 posters, and a Mobile Suit Gundam poster.
He told me this evening that one is his favorite bands is Linkin Park and that he totally identifies with that "no matter how hard I try in the end it doesnt even matter" song.
He pretty much exclusively wears black t-shirts, and those shirts are pretty much exclusively WWF-themed black t-shirts.
If he doesn't understand the subject you are talking about, he will say one of the following: "I know" or "yeah, really" or "isn't that always the way" or "well, what are you going to do." He says this a lot.
In the morning, he will get up thirty minutes before he has to leave, go get his toothbrush, begin brushing his teeth, lie back down in bed, continue brushing his teeth while lying down in bed, get up, finish brushing his teeth, lie down again, and get up again 5 minutes before he has to leave.
Other than that he's a pretty good roommate.

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What do you suppose "Don't hit the wall there.. There's a wall there, don't hit it too hard" means? My roommate just blurted it out in his sleep. Now he's back being quiet again... He'll start snoring again in a few minutes. Ah, well.

The über-rant is still coming. Thanks for sharing, Ling. :)

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They do have apartments. Lucky you will be living in Phase VIII of Waterview, which has all four-bedroom (two bathroom) apartments. Phase VIII was only activated last semester.

When I came here, they put us in phase VII, which is all one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments. I shared a bedroom with one other guy (my immediate roommate) and had two other guys living in the other bedroom, and the kitchen and living room and laundry room were common. Last fall, all of my roommates had either left the school or wanted to room with other people, so I moved down to my current room. (I was able to stay in the same building, since Phase VIII became the new freshman phase.) This room was the last choice, and I hardly knew the guy I moved in with, or the two other guys in the apartment.

My immediate roommate is a product of hardcore Southern Baptist indoctrination, and is the poster child for psycho-Christians everywhere. He's a bundle of contradictions and double standards: he's addicted to board games, but thinks role-playing games are satanic; he thinks downloading MP3s is wrong but had the entire new season of Dragon Ball Z on his hard drive before it was shown on TV; he expects the end of the world within the next few years, but going to college and planning for a future anyway; and he says computer games turn kids into killers, but plays them anyway. He's got a whiny, effeminate voice and mannerisms, talks to himself, and talks in his sleep... loudly. He always has to have the last word and prove his superior intellect and beliefs in even the most petty discussions. He's always begging rides to and from work. He's constantly griping about his schoolwork and job, despite having a really easy load on both. He's always trying to drag me to his bible-study classes, and he criticizes my religious beliefs at the slightlest provocation.

But like with Ling's bit above, he's an okay roommate and I can live with him, if I stay in this room next year.

Which reminds me, I'll have to ask the guy about it when he gets back from work.

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Ah yes, before I forget: My roommate's response to any new game I play, or any music I listen to, or anything he thinks might threaten his little hard-wired world view: "Interesting" (being sure to sound out each syllable distinctly). I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm either an agent of the devil come to corrupt him, or some poor lost soul he needs to brow-beat into salvation. /_\

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One of my housemates sings. Loudly. At 2AM. To bad Asian Pop music. To the SAME BAD ASIAN POP SONG. EVERY NIGHT.

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Heh, a bunch of my housemates once got really drunk, threw fireworks inside the building (the type which makes a loud *BOOM*) and were generally singing out loud so that it sounded like a bunch of male cats having a "billboard meeting" at 03AM - fortunately, I'm used to sleep through that kind of noise...

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in UK we don't really share rooms at uni, just in boarding school. I went to a boarding school but I was a day pupil, living at home. I'm at uni locally now and still, uh, living at home. This has good and bad sides. Good is home is of course warm friendly, familiar, I've got all my shit, my mum's cooking, it saves money etc. Bad is I have to consider my parents, I don't feel like I've grown up, I want some fucking freedom etc. etc.

I'd love to move in with 4 fit women my age. It may just happen next year I've a few things up my sleeve ;)

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pritch: Are you STILL trying to go at a certain "lady"?

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pritch: Are you STILL trying to go at a certain "lady"?

No, no, no, you must understand the philosophy.

I do not 'try' and go at a certain lady. If I wanted her bad enough, I'd just take her. Trying is the first stage of failure my friend :)

Oh, btw my brain has had a few vicories over my balls of late which means I'm not bothered about her. I know she's a shit, I just wanted to fuck her. But I've a yen for a decent girl right now, preferably one I can talk football with, though that's like asking for Gold-plated diamonds: very greedy.

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Ah, that's a relief.
You see, "the unnatainable" made a very bad impression on me when she signed up JUST to talk shit about you.

But I've a yen for a decent girl right now, preferably one I can talk football with, though that's like asking for Gold-plated diamonds: very greedy.

Hmm, are girls with a football interest that rare in England?
Do you play football yourself or are you just a supporter?

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[edit]Wait a minute, do you mean soccer or American football?[/edit]

Well let's see now.
pritch and I are both Europeans and American football isn't really played in Europe that I know of, so that would indicate that we're talking about 'Soccer'.

Personally, I love to play the game, but I find it horribly boring to sit and watch it/talk about it.

I usually hate to watch or talk about sports (yes I know, I'm a weirdo).

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This just in: Fundamentalists have mental problems

Hah, my roommate and his friends put the "Fun" in "Fundamentalist Extremism." :P

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jesus christ... how can a person like ling described actually exist? sickening...

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jesus christ... how can a person like ling described actually exist? sickening...

Oh, you'd be surprised if you saw how many weird/moronic people are out there.

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Trying is the first stage of failure my friend :)

Hey, that was my sig on my old name. I never had it turned on, though.

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pritch and I are both Europeans and American football isn't really played in Europe that I know of, so that would indicate that we're talking about 'Soccer'.

Actually, I'm pretty sure there is a "Europen Football League" where castoffs from the NFL go if they suck. Sorta like the Canadian Football League and the very short lived XFL.

Personally, I love to play the game, but I find it horribly boring to sit and watch it/talk about it.

I love playing soccer too, and I hated watching it until last Saturday, when I was randomly flipping channels and happened upon the US vs. Nicaragua men's game. It was surprisingly captivating.

I usually hate to watch or talk about sports (yes I know, I'm a weirdo).


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Trying is the first stage of failure my friend :)

Hey, that was my sig on my old name. I never had it turned on, though.

that was the quote on the morning announcements in my school on friday. Then they went off dissing bart for saying it.

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I know that you mean me by that statement.

No, I don't mean you, I mean a wide variety of really weird people that I've heard about (some religious fundamentalists are among those).

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