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By the year, your favorite wads


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Megamur said:

What are your specs? I've considered trying it, but if your rig is as good or better than mine, no sense trying. :)

...Wait, is Vanguard actually out? Oh crap. I wasn't even aware.

Haha, yeah, it's been out for a long time actually. Also my favorite WAD from 2011.

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1994 - Aliens TC
1995 - Master Levels
1996 - Plutonia
1997 - Requiem
1998 - Phobos
1999 - Herian 2
2000 - Darkening Episode 2
2001 - Equinox
2002 - Alien Vendetta
2003 - Doom 64 Absolution
2004 - Hell Revealed 2
2005 - Scythe 2
2006 - Newdoom Community Map Project
2007 - The Ultimate Torment and Torture
2008 - ZPack
2009 - Hell Ground
2010 - Threshold of Pain

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1994 - Serenity series (not gonna choose between them)
1995 - Haven't played enough wads to judge
1996 - Memento Mori Series, Icarus (don't have a favorite between them, it all depends in what mood I'm in)
1997 - Requiem, STRAIN
1998 - Insertation
1999 - The Darkening
2000 - The Darkening E2
2001 - Slayer
2002 - Alien Vendetta
2003 - Scythe
2004 - Endgame, Vae Victus (both were robbed in favor of sub par zdoom nonsense)
2005 - Kama Sutra / Scythe 2
2006 - Classic Episode 2: Singularity Complex
2007 - lol
2008 - Thunderpeak
2009 - Plutonia 2 (has been growing on me, although I can only take it in short doses)
2010 - Speed of Doom

2011 is probably gonna end up with Vanguard.

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This is my estimated list of personal favorite WADs per year; for ones I wasn't sure about I just picked what I think naturally might be WAD of the year.

1994 Aliens TC (?)
1995 The Master Levels
1996 Final Doom (Plutonia / TNT)
1997 Eternal Doom (Requiem?)
1998 Phobos (Cyberdreams?)
1999 The Darkening (Batman Doom?)
2000 Darkening E2
2001 Brotherhood of Ruin (because from what I hear it was released originally in 2001)
2002 Alien Vendetta
2003 Scythe
2004 Hell Revealed II
2005 Scythe 2
2006 NDCP (?)
2007 Community Chest 3 (?)
2008 Plutonia 2
2009 Doom II Reloaded
2010 No Rest For The Living
2011 Plutonia Revisited (so far)

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valkiriforce said:

This is my estimated list of personal favorite WADs per year; for ones I wasn't sure about I just picked what I think naturally might be WAD of the year.

1994 Aliens TC (?)
1995 The Master Levels
1996 Final Doom (Plutonia / TNT)
1997 Eternal Doom (Requiem?)
1998 Phobos (Cyberdreams?)
1999 The Darkening (Batman Doom?)
2000 Darkening E2
2001 Brotherhood of Ruin (because from what I hear it was released originally in 2001)
2002 Alien Vendetta
2003 Scythe
2004 Hell Revealed II
2005 Scythe 2
2006 NDCP (?)
2007 Community Chest 3 (?)
2008 Plutonia 2
2009 Doom II Reloaded
2010 No Rest For The Living
2011 Plutonia Revisited (so far)

I'd think 2011 would be Reverie so far for you.

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dude, mappers want their projects to succeed, but they don't put their project in front of everyone else's. well, ralphis does, but he hacks.

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MegaDoomer said:

I'd think 2011 would be Reverie so far for you.

Well, I tend to disqualify my own point of view for my works. It's not really in my place to say whether I did a good job or not, I just enjoy the work involved and see what everyone else says, otherwise, no such testimony on my own behalf.

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DeathevokatioN said:

1994 - Serenity series (not gonna choose between them)
1995 - Haven't played enough wads to judge
1996 - Memento Mori Series, Icarus (don't have a favorite between them, it all depends in what mood I'm in)
1997 - Requiem, STRAIN
1998 - Insertation
1999 - The Darkening
2000 - The Darkening E2
2001 - Slayer
2002 - Alien Vendetta
2003 - Scythe
2004 - Endgame, Vae Victus (both were robbed in favor of sub par zdoom nonsense)
2005 - Kama Sutra / Scythe 2
2006 - Classic Episode 2: Singularity Complex
2007 - lol
2008 - Thunderpeak
2009 - Plutonia 2 (has been growing on me, although I can only take it in short doses)
2010 - Speed of Doom

2011 is probably gonna end up with Vanguard.

Vae Victus is from 2005, so only Endgame was robbed.

Also a bit surprised you go with Vanguard for 2011 given you seem to have such an extreme appreciation for vf (including suggesting him as mapper of the year).

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Also another surprising observation I've made - Doom II Reloaded seems to be coming out by quite a few members as a fav of 2009 and it didn't get a caco (or even a good /newstuff review, for that matter). It actually has been picked more than Claust 1024, I believe. I guess I can say many think D2R is underrated; haven't personally played it all myself though.

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MegaDoomer said:

Vae Victus is from 2005, so only Endgame was robbed.

Also a bit surprised you go with Vanguard for 2011 given you seem to have such an extreme appreciation for vf (including suggesting him as mapper of the year).

Vae Victus was still robbed no matter which year it came from. ;) But yeah I made a mistake there.

I appreciate both VF's style as well as Skillsaw's style. I still stand by that mapper of the year nomination I made. And you have to take into account that I haven't played Reverie yet.

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DeathevokatioN said:

Vae Victus was still robbed no matter which year it came from. ;) But yeah I made a mistake there.

I appreciate both VF's style as well as Skillsaw's style. I still stand by that mapper of the year nomination I made. And you have to take into account that I haven't played Reverie yet.

You haven't played Reverie yet in the nomination thread you said "released two KILLER megawads in one year". Not a problem or anything, but had me confused. I understand now though. :)

Also Vae Victus 2 got a cacoward in 2006.

BTW have you played and if so did you like Doom 2 Reloaded (by Andy Stewart, from 2009)? I ask because a number of people, including VF, say it's their favorite from that year, even though it did not get a cacoward. And it just "seems" like the style you'd like.

Finally, what in 2004 was "ZDoom nonsense"? ZDoom Community Map 1, Action Doom, or RTC3057, what are you referring to?

EDIT: As for 2007, there is no wad I know called lol.

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I've seen gameplay footage of Reverie and it looks quite amazing. But yeah I'm waiting until the entire soundtrack is done. :)

By Zdoom nonsense I mean Zdoom community map more specifically for being a giant cluster fuck of every Zdoom cliche. I can't stand RTC but I can also see the appeal, and Action Doom wasn't really that fun although I'm a big fan of Action Doom 2. But that's another topic of it's own.

I haven't played Doom 2 Reloaded, and I should probably change that.

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DeathevokatioN said:

I've seen gameplay footage of Reverie and it looks quite amazing. But yeah I'm waiting until the entire soundtrack is done. :)

By Zdoom nonsense I mean Zdoom community map more specifically. But that's another topic of it's own.

I haven't played Doom 2 Reloaded, and I should probably change that.

I loved the ZDoom community map but I agree, this is not the place to discuss it.

What was your favorite of 2007? Is lol a joke of sorts - I don't get it?

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I am one of those who seconded d2reload, so let me explain.

There are two WADs which I considered potential candidates for 2009, this and WOS. At least, I played these two thoroughly. WOS is very good, but putting it ahead of D2reload would be unfair IMO.

While not 8th wonder of the world, and certainly less impressive visually than WOS, D2reload offers much better playability and replayability, as well as innovative ideas. I don't see anything in WOS which I didn't see in Death Tormention 3. Symmetry and repetitiveness were sometimes present in Paul's and Kristian's works, but they never became as notorious as in WOS. If you enter a room in which left side = right side and you spot a chaingunner on the left, you are guaranteed another chaingunner awaits on the right in the exactly same place. In D2reload (MAP19, MAP26, etc.) you may see that symmetry doesn't mean copy-paste style monster placement. D2reload has more non-linear maps and I always tend to favour non-linearity... and is more solid, there are no fillers, only some of the first maps are a bit dull.

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MegaDoomer said:

What was your favorite of 2007? Is lol a joke of sorts - I don't get it?

I think he means he didn't like any of the WADs mentioned that year as well as not knowing what else could fit in that space. I didn't know what to put for that year either - just threw NDCP on there since it gets a lot of mentions here.

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D2Reload is one of those rare vanilla megawads that doesn't follow all the conventions, doesn't use all the cliches that we've seen a thousand times before and actually manages to be quite original in places (some maps are particularly clever).

WoS was the exact opposite, apart from the secret maps.

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1994 - The Evil Unleashed
1995 - Infinity
1996 - Memento Mori
1997 - Requiem / Strain
1998 - Cyberdreams
1999 - Darkening
2000 - Darkening E2
2001 - TVR!
2002 - Alien Vendetta
2003 - Scythe
2004 - Community Chest 2
2005 - Scythe 2 / Kama Sutra
2006 - Vae Victus 2
2007 - KDiZD
2008 - Remain 3
2009 - Plutonia 2
2010 - Stronghold
2011 - Not sure yet...

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Shit, I haven't played a lot of wads, but I'll go ahead and give it a go... I guess, the years are going by Doom's birthday, not the new year:

1994 - UAC_Dead
1995 - Nostromo's Run
1996 - Memento Mori 2
1997 - Hell Revealed
1998 - Uhh... Tantrum 2? Cyberdreams is pretty awesome
1999 - The Darkening
2000 - 10 Sectors (and it needs more love from you buttholes)
2001 - Tough one... TVR!
2002 - Alien Vendetta
2003 - Scythe (I love Void, but Scythe is my favorite of all-time)
2004 - Endgame
2005 - Scythe 2 (God I love SID and Simplicity, though)
2006 - Literally have no idea
2007 - DoP
2008 - Back 2 Basics (edging out Thunderpeak)
2009 - Plutonia 2... what? Did I cheat?
2010 - Speed of Doom
2011 - So far, Vanguard

BRB, gonna play some '06 wads :P

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1994 - Serenity
1995 - Raven (also Bf_thud! and Enigma)
1996 - Icarus (including the Memento Moris and Dystopia 3)
1997 - Requiem, Hell Revealed, and Eternal Doom (can't choose!)
1998 - Dead Perfect (though I also pick Ola Bjorling's Venom and Tantrum 2)
1999 - The Darkening and Jargermorder 01: Chemical Lab
2000 - The Darkening Episode 2
2001 - TVR! and Doom Ressurection
2002 - Alien Vendetta and 2002: A Doom Odyssey
2003 - Scythe
2004 - Phobos Revisited and Hell Revealed 2
2005 - Kama Sutra and Jargermorder 02: Terra Nova (Scythe 2 counts, though it's the full version from 2009)
2006 - Death Tormentation 3 (also agree with Singularity Complex)
2007 - Community Chest 3 (even if most of the megawad is a sprawl-fest)
2008 - Back to Basics
2009 - Plutonia 2 and Whispers of Satan
2010 - Haven't found any wads worth playing. Ideas, anyone?
2011 - Can't place a vote yet...

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1994 - Eternity
1995 - Memento Mori
1996 - Memento Mori 2
1997 - Hell Revealed
1998 - Inferno
1999 - Crusades
2000 - Containment Area
2001 - Alien Vendetta
2002 - 2002 ADO
2003 - Scythe
2004 - Hell Revealed 2
2005 - Scythe 2
2006 - Neodoom
2007 - Remain 1 / The Dying End
2008 - XXXI CyberSky
2009 - Plutonia 2
2010 - Speed of Doom
2011 - Icebound

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T-Rex said:

2010 - Haven't found any wads worth playing. Ideas, anyone?

Well, I have no idea what may or may not appeal to you but I found these ones to be worthy for various reasons:

Dawn of Reality
Arcadia Demade
Speed of Doom
Drip Feed
Threshold of Pain
Temple of the Lizard Men 2
UAC Ultra
Epic 2
Stronghold: On the Edge of Chaos
Realm of Cheogsh (I suggest playing the first two in the series if you haven't already. It's a good WAD trilogy, imo)
Claustrophobia 1024 2: The Mystery of Too Many Maps
Brood of Hatred

I think you should be able to find something to enjoy out of all of these. 2010 was a solid year for WADs, I thought.

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Threshold of Pain came out in 2010? I think that would have to steal the spot away from Unloved on my list. Absolutely loved ToP.

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Megamur said:

Threshold of Pain came out in 2010? I think that would have to steal the spot away from Unloved on my list. Absolutely loved ToP.

Yes, yes, it's a 2010 release. It was an honorable mention for the 2010 Cacowards. Although, Unloved still takes the cake for me, even though ToP is quite brilliant ;).

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