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Things about Doom you just found out


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Umm... map 27? Why I have never met with this? Maybe It'll crash the game if I would wait long enough, I dunno.

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  Scypek2 said:

There's a sprite of a gray version of stalagmite without spikes that is not used in the game.


I think that's only in the Doom v1.1 IWAD?

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Start a game of Hexen (not Deathkings). Just stay there at the start spot, and listen to the pottery that's right in front of you. There's an owl in it!

Also, boss brain explosions are lopsided! That's a weird, if harmless, bug. I wonder when it was fixed in EDGE, though. Looking at the oldest file I could consult on-line from the SVN repository, it was already fixed when they switched from C to C++.

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Just realized how much effort Sandy Petersen must've put into aligning E3M4's textures. Load up the map and take a look at the walls surrounding the outside area with the crushers.

Edit: Also that there are steps to get back up from the area leading to the exit. Somehow I've never noticed them before.

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Edit: Also that there are steps to get back up from the area leading to the exit. Somehow I've never noticed them before.


But did you know about the radsuit secret just before there????

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WOW, just wow. I finally figured out why there is a medkit in the secret on e3m4 where you get the berserk pack and mega armor! I always thought it was so strange since you don't need it if you are about to pick up a berserk pack. Amazing, really, that I never understood this when the reasoning behind it is so simple. You're supposed to go in that room first, grab the berserk and armor, then punch your way through all the demons and specters, and if you are still alive (and of course you are because you are a veteran marine), grab that damn medkit!

Still learning after all these years. Just shows that of the bazillion times I've played that level I keep playing it the same way over and over. I really need to start trying out more possibilities when playing doom (although I often do on e3m5 from pistol start).

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I've just noticed that in Doom E4M9, the rectangular iron columns between the L-shaped corridors near the start and the water with the key and plasma have 1-sided linedefs marked passable!

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woah. I knew I saw them somewhere before.
Doom 2 also uses recolored textures from wolfenstein / spear of destiny.

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what is the overlay on top of Doom 2's ROCK5 that makes it look so different? It kinda looks like Doom's nukage flat blown up and used as a transparent layer. The same effect is used on the SLIME15 flat too

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  40oz said:

what is the overlay on top of Doom 2's ROCK5 that makes it look so different? It kinda looks like Doom's nukage flat blown up and used as a transparent layer. The same effect is used on the SLIME15 flat too


I'm not sure if the effect on ROCK5 is anything similar, but when I made a clone of SLIME15 for TSoZD, I did something along those lines with an inverted nukage flat.

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Didn't know those were re-used in Quake too, nice.

There's also a texture in Q1 on E4M8: The Nameless City in a weird room that took me some years to realize it was the same as the classic Wolf3D blue wall texture, only green. Although it looked like the Mac version. I hope someone knows what I mean.

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I like that they re-used certain textures in that way. It links each game together, even if it's only noticed subconsciously by the player.

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I don't remember that part in quake. I'm sure I would have recognized that texture right away if I saw it.


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I remember that they reused that jagged boxy rock texture from Wolf 3D in Doom and Quake.

EDIT: Oh, wait, someone already pointed that out.

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It's also interesting that SS in doom 2 speaks the same sentences as in wolfenstein, but that's NOT the same sound (in doom sentences are spoken faster). Also in wolf levels, not only textures are from mac, but also some secrets (secret in dog room, no secret after Hans).

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