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Things about Doom you just found out


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C30N9 said:

Doom 64's sounds are from the PSX doom, which I thought these are from Doom 64 original. Does this mean there are different sounds for the Revenants, Archviles and Spider Masterminds?

Yes, except for the arch-viles, as they weren't featured in either DOOM 64 or the PSX DOOM games. The spider mastermind PSX sounds are lame, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's one about Strife:

Locked doors that need the ID badge tell you that they need the ID card.

And inversely, locked doors that need the ID card tell you that they need the ID badge.

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Open up your house in Doom Builder and set all Switch linedefs to Gun activated.

And make sure you use Dehacked to write a little jobby to ensure that your lights are non blocking. Sucks to keep walking into invisible barriers every time you go to walk under a light fitting.

Marnetmar said:

From reading Masters of Doom, Doom 2 was the first game to get an ESRB rating.

On topic, this is something about Doom I have just found out.

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I realized that Doom would be fucking awesome if it was more like Bulletstorm for XBox. I want to be able to do powerslides into hordes of imps and knock them off their feet and gun them down while they're tumbling through the air in slow motion.

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Encryptic said:

I realized that Doom would be fucking awesome if it was more like Bulletstorm for XBox. I want to be able to do powerslides into hordes of imps and knock them off their feet and gun them down while they're tumbling through the air in slow motion.

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I just found this secret area in E2M5. Before today I had no idea this place existed and had never seen anything like it before. Worse yet, I HAVE to figure out how to get at that plasma gun.

(don't tell me.)

God this game is fucking awesome.

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Gez said:

Here's one about Strife:

Locked doors that need the ID badge tell you that they need the ID card.

And inversely, locked doors that need the ID card tell you that they need the ID badge.

Are you sure? Because not in Choco Strife. Can't say I've ever noticed it in the vanilla engine either.

    case 99:
    case 133:
            p->message = DEH_String("You need an id card");
            S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_oof);
            return 0;

    case 134:
    case 135:
            p->message = DEH_String("You need an id badge");
            S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_oof);
            return 0;

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I'm glad you asked!

First, the mobj_ts for the ID in questions. Pay attention to the namepointer fields.

    {       /*MT_KEY_ID_BLUE*/
        184,        //doomednum
        S_CRD1_00,      //spawnstate
        1000,       //spawnhealth
        S_NULL,     //seestate
        sfx_None,       //seesound
        8,      //reactiontime
        sfx_None,       //attacksound
        S_NULL,     //painstate
        0,      //painchance
        sfx_None,       //painsound
        S_NULL,     //meleestate
        S_NULL,     //missilestate
        S_NULL,     //crashstate
        S_NULL,     //deathstate
        S_NULL,     //xdeathstate
        sfx_None,       //deathsound
        0,      //speed
        20*FRACUNIT,        //radius
        16*FRACUNIT,        //height
        100,        //mass
        0,      //damage
        sfx_None,       //activesound
        MF_SPECIAL|MF_NOTDMATCH,     //flags
        "ID_Badge",     //namepointer
    {       /*MT_KEY_ID_GOLD*/
        13,     //doomednum
        S_CRD2_00,      //spawnstate
        1000,       //spawnhealth
        S_NULL,     //seestate
        sfx_None,       //seesound
        8,      //reactiontime
        sfx_None,       //attacksound
        S_NULL,     //painstate
        0,      //painchance
        sfx_None,       //painsound
        S_NULL,     //meleestate
        S_NULL,     //missilestate
        S_NULL,     //crashstate
        S_NULL,     //deathstate
        S_NULL,     //xdeathstate
        sfx_None,       //deathsound
        0,      //speed
        20*FRACUNIT,        //radius
        16*FRACUNIT,        //height
        100,        //mass
        0,      //damage
        sfx_None,       //activesound
        MF_SPECIAL|MF_NOTDMATCH,     //flags
        "ID_Card",      //namepointer

Then, the relevant function excerpts:
        if(special->type >= MT_KEY_BASE && special->type <= MT_NEWKEY5)
            // haleyjd 09/21/10: Strife player still picks up keys that
            // he has already found. (break, not return)
            if(!P_GiveCard(player, special->type - MT_KEY_BASE))
            DEH_snprintf(pickupmsg, sizeof(pickupmsg), 
                         "You picked up the %s.", DEH_String(special->info->name));
            DEH_snprintf(pickupmsg, sizeof(pickupmsg), "You picked up the item.");
The enums:
    MT_KEY_BASE,        //133
    MT_GOVSKEY,     //134
    MT_KEY_TRAVEL,      //135
    MT_KEY_ID_BLUE,     //136
    MT_PRISONKEY,       //137
    MT_KEY_HAND,        //138
    MT_POWER1KEY,       //139
    MT_POWER2KEY,       //140
    MT_POWER3KEY,       //141
    MT_KEY_GOLD,        //142
    MT_KEY_ID_GOLD,     //143
    MT_KEY_SILVER,      //144
    MT_KEY_ORACLE,      //145
    MT_MILITARYID,      //146
    MT_KEY_ORDER,       //147
    MT_KEY_WAREHOUSE,       //148
    MT_KEY_BRASS,       //149
    MT_KEY_RED_CRYSTAL,     //150
    MT_KEY_BLUE_CRYSTAL,        //151
    MT_KEY_CHAPEL,      //152
    MT_CATACOMBKEY,     //153
    MT_SECURITYKEY,     //154
    MT_KEY_CORE,        //155
    MT_KEY_MAULER,      //156
    MT_KEY_FACTORY,     //157
    MT_KEY_MINE,        //158
    MT_NEWKEY5,     //159
typedef enum
    key_BaseKey,        // 0
    key_GovsKey,        // 1
    key_Passcard,       // 2
    key_IDCard,         // 3
    key_PrisonKey,      // 4
    key_SeveredHand,    // 5
    key_Power1Key,      // 6
    key_Power2Key,      // 7
    key_Power3Key,      // 8
    key_GoldKey,        // 9
    key_IDBadge,        // 10
    key_SilverKey,      // 11
    key_OracleKey,      // 12
    key_MilitaryID,     // 13
    key_OrderKey,       // 14
    key_WarehouseKey,   // 15
    key_BrassKey,       // 16
    key_RedCrystalKey,  // 17
    key_BlueCrystalKey, // 18
    key_ChapelKey,      // 19
    key_CatacombKey,    // 20
    key_SecurityKey,    // 21
    key_CoreKey,        // 22
    key_MaulerKey,      // 23
    key_FactoryKey,     // 24
    key_MineKey,        // 25
    key_NewKey5,        // 26

    NUMCARDS            // 27
} card_t;

ID_Badge = MT_KEY_ID_BLUE = 136 - 133 = 3 = key_IDCard
ID_Card = MT_KEY_ID_GOLD = 143 - 133 = 10 = key_IDBadge

Therefore, here's a log of messages from a custom Strife map:
"You picked up the ID_Card."
"You need an id card."

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40oz said:


I just found this secret area in E2M5. Before today I had no idea this place existed and had never seen anything like it before. Worse yet, I HAVE to figure out how to get at that plasma gun.

(don't tell me.)

God this game is fucking awesome.

Same thing happened to me a few years ago... since then E2M5 is one of my all time favs. It's moments like these that make you realize how much you love it... pure fascination.

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I've found that area pretty much the first time I played that level. Now I feel like I've missed something by not missing something.

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esselfortium said:

I'm still not sure how you get the plasma in that room :(

Go search for the secret, but be sure that this solution will be always here. :)


In the viney area, on the upper part, at the center there is a door. Behind it is a switch that raises the bridge.

Grazza said:

Well how about three imps killing a cyberdemon?

This is Doomworld. You try to be cool with a sentence, then other cooler guys take you out.

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Funny that more professional doomers than me didn't know about the E2M5 area (This is one of my favorite outdoors btw. It has such a great night atmosphere from the outside). This should be in the doom confession booth :)

One thing I didn't noticed till recently and surprised me was the sky bug in doom2. I am not sure anymore how I remember the sky of MAP12. Was the cloudy or the skyscrapper sky more familiar to me? When I try to switch between the two (by invoking the bug) I can't decide which remained in my past memories. Most frequently the cloudy sky I believe. Sometimes I remember the later maps with cloudy sky too, till 15 where I usually saved for a later time.

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Optimus said:

Sorry. I just googled and found wikia.

Follow this guide. Just replace "Touhou" with "Doom", touhouwiki.net with doomwiki.org and touhou wikia with doom wikia

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It took me years to realize Super Shotgun is more than 2x more powerful than regular Shotgun. It's more like it's 3 times more powerful.

That's what DooM 2 does to you. You never use SSG on anything past map02, and if you do it's on zombiemen or shotgun guys and you don't notice. I played DooM 1 a lot later, so I didn't remember.

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This is for Doombuilder, not Doom, but meh, close enough.

I just discovered, by accident, that if you hold down shift while texturing in 3D mode, it will texture the linedef you have chosen, and all surrounding linedefs with the same texture. Upper and lower as well.

No more of this one linedef at a time nonsense for me!!1!

Nice work CodeImp.

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40oz said:

(don't tell me.)

Hell, you kids and your fancy secrets. In my day, we just no-clipped to the bitch and moved on. Man's business is killing - and business is good.

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KiiiYiiiKiiiA said:

This is for Doombuilder, not Doom, but meh, close enough.

I just discovered, by accident, that if you hold down shift while texturing in 3D mode, it will texture the linedef you have chosen, and all surrounding linedefs with the same texture. Upper and lower as well.

No more of this one linedef at a time nonsense for me!!1!

Nice work CodeImp.

And if you do it with a bunch of lines selected in 3D mode, it will prevent the texture floodfill from affecting any of the rest of the map, only touching the ones you've selected.

It works on floors/ceilings, too, and you can also use selection like this to limit autoalign to just the selected walls, or to manually offset the alignment of a bunch of lines at once.

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Possessing two powerups simultaneously and having collected them at seperate times (say, 20 seconds apart), when the first one begins to expire it will flash between the expiring powerup and a neutral state. That is to say that between flashes of the expiring powerup, there will be no visual representation of the second powerup still in effect. This might not be true for all of them, but it's something I noticed when I had both an Invulnerability and the Light Amplification Visor. It was dark between flashes.

Yeah, 'didn't know that.

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st.alfonzo said:

Possessing two powerups simultaneously and having collected them at seperate times (say, 20 seconds apart), when the first one begins to expire it will flash between the expiring powerup and a neutral state. That is to say that between flashes of the expiring powerup, there will be no visual representation of the second powerup still in effect. This might not be true for all of them, but it's something I noticed when I had both an Invulnerability and the Light Amplification Visor. It was dark between flashes.

Yeah, 'didn't know that.

ZDoom fixes this.

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Found this one last night. Despite the fact that all Doom maps have a totally abstract and unrelated names for it's levels that have nothing to do with their design, Doom 2 Map 19 is the only map that can with a name that fits with the level with a realistic accuracy. I never had opened this map in Doom Builder before, but now I could notice how it has a perfect medieval castle design. First you need to enter the gatehouse, and open the main gate, then it has a bridge to cross the water pit around the building, in the main gate, the two frontal guard towers, the four main guard towers on each corner, it even has an internal courtyard, maybe used for parties, important events, or something like that. Looking at this makes wish that more maps in Doom 2 could be more related to their names. This one just became one of my favorites.

This also makes me wonder, why the fuck they put a castle in the city levels? This map should have been placed in the slots of Map22, or Map24.

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