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Things about Doom you just found out


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Deathmatcher said:

Recently I watched some old video footage of a 1993 visit to id offices. John Romero would play E1M2 and in the blue key area

E1M2 has no blue key.

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The floor under the second space door in MAP04: The Focus is differently textured than the surrounding floor. I've played that map millions of times and I just found that out today while playing coop with my honey.

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Deathmatcher said:

John Romero would play E1M2 and in the blue key area


I noticed this when my dad was playing back in 96/97. He always played in Hurt Me Plenty, whereas he always forced me to play Ultra Violence, so when he reached this area, i'm all "why the fuck does he get a lamp?"

I was 7 or 8 at the time too, on fecking Ultra Violence. I didn't realise difficulty had different implementations at the time.

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You find the minigun first time in E1M4 if you don't find it in any secrets. Then if you also go through E1M9, then it's like in the fifth level, but at least then you find a rocket launcher in E1M9 if you ignore the one in the secret room of E1M3. And if you don't go to secret level and not find rocket launcher in any secrets, you will find it the first time in E1M7.

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40oz said:

The floor under the second space door in MAP04: The Focus is differently textured than the surrounding floor. I've played that map millions of times and I just found that out today while playing coop with my honey.

Found this out when I was testing my port - always loved Map04 and chose it as test center.
This caught me so off guard that I had to check multiple times if it wasn't an error in the engine.

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You probably mean the one helping you out of the dark corner where the blue card is placed:

In UV, it's almost completely black until you get out around the next corner.

Note: This is a shot from Risen3D using dynamic lighting. The original DOOM will probably not have lighted walls, only the lamp post.

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Not only up and down, slightly to the left and right too, just how your legs support your body while walking ... but I am not sure if that may depend on the engine how much you actually notice it.

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It wasn't recently when I found this out, but only a few years ago when I finally discovered that a cacodemon has but ONE eye. For the longest time, I've always thought those two pink patches flanking the green eye (thought it was his nose...) were in fact, his eyes. I just thought he was squinting all the time, along with the toothy grin. They always seemed happy when they found me. :(

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The outside area in the beginning of E3M1 has a very low ceiling. You can easilly discover it in modern ports where you can jump. I decided yesterday to start jumping frantically for no reason and found it quite strange I immediatelly bounce on an invisible ceiling. Because the level is open with no ceiling but sky, your first impression was of free space above your head. But the illusion is spoiled with ports that allow jumping :)

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Optimus said:

your first impression was of free space above your head. But the illusion is spoiled with ports that allow jumping :)

Well, it is easily spoiled when you watch the entrance to the "Hell Keep": the red brick masonry appears to be higher than the surrounding "fence", yet it has no visible sides and is paper-thin before vanishing into the void, since even the fence has no width.

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Processingcontrol said:

I just found out that you can't make a switch activated ceiling crusher in vanilla doom.

Really? What about Doom2's map06 "The Crusher"? It is activated by a switch, right?

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Maybe Doom 2 has already extensions over Doom 1? I don't know all the mapping details, but might be that more line types were introduced?

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In theory, nothing in the code precludes Doom from having crushing floors (there are even crusher checks for rising floors/stairs in the linuxdoom code), but there's no floor equivalent of crushing ceilings or special linedefs that can be normally placed on a map through editors.

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killer2 said:

Really? What about Doom2's map06 "The Crusher"? It is activated by a switch, right?

Strangely, Doom Builder (at least DB1; never tried 2) lists that switch's tag as "S1 Ceiling Lower to 8 above Floor," instead of something more sensible like "S1 Crusher Start."

And I recently discovered that Pain Elementals are near-harmless if you can get right in their face, since the Lost Souls they spawn will just spawn inside you and die.

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This was maybe a month ago, but while browsing for info on the Plutonia Experiment, I found out that the Casalis' mother, Kim, made the comic strip "Love Is".

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kmxexii said:

This was maybe a month ago, but while browsing for info on the Plutonia Experiment, I found out that the Casalis' mother, Kim, made the comic strip "Love Is".


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40oz said:

The floor under the second space door in MAP04: The Focus is differently textured than the surrounding floor. I've played that map millions of times and I just found that out today while playing coop with my honey.

I assume the SLIME14 and SLIME15 were mismatched together.

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E4M8 of Ultimate Doom

It's on that center platform in the main room. This is where you use the Red and Yellow Keys to activate switches to access the final room where the Spider Mastermind is.

If you look at the pillar from the Automap, the Red Door is on the north side of the pillar and the Yellow Door is on the south side of the pillar. The east and west sides of the pillars both have lion faces on them. Up until very recently I NEVER knew you could open those. Inside of those rooms behind the lion face walls are a Shotgun Guy/Cacodemon/Baron of Hell (depending on skill level) and a Medikit.

So although you don't see intermission screens at the end of E1M8/E2M8/E3M8/E4M8, for the longest time I never knew that I wasn't technically getting 100% kills on E4M8.

Also on E4M8, there's a hidden teleporter in the final room with the Spider Mastermind that I just discovered. It akes you back to the hallway where you get the Yellow Key and a Soulsphere. The hidden teleporter is next to the door leading into the final room.

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In MAP10, the NE dark area with all the silver UAC alcoves uses the blue CEIL4_1 as its ceiling flat.
I'd always assumed it was sky, for some reason.

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There are some strange flats, including CEIL4_1, which aren't that "overused", ergo not that well-known like FLAT14 or FLOOR4_8 as the main milestones of the famous techbase levels.

I've found out that in DOOM2 there are many levels which don't reuse monsters that appeared before. The only level to use nearly all is MAP28.

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the zombieman and shotgun guy in doom64 actually are the exact same sprites

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It turns out that working on dark&sinister doom maps goes really well when listening to the tertis theme and the gta4 theme as performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra =/

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