Phobus Posted February 13, 2012 Quote Kyka said: Question for anyone who understands the Doom code far better than me (i.e everyone). For monsters such as imps/barons and hell knights whose sprites are the same for melee and ranged attacks(except that in the first case you get that scratching sound, in the second case you get a projectile): If a baron is close to you and is part way through its melee attack and then is struck by another monster which is far away, will the baron attempt to 'scratch' that monster, or will the baron's projectile come out as its new opponent is at a distance instead of within melee range? Expand They use what's called a "combo" attack when in melee, so whatever is most appropriate at the point of calling the attack pointer is used. This means that an Imp or Baron that is right in your face and trying to scratch you will just throw their attack if you step out of melee range. So they would indeed turn and fire at the new target mid-attack (or in the Baron/Knight's case, they probably won't turn and just fling the slime out of the arse, due to the lack of a final A_FaceTarget call). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted February 13, 2012 Thanks Phobus. I should have figured this now that I thinK about it, as never in my Dooming 'career' has a Baron ever 'missed' with its melee scratch attack, but always throws if I move out of range. I just thought it might be different with barons/hellknights, as in that they might behave in the same way as revenants towards other monsters. Cheers. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
qoncept Posted February 13, 2012 I just learned the other day that in coop, if an Arch Vile has one player targeted with its fire and that guy hides behind cover, the in-progress attack can transfer to a new target. The hard way. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TwinBeast Posted February 13, 2012 I think this was sort of finding about it again, I did use dehacked some years ago. Now some days ago I was just doing some testing and noticed the state editor can't add/change actions to/in states that didn't already have an action. And then that discussion about armors.. In Quake, there's code that prevents you from picking up worse armor. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
purist Posted February 13, 2012 qoncept said: I just learned the other day that in coop, if an Arch Vile has one player targeted with its fire and that guy hides behind cover, the in-progress attack can transfer to a new target. The hard way. Expand Slightly different but I'm certain I've seen an archvile target a monster due to infighting, so I've watched only to receive the damage myself without warning! Other times the targeted monster gets the damage. Is this a case of what Jimi noticed, something else or a fabrication of my memory? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
qoncept Posted February 13, 2012 Sounds like a monster changing his target mid-attack, like Phobos was just talking about. The Arch Vile starts his attack, then you shoot him and he targets you before dealing the damage. I always thought it would make more sense if the Arch Vile did damage while his target was, you know, ON FIRE? Maybe timed damage like a damaging floor? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TomoAlien Posted February 13, 2012 purist said: Slightly different but I'm certain I've seen an archvile target a monster due to infighting, so I've watched only to receive the damage myself without warning! Other times the targeted monster gets the damage. Is this a case of what Jimi noticed, something else or a fabrication of my memory? Expand Arch-Viles do infight. Also, the thing is that Arch-Viles locks on the target instantly. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
purist Posted February 13, 2012 I didn't shoot at the AV while it was attacking the other monster. I just watched like in TomoAlien's pic yet at the point of explosion I took the damage. I wonder if the monster it was targeting escaped his line of sight. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TwinBeast Posted February 13, 2012 purist said: Is this a case of what Jimi noticed, something else or a fabrication of my memory? Expand I'd say fabrication of your memory.. I noticed dehacked stuff, though I had thought of altering arch-vile. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
peach freak Posted February 14, 2012 I've experimented with that, and I believe that is the case. If you back away from an Imp/Hell Knight/Baron of Hell in the midst of a melee attack, then a fireball will come out instead. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Grazza Posted February 14, 2012 purist: Which port/settings? This could have been a result of "monsters remember previous target" behaviour. For a demo where a baron "scratches out of its arse", see my post here. RjY's post immediately below it explains what actually happened. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LigH Posted February 24, 2012 It appears to be possible to give a BFG shot (and probably any bullet) a very strange behaviour, and I wonder if that is related to the attributes given, or related to the exact source port used (in my case: Risen3D 2.2.012) ... it looks like "speed running" for me, or rounding bugs. I played a bit with DeHackEd (WhackEd3) and altered response times and attributes like speed and dimensions of BFG Shot items. The result: Shot blasts seem to travel preferably along the coordinates in 45° steps. Not exactly only along these directions, but "bent away". First I thought: Oh, are they now enemy-seeking, even through walls? But it is not related to enemy positions, only to the angle you move away from N-S or W-E, towards NW-SE or NE-SW (and similarly upwards and downwards). Thing 36 (BFG Shot) Speed = 6553600 Width = 262144 Height = 131072 Bits = 201393680 Thing 43 (BFG Hit) Bits = 201327120 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted February 24, 2012 purist said: I didn't shoot at the AV while it was attacking the other monster. I just watched like in TomoAlien's pic yet at the point of explosion I took the damage. I wonder if the monster it was targeting escaped his line of sight. Expand If the monster the Archvile was targeting dies or goes out of range before the attack sequence completes, the Archvile doesn't "waste" it: instead it uses it instantly against the next available target, which for an awakened archvile always means the player. It's thus never safe to watch awakened Archviles infight other monsters, even if you don't provoke them. The only exception is if the Archvile was never awakened by spotting a player and it doesn't end up facing one during any phase of its attack. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
peach freak Posted February 25, 2012 E4M5 of Ultimate Doom You can press spacebar on the pillar in the room with the Red Key and find a Box of Rockets, lol 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scypek2 Posted February 25, 2012 First door on MAP16 has an x offset set to 32, so sides of the texture meets in the middle. And it still looks cool. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
arttu98 Posted March 8, 2012 The monster spawner cube makes sound. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TomoAlien Posted March 8, 2012 arttu98 said: The monster spawner cube makes sound. Expand Well, this is excusable because the sound is really silent and it pretty much always is being silenced by the spawned monster's cry. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
peach freak Posted March 18, 2012 During the cast of monsters endings in Doom II-based games, left clicking on your mouse brings you back to the start of cast of monsters. So if you were on the Hell Knight and left-clicked your mouse, you would be brought back to the Zombieman. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Krispy Posted March 18, 2012 That one monster that you can never find but can always hear through the walls is probably a glitchy lost soul spawned by a pain elemental. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
betabox Posted March 19, 2012 Gez said: On the wiki someone wrote that it was Adrian Carmack. I don't know how to verify that; other than asking Tom Hall directly I guess. e: Expand That would be correct, Adrian Jules Carmack. I don't know the details, but Tom Hall apparently an issue or two with Adrian. If you cycle through more of the flats, you'll find a "Tom is King". 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dragonsbrethren Posted March 19, 2012 The 8 key selects the chainsaw in vanilla. Not sure how I've gone this long without knowing that, other than never trying it before. I knew it was bound to 8 in ports, but always assumed that giving it its own key was something Boom or one of the earlier ports did. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted March 19, 2012 peach freak said: E4M5 of Ultimate Doom You can press spacebar on the pillar in the room with the Red Key and find a Box of Rockets, lol Expand *loads up ultimate doom.* *goes to red key room.* *uses pillar.* *discovers that peach freak was correct.* 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
reboot Posted March 20, 2012 Just found out why Doom was ported to linux: 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
40oz Posted March 20, 2012 In deathmatch, weapon pickups give you 5x the ammo it normally would if you were playing single player. I always thought that was a skulltag thing but I think all ports do it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
printz Posted March 20, 2012 peach freak said: E4M5 of Ultimate Doom You can press spacebar on the pillar in the room with the Red Key and find a Box of Rockets, lol Expand That's why I like unmarked secrets, they can remain unknown for many years. It's best not to score them though, to make them even less likely to be found, and less frustrating for completists. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Darkman 4 Posted March 22, 2012 40oz said: In deathmatch, weapon pickups give you 5x the ammo it normally would if you were playing single player. I always thought that was a skulltag thing but I think all ports do it. Expand They do? Back when I played ZDaemon in 2006 (or 2007) I'm pretty sure I got the normal amount of ammo from each pickup. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Acid Posted March 24, 2012 That you can walk up 24px stairs. Seriously, I thought that it was 0-16px, not 24 :/ 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
printz Posted March 24, 2012 Darkman 4 said: They do? Back when I played ZDaemon in 2006 (or 2007) I'm pretty sure I got the normal amount of ammo from each pickup. Expand Maybe it's a difference between how much ammo the guns give in -deathmatch and in -altdeath? I don't know, because apparently people choose -deathmatch over the more Quakesque -altdeath, so I've never got to play -altdeath online to see. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
abyrvalg Posted March 24, 2012 Found out few days ago that you can sometimes save some momentum and move for 1 tic after teleporting. It's pretty much impossible to notice in a normal play, so it's not a big surprise that i've never known about this. Spotted it while building a demo. More info here: Could anyone explain what causes this behavior? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
qoncept Posted March 28, 2012 jongo said: Found out few days ago that you can sometimes save some momentum and move for 1 tic after teleporting. It's pretty much impossible to notice in a normal play, so it's not a big surprise that i've never known about this. Spotted it while building a demo. More info here: Could anyone explain what causes this behavior? Expand id didn't want to create Portal, but they wanted to give just a hint that they could have. Without looking at the code, I'd imagine the check and action for teleporting happen before movement, so you would always move for 1 tic after teleporting. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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